The six hundred and twenty-sixth chapters continue to live? Sky lantern?

That’s right, at this time, I can really feel every cell and every pore in my body trembling. This feeling is not the same as when I met the prehistoric king salamander by the lake before. Same.

In the past, when facing the prehistoric king salamander, the feeling of fear in the body actually originated more from the huge primitive instinct between the predator and the predator.

And now the fear after seeing the corpse that hadn’t decomposed much in the cold track was purely from the fear on the spiritual level.

To be honest, there are not too few tombs I’ve been to, but in every tomb, what I see in the cold rut, whether it is a dry corpse, a rice dumpling, or any other living or dead thing, brings it to you. The cold ruts or the audiences in the live broadcast room have a sense of age and old age.

But this time, the corpse that Hanzhe encountered had almost no signs of decay! But this time the tomb is the oldest tomb since the cold rut!

So under this huge contrast, how can you not be afraid?

I bit my tongue vigorously. After being stimulated by the huge pain from my mouth, I quickly settled my mind and looked at the barely decayed corpse in the wooden niche in front of me. a decision.

I saw Hanzhe speaking to the friends in the live broadcast room: “Dear brothers, I decided to stay first! To be honest, if this thing has become perfect, even if I want to run now, it will definitely be too late. ”

Hearing what Hanzhe said, the water friends in the live broadcast room naturally disagree.

“You and I who were in the middle of the cover gave the anchor 888 fish balls-the anchor! Are you really not leaving! You are not dead! Obviously this is absolutely abnormal! It has been thousands of years! The corpse was actually returned? Without decay, are you really not afraid at all?”

“Bang, bang, bang, whoever fires up the weapon to give the anchor 900 fish balls—I, Cao, the anchor, you are really a god and man! I really admire you! Your courage has long been infinite! This kind of If you still have to stay here under the circumstances, are you sure that you can have an anus with this corpse later?”

“With the heart of a villain, I will present 8 planes to the anchor——Brother Han! It’s okay! We support you! What you said makes sense. If this thing has really become a monster, then count it as you run now. It’s absolutely useless to go out. If you can keep your body so good, I’m afraid that you already have mana!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi presented 5 rockets to the anchor-Lao Han, I won’t say anything else, pay attention to safety! According to this situation, the embalming work of this corpse is so good, even if it is not Zhuge Liang, the identity is absolutely absolute. It won’t be average!”

This barrage of Fang Guan Yang Wudi really caught what Hanzhe had in mind. That’s right, what Hanzhe was thinking at this time was actually almost the same as Yang Wudi had thought.

First of all, whether it is from age, clothing, or location of the tomb, there is a high probability that this corpse is Zhuge Liang himself!

Hanzhe made such an inference while looking at the specific situation of the corpse.

Secondly, with the more careful observation of the cold rut, more clues were also found.

I saw the corpse lying down, very peaceful, with his hands folded on his abdomen, and his face was expressionless, as if he was asleep.

The hair on the head just lost some of its luster, but it can still be seen one by one. These gray hairs are still firmly growing on the head of the corpse.

Judging from the length of the nails and hair on the hands, the corpse transformation that the hair and nails continued to grow after the death of the corpse did not appear.

Seeing the cold rut after this point, I felt a little relieved.

Judging from the current situation, apart from the fact that this corpse has not been decayed so far, there is no other suspicious point, but this alone is suspicious enough.

Looking at the candle in the southeast corner of the stone platform, Hanzhe did not find any abnormalities, so Hanzhe observed the corpse next to the wooden niche, thinking about why the corpse did not rot.

It has been several minutes since the cold rut opened the wooden niche. The water friends in the live broadcast room relaxed a little after seeing that nothing unusual happened.

“The little marinated egg and big bald head presented the anchor with 899 fish balls-wow! Am I the only one who is nervous now? I feel that the corpse in that big wooden box may move at any time!”

“The little pawn of the creation god Carl gave the anchor 388 fish balls—upstairs! You are not alone! I have this feeling too! It’s like the person in the big wooden box is sleeping, Brother Han! Yours Be smaller! Don’t wake up this monster!”

“The high school physical education teacher who was in trouble gave the anchor 3 sports cars-upstairs! Is there any culture? The anchor said it all! This big thing is not called a wooden box, it is called a wooden niche! Okay! Respect the anchor’s culture! However, the corpse in this wooden niche is indeed very terrifying. Thousands of years have passed, and there is no trace of decay at all. It is also terrible.”

“The room manager Yang Wudi gave the anchor 3 rockets-Lao Han! How? Are there any clues? Who is the owner of this corpse? It should be Zhuge Liang! What antiseptic means did he use to do this? At the level?”

At this time, the cold rut is still carefully examining the corpse in the wooden niche. In fact, the cold rut is also very curious. What kind of method did this corpse use to achieve this anti-corrosion effect?

However, while looking at the corpse, Hanzhe also thought of more historical records about Zhuge Liang, and one part of it seemed to be a bit similar to what Hanzhe saw now!

According to historical records, in order to prolong his life, Zhuge Liang seemed to have held a ceremony and activity in Wuzhangyuan area, which seemed to be called a sky lantern, and Zhuge Liang wanted to extend his life through this method.

However, in the process of doing this, Wei Yan recklessly broke into the tent of Zhuge Liang’s practice and affected Zhuge Liang’s practice!

And it was after this method of continuation of the sky lantern failed that Zhuge Liang died.

So, the reason why this corpse can last for thousands of years is not because of the method Zhuge Liang made for himself in those days?

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