Chapter 633 The Mystery of Bai Yujing!

What is the situation with this f*ck!

Hanzhe was almost frightened and yelled at him. Just when he was about to take the opportunity to leave this place, Zhuge Liang, who was sitting in the wooden niche, turned out to speak!

And the moment Zhuge Liang spoke, Hanzhe’s movements stopped in an instant. This is not to say that Hanzhe wanted to hear what Zhuge Liang was saying, but that the whole person was suddenly caught by Zhuge Liang. The change was completely scared!

At this time, the nerves were completely tense. Naturally, he heard what Zhuge Liang said.

Hanzhe only heard Zhuge Liang’s voice with a hint of hoarseness, but Hanzhe could still hear clearly what Zhuge Liang was saying!

“Bai Yujing in the sky, nine palaces and twelve cities. The fairy touches my head, knots my hair and receives longevity.”

After Hanzhe heard these words of Zhuge Liang, the whole person was very shocked! Because the words Zhuge Liang said in his mouth turned out to be describing Bai Yujing or words related to Bai Yujing!

The water friends in the live broadcast room naturally heard clearly. After all, in historical records, Zhuge Liang was from Shandong, so although Zhuge Liang’s words have some accents, they are also from the Northern language. Few people can barely understand what Zhuge Liang is talking about.

For a while, the horrible live broadcast room was full of barrage about Zhuge Liang’s remarks.

“The enemy has 30 seconds to arrive on the battlefield and give the anchor 888 fish balls-anchor! I’m Cao! Did Zhuge Liang just speak! What is he talking about? What Bai Yujing, what immortal, what immortality? Me? Cao! He is not talking to you, right!”

“Can you give me an eight-fold mirror and present 777 fish balls to the anchor——Brother Han! Why didn’t you run away? Is it because Zhuge Liang spoke? We didn’t understand what he said just now! You understand! Do you? Run out first! Then explain to us!”

“The world says that gods can give 56 shark fins to the anchor-anchor! Don’t you run away! This f*ck has already spoken! I am afraid that he has become an immortal! If Zhuge Liang disturbed him because of you Rest and get angry, then you are really over!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi presented 4 rockets to the anchor——Lao Han! Did Zhuge Liang speak just now! I’m Cao! Or don’t you run away! Try to chat with him! My Cao, this corpse can talk! Then How mysterious is this strength! You will never get away if you run!”

However, just as the water friends in the Hanzhe live broadcast room frantically sent barrage to ask Hanzhe about Zhuge Liang’s just talking, the water friends and Hanzhe in the live broadcast room unexpectedly heard Zhuge Liang again. Continue to speak!

Yes, that’s right, just after Zhuge Liang seemed to be mumbling to himself about Bai Yujing’s poem, before Hanzhe hadn’t fully figured out what happened, Zhuge Liang actually opened his mouth again!

But this time, what Zhuge Liang said was nothing more than a word. I only heard Zhuge Liang continue to say after reciting the poem: “Hey, I can barely take a long time, I will dream of a long life…”


After saying this puzzling sentence, Zhuge Liang actually sighed again, and then, Hanzhe and the water friends in the live broadcast room saw a scene that they would definitely never forget!

After Zhuge Liang sighed, the corpse, which had no signs of decay, was declining rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye in just a few seconds!

I saw the original full body, the original full muscles, and so on, everything that looked the same as the fresh corpse, and it was drying quickly at this time!

Almost at the time of breathing, Zhuge Liang’s corpse, which had no signs of decay before Hanzhe’s eyes, had completely turned into a corpse covered in skin and bones!

This reality happened too quickly. From the horror of hearing Zhuge Liang’s sigh, to hearing Zhuge Liang’s words when I turned around, to the subsequent words and sighs, and finally to the complete weathering of Zhuge Liang’s body, the whole process, almost before and after Only one minute!

The huge amount of information contained in it! For a while, even the cold rut did not react!

I was stunned for several seconds! Hanzhe reacted, and found that Zhuge Liang, who had already turned into a corpse in front of him, was sitting motionless in the wooden niche at this time, maintaining his previous posture.

But the friends in the live broadcast have already boiled over and over again!

“The Rise of Great China Strong Invincible presented the anchor with 888 fish balls-anchor! My Cao! What did we all see just now? This f*ck information volume is too big! Hurry up and tell us about you just now. What have you experienced?”

“My little laser weapon killed you and gave the anchor 777 fish balls-don’t urge the anchor upstairs! The anchor is the same as us now, we are also stunned! Can’t wait for the anchor to slow down? After he gets over, it will naturally Tell us! And it will definitely be clearer!”

“I love to take a bath and give the anchor 666 fish balls well—the anchor! Don’t panic! Let’s go out first! Don’t waste time! Later, it will change! What if Zhuge Liang turns into a corpse and wakes up again later! There was reason before, but not necessarily next time!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi presented 4 rockets to the anchor——Lao Han! You escaped a disaster! Go out first, and tell us what you have to wait for you to go out! Okay! Now Zhuge Liang has become a corpse, just to be on the safe side. It’s better for you to go out first!”

At this time, Hanzhe, although he did not watch the barrage in the live broadcast room, but he and the water friends in the live room thought of being together, so Hanzhe quickly picked up his backpack, and then seemed to run for his life. Usually when they came to this tomb, the whole person climbed up the steps of the tomb with both hands and feet.

In addition to the tomb, Hanzhe quickly covered the previous entrance with bluestone slabs. After all this was done, Hanzhe spoke to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

And the first sentence that Hanzhe said was related to the word Zhuge Liang just said!

“Brothers! I have just heard what Zhuge Liang said! The first time he said, it was the white jade poetry related to this jade medal in my hand!” Hanzhe panted heavily. , Said.

“Bai Yujing in the sky, nine palaces and twelve cities. The immortal caress my head, knots my hair and suffers longevity.” I saw that the cold track slowed down a bit, and to the water friends in the live broadcast room, he repeated what Zhuge Liang said just now. Say it again.

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