I also gave Xiang Lan a simple smile, and then she arranged for Mr. Fang to have dinner together. Of course, she also knows how to deal with each other. She is the service of the other's husband in the whole process. Before signing the contract name, Xiang Lan and Mr. Fang drank happily, and did not refuse Mr. Fang's wave light to Xiang Lan more than once.

"Mr. Fang, I'm so happy to be with you. Let's have a drink. I hope our future cooperation will be as smooth and natural as it is now."

Of course, Mr. Fang responded politely: good, good.

"Mr. Fang, I'll do it first. You can do it at will." When Xiang Lan said so appropriately, Mr. Fang was more comfortable.

"Mr. Xiang is really a hospitable man. Of course I'll do it."

After the greetings, the project was successfully signed, and Mr. Fang praised and cherished Xiang Lan throughout the whole process.

When I go back, in the car, I ask Xiang Lan why she can block back so cleverly when Fang always looks like she's always squinting. She smiles.

"Although Mr. Fang's performance looks very ugly and bad, he is also easily conquered by beauty in essence, so I succeeded with a little beauty trick." It seems that the purpose of Xiang Lan's asking me to go on a business trip with her this time is to let me learn these social skills.

We also made a net profit of 1.8 million from this project. Xiang Lan was very interested in completing the task so smoothly this time.

Walking on the street of the Development Zone, a young man who sent a leaflet came over and gave Xiang Lan a leaflet. Then I saw Xiang Lan's smile. I saw it. It was a leaflet about breast augmentation and weight loss. Then I passed Xiang Lan's high career line unconsciously, thinking that if she did breast augmentation again, I believe that the scale of cup is too much, Day, weight loss for her, not to mention, now has a devil's figure.

Just when my eyes were fixed on Xiang Lan, I was actually in Xiang Lan's jade rabbit for a long time. It seemed Xiang Lan also noticed it, and then she was very embarrassed to say.

"What are you looking at, Lin Feng?" My face is very hot, very hot

"Mr. Xiang, I'm sorry. I saw this breast augmentation advertisement just now, so I thought of going to one side."

Xiang Lan blushed for a while, then said, "let's go."

After that, we drove back to Guangzhou. After dinner, Xiang Lan asked me to accompany her around. She said that she was in a good mood today, and of course I was very happy. When she was walking, she didn't know how to talk about the boy she saw in KFC last night, but she just laughed and didn't explain anything. Maybe Xiang Lan thought it was a normal social interaction, So you don't need to talk to outsiders like me.

"Come on, Lin Feng, let's drink."

After a can of wine goes down, there is also a heat in the body, which is beyond its own energy. I don't know if it's because I've drunk some cocktails tonight. It seems that I feel dizzy.

"Lin Feng, I'm a little dizzy." Originally Xiang Lan is also, I also see a little bit not clear, only saw her face flushed, like a ripe apple.

"Lin Feng, I'm so hot." Xiang Lan seems that the heat in her body begins to radiate.

Xiang Lan's consciousness is also very weak

I only heard a very attractive word from her.

"Go back, go back."

Fast back to the home to LAN, two are still excited, in the living room sofa, I put her pressure on the body.

We completely let go, quietly taste, enjoy.

Slowly I was eroded by her, tired of each other, lying on the sofa.

We are very happy, rare happiness, it seems that all this is a new sublimation, everything is a new starting point.

At that time, a phone rang unconsciously. I was very tired. I didn't answer it, but it rang all the time. It seemed that I realized it was a phone, and I didn't know why I took it naturally. But at that time, I didn't get back to myself and responded lazily, "who

At that time, when I heard the name, my nerves seemed to react slowly, and I was looking for the answer.

"It's you." I've reflected it.

"Lin Feng, I'm not happy. Can you come out with me?" I could hear a little sadness in her voice. At that time, my consciousness was still in a chaotic state, and I should have not made any response to her words.

I can tell that she's in a noisy environment. It should be a bar or something.

"Where are you?"

"Lin Feng, who are you talking to?" At this time, I did not expect to wake up to LAN.

When I react, I want to press down the position of the microphone immediately for fear of being heard. I don't know why I do this or why I do it. I just know that it's too late, because I seem to have heard Xiang Lan talking to me and know that we are together. Again, I didn't wait for any chance to explain.

I yelled on the phone, but she hung up.

At the other end of the phone, it's obvious that there have been bursts of beeps.

When I came back to my senses, I saw Xiang Lan dressed and got up. It seemed that she had just heard the content of my phone.

"It was just my phone call." Let me explain first.

Xiang Lan should hear my voice, she was in situ Leng for a while, did not answer, and then walked into the bathroom.

Next, I heard the sound of water in the bathroom, and my mind was confused again. I don't know why this happens every time. Is it that Xiang Lan and I are always in such a wonton state? I don't know. At that time, I really didn't know. I put on my clothes and looked at the marks left by the war just now, and the sofa cushions that were disturbed by us, I picked up the broken glasses one by one, but when I picked up the broken glasses, I accidentally scraped my hand. At that time, the blood still flowed out. I didn't care about it. I used a paper towel to stop the bleeding.

After smoking a cigarette, looking at the finger that was just scratched by the glass, I suddenly laughed. The blood still flowed out and dropped on the ground. I saw Xiang Lan standing in front of me. She was very beautiful. She took my cigarette and gave me a hemostatic paste

I looked at her. I just looked at her seriously. I didn't speak. She didn't speak. She just looked at me seriously. Then she took the hemostatic paste from my palm again and pulled my fingers. I knew what she was going to do. I was very moved when I looked at her so carefully until she bandaged the wound for me, I wanted to say thank you to her, but she turned around and left.

I look at her and still have something I can't read.

"Mr. Xiang, I'd better go back first." At that time, I didn't know why I said that. Maybe I didn't have much meaning here after sex. At that time, I suddenly thought of such content.

This meeting, she turned around and looked at me with a look that I couldn't tell what the expression was. There were too many things mixed up.

I lowered my head.

"Go and wash. Remember that the finger you just scratched can't touch the water."

She didn't follow me or respond positively to my words.

"Sister, but I..."

"It's very late. Let's sleep in the guest room tonight."

There is still something in her eyes, but she didn't express it in a good way. She seems to have a little affection for me, but she can't express it.

Until she came into the room, I heard a plop of closing the door, and my mind was in a mess.

After taking a bath, when the water splashed on my body, I thought a lot and seemed to wake up. I could feel Xiang Lan had feelings for me, but her phone seemed to contain too much information. Did Xiang Lan think that there would be such a scene between me and me

This idea in my mind for a while, after the bath, I want to say good night to Xiang Lan.

But did not expect to approach her door, I heard her cry inside, here mixed with sad, this is mixed with the unrestrained love

I stood outside the door for a long time, and I was very sad at that time. I thought of Xiang Lan. She is also a very simple woman. She just needs the nourishment of love

At that time, I just wanted to give her a awesome hug.

At this time, when my consciousness is in confusion, Xiang Lan's door opens, suddenly

I quickly react, ready to go back, I don't want to let Xiang Lan know that I heard her crying, I know Xiang Lan don't want to let others know that she will also have a weak side, so at that time my heart was struggling. But did not expect to open the door to LAN, came out and saw me, I heard her gently called me, tone with a trace of cry.

"Lin Feng..."

I immediately looked back, and I was also quick to find a reason.

"Sister, I want to say good night to you."

She looked at me in the eyes, in the light of the flashing tears, I also have some touch, I also have some sad.

This meeting my eyes delimit to Xiang Lan's upper part of the body, see her to wear a underwear only, and it is silk transparent shape, but I didn't move that only desire and spring heart, I know she was hurt.

"Sister, are you ok?" I didn't know why I threw out such a topic at that time, and then quickly turned my attention to her eyes. I knew Xiang Lan didn't want others to see the little woman, and I

She suddenly hugged me, tightly, I can feel her sad, I can feel a touch in her heart.

"Well, sleep." Then she said and went out.

When I woke up, a ray of sunlight came in and looked at the space. Yes, this is Lan's home. Then I looked at the time of 7 o'clock, put on my clothes, got up and went out. It seemed that I smelled the smell of breakfast

I didn't expect Xiang Lan to get up so early. As soon as I came out of the living room, Xiang Lan also saw me, and then she gave me a little smile, but the relationship between them was restored.

"Lin Feng, come and have breakfast. I have to go back early today. There is a very important meeting in the company." After she said that, I sat down, but we didn't have any more topics. She reminded me that I was going to do a very important case today. I said no problem, she still nodded, she didn't eat much, and then she went back to the room to change clothes. Ten minutes later, we started from here to go back to the company, but unexpectedly we saw Ma Guangming when we just opened the doo

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