Chapter 365: Mysterious Follower!

After Hanzhe left the burial ground of the black bear, he went straight to the deeper part of the forest. Now that the light is getting darker and darker, he must dare to leave the bloody smell before those nocturnal creatures come out.

And just after he left, only the corpse of the black bear was left around the forest, exuding a strong smell of blood alone.

Sure enough, it was the same as expected. About five minutes after he left here, a slight clicking sound suddenly came from far to near.

The sound sounded like the soles of something, stomping on the ground covered with dead branches. In the dark woods, it was hard to see what it was.

Through the gaps in the woods, one can only vaguely see a black shadow. And as the shadow continued to approach, it could be seen that the thing turned out to be a human-shaped object.

I saw the black shadow coming near the black bear’s corpse. After seeing the corpse, it seemed to linger for a few seconds.

The cold hunch was right, there was indeed something following him in the woods behind him. However, what he didn’t know was that it was not the black bear, but this mysterious shadow.

At the same time, the cold track has left the range of hunting black bears far away. After walking forward for about half an hour, Hanzhe suddenly felt keenly that some bright white light suddenly shone in under the dark night sky above his head.

Realizing this, Hanzhe couldn’t help but relax, but he was even heavier. Because he knew that the sun had completely set now and the moonlight had come out.

Therefore, Hanzhe couldn’t help but said to the audience: “Brothers, I have been walking forward for about half an hour now. It’s not a pity that the scope of Miaoling seems to be larger than I thought. After so long, all around. The trees are still very luxuriant, and there is no trace of reaching the edge. This shows that I am still in the depths of Miaoling, and it is even possible that I have only reached the center of Miaoling now.”

“It’s also worth mentioning that now after dusk, the darkest period of time has passed. There is some white light above my head, which shows that the moon has come out. The next way, I can rely on the moonlight to move forward. This will It’s easy for me to recognize the way.”

“However, the relative danger is. The moonlight comes out, which reminds me that there are more beasts around me. Because most nocturnal animals start looking for food only after the moonlight comes out. In other words, now I am There may be some small beasts in ambush nearby.”

“So next, I have to be more careful. If I run into a wild wolf or another black bear here, it will be miserable.”

Speaking of which, Hanzhe’s remarks have caused the audience in the live broadcast room to worry.

At the same time, due to the advent of night, the number of people on the live broadcast platform has also entered a peak period. Therefore, not only is the audience in the live broadcast room not decreasing, but it is still rising rapidly.

Hanzhe took the time to take a look at the live broadcast room and found that the current online population has reached a terrifying 4.5 million.

In this case, it won’t be long before he can break the 5 million mark and he will be able to start the next lottery.

Thinking of this, I decided to work harder, so I continued to instigate: “Everyone, I originally thought that Miaoling may only be as long as the distance I have traveled. So my plan is to pass through Miaoling before dark. Then reach the bank of the Yellow River as soon as possible.”

“It’s just that what I didn’t expect is that Miaoling is so huge. Moreover, now that the sun is gone, I feel that I am a little lost, so I guess I will have to wander here for a long time to reach the exit.”

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then went on to say: “It stands to reason that it is very dangerous to act at night. I should find a shelter as soon as possible and wait until dawn before moving forward. However, as I just said. The same, now that nocturnal animals have come out, staying here will only be more dangerous, and some animals can even follow my smell.”

“So, in order not to die here, I have to venture across Miaoling overnight. After I reach the river bank, I will use Feng Shui to see the possible range of ghost tombs.”

While talking, Hanzhe continued to move forward. At the same time, because he was also worried that something would catch up, the footsteps of the cold rut have also become much faster.

However, this cold rut does not seem to be as lucky as before. At the same time, it may also be that when he killed the black bear before, he ran too much, which caused his direction to be a little confused.

As a result, after Hanzhe walked forward for about ten minutes, there was still no enlistment to move forward. Even, there are a few trees, and I feel that I have seen them on the road before.

“Brothers, things are a bit wrong, my direction seems to be a bit out of order. You should remember that when I killed the black bear before, I ran several times, but afterwards I should have found the right direction? Me. ..”

At this point, Han Che couldn’t help but glance back, and suddenly saw the rope dragging behind him, sparing a large arc.

Seeing this, Hanzhe suddenly became vigilant. Afterwards, he said helplessly: “I see, brothers, it seems that I have been in circles around this area just now. No wonder, after walking for so long, I don’t feel moving forward.”

“This is because in the dark, people’s senses for direction and coordinates will drop linearly. This is the drawback of our degraded night vision function. In addition, people’s left and right legs are actually not the same length, so I I went all the way to the left and got lost in this area.”

Having said that, Hanzhe adjusted the next direction, ready to move on. But when he was about to take a step, he couldn’t help but stop. This kind of night time is very bad for his vision.

It can be said that if you continue to move forward, there will be a great chance of getting lost. Therefore, it is the best choice to stay in place for a night. But if he stayed here, he might only have a handful of bones left tomorrow morning.

How to do this?

For a while, Hanzhe became a little bit distressed, but at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye. There seemed to be something faintly glowing in the forest on his right.

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