Chapter 667 Fight again!

However, for all of this, the friends in the live broadcast room who have already moved forward and can’t see the picture behind the cold station, don’t know anything about it at this time.

At this time, the water friends and the cold ruts in the live broadcast room were concerned about what horrible things would be in the tunnel ahead, so that two adult men could die in the tunnel like this strangely!


The footsteps of the cold track are constantly echoing in the tunnel at this time, but the cold track that is walking forward always has a feeling of restlessness. I don’t know why, the cold track at this time is always faint. There is a feeling that he seems to have missed something.

But Hanzhe always fails to grasp the idea in his mind.

“Shashasha~~~”, suddenly, the cold rut heard a rubbing sound from behind me! And this voice seems not far away from me!

Before he could think about it, Hanzhe quickly turned around and stared closely behind him, trying to see what was behind him!

But what surprised Hanzhe was that there was nothing behind him.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also saw this scene, and they also heard the sound coming from behind Hanzhe, and they also saw that there was nothing behind Hanzhe turning around. The water friends in the live broadcast room were also very surprise!

“How deep is Liu Jifen’s injury? I gave the anchor 489 fish balls—I’m Cao! Did I hear it wrong just now? That voice definitely came from behind the anchor! But why is there nothing? The anchor! This place Kind of evil!”

“Go to bed on time and be a good baby to present 387 fish balls to the anchor-upstairs! You are not alone! I heard it too! Brother Han definitely has something behind him! Brother Han! Be careful! Or you should check the neighborhood first. , See if there is any other dirty stuff?”

“Let’s quit smoking and give the anchor 57 shark fins to the host—Keep an eye on everything, Brother Han! There is definitely something strange behind you! Otherwise, where did the sound just come from?”

“The room manager Yang Wudi presented 4 sports cars to the anchor-Lao Han! Be careful! The thing behind you is absolutely extraordinary! But you just turned around and checked, there is nothing! This thing is too evil! It’s a bit strange! !”

At this time, the cold rut, like the water friends in the live broadcast room, is also very confused. The sound I just heard is definitely not an illusion, but after I turned around, I found nothing. What the hell does this happen?

No, it seems that there is a problem in this tunnel. You have to speed up and find Long Lin!

Hanzhe thought this in his heart, and the speed under his feet slowly accelerated, but in the same way, Hanzhe also took a little more guard and attention behind him. He can now do it as long as there is an abnormality behind him. Can react.


Just after Hanzhe took a few steps forward, the sound that rang out before really rang again! And this time the sound is closer!

This time I didn’t think much about the Zhan Lu Jian, the Zhan Lu Jian in his hand changed a direction, and Han Zhan directly backhanded, and then he stabbed the Zhan Lu Jian in his hand directly backwards!


Sure enough, there is something behind him! With the resistance from his hand, Hanzhe could clearly feel the Zhan Lu sword in his hand inserted into something!

After the sword stabbed, Hanzhe quickly turned his head and saw what had been following him!


Rao has such a strong psychological endurance ability, after seeing the things behind him, he immediately took a breath.

Hanzhe only saw that behind him, a face that had begun to rot was less than twenty centimeters away from him!

This face, Hanzhe is very familiar, it is one of the two corpses that I have checked before!

Turning around suddenly, I saw such a face, not only a cold rut, but also the water friends in the live broadcast room were really taken aback.

“The red suspenders are definitely a gift from the handsome thief to the anchor with 888 fish balls-I’m Cao! I’m scared to death! Where is the monster that f*ck came out of! Brother Han! Hacked him to death! This f*ck It’s a pervert! Monster! Cut me to death!”

“Timitimiti Alamisu presented 839 fish balls to the anchor-I Cao! Don’t you recognize the one upstairs? This monster is one of the two corpses that Brother Han just checked. Ah! This f*ck! The corpse has changed! It’s horrible!”

“Yes, I am the Liushen boy gifting 78 shark fins to the anchor-I Cao! I scared Laozi! This f*ck! No wonder I said that although these two monsters appeared so abruptly, it was a little scary, but I still felt a little familiar. The reason is, isn’t this f*ck the two corpses that Brother Han checked before!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi gave the anchor 4 rockets-Lao Han! Can you just get through it? But just run forward quickly! This is the time when you can’t do it!”

At this time, Hanzhe didn’t have the energy to watch the barrage. It was almost when Hanzhe determined that the monster that followed him was one of the two corpses that he had checked before. The cold track has been determined, and the two bodies have definitely changed.


At this time, the mummy stabbed by the Zhanlu sword in Hanzhe’s hand opened his mouth, and there was a burst of meaningless syllables roaring in his throat, as if he could not feel the pain, his hands were tightly held. With the Zhan Lu sword inserted into his body, he was actually preparing to pull out the Zhan Lu sword directly!

At this time, how can this living corpse take the initiative?

In that case, it is as you wish!

Hanzhe thought in his heart, stretched out one foot, and kicked toward the living corpse in front of him!

The living corpse was originally intended to pull out the Zhan Lu Jian, but now it was kicked vigorously by the cold rut. In an instant, the cold rut Zhan Lu Jian was pulled out of the living corpse, and the living corpse also hesitated. Under the double force, he staggered back several steps!

Seeing that the distance between myself and the living corpse has been opened, Hanzhe naturally took advantage of the victory and pursued the Zhanlu sword pulled out of the living corpse. After making a vigorous swing in the air, Hanzhe took advantage of this. With strength, the Zhan Lu sword in his hand slashed at the neck of this living corpse extremely vigorously!

Compared with the walking corpses that hadn’t had time to react, the speed of the series of movements of the cold rut was naturally much faster.

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