Xiang Lan didn't speak. She was obviously silent. I went on.

"Mr. Xiang, I don't know if you have to combine with him for the company's interests or personal interests. I know that you are always a man with sense of proportion. What you lack, you lack nothing. But why are you so willing to take your body as a capital, Do you think it's right to do this? Don't you think about and plan for your happiness at all? Do you want to be such a woman all your life

At that time, I didn't know why I couldn't think how I could be so excited. The more I said it, the further I went.

Xiang Lan also sneered when I said the last sentence and looked back at me.

"I am that kind of woman, what kind of woman I am in your mind, you say, you say." At that time, I was also anxious.

"Mr. Xiang, I don't know how to say that. Anyway, I know that since you want to marry Ma Guangming, it must not be so pure. I know it must involve commercial interests or personal interests, otherwise you won't marry him. Don't you know what kind of person he is?"

When I said that, Xiang Lan sneered again.

"Lin Feng, this is my position in your mind. You think I'm such a woman who doesn't choose to break her hand for the sake of profit. You think I'm a body deal to keep my life and company."

"I don't know. Anyway, I think there's a reason for that." I should.

But I don't know why Xiang Lan didn't go on saying that anyway, I felt that she was suddenly silent, but in the silence, I vaguely heard her cry.

Now I realized that what I said just now was too much. Yes, I shouldn't attack her like this. I shouldn't question her like this. When facing this problem, I think Xiang Lan is already very painful, but I didn't comfort her. I can't bear to say that to her.

"Sorry, Mr. Xiang, I didn't control my mood well just now."

"Thank you, Lin Feng."

Now it's my turn not to understand. After saying that, Xiang Lan turns around and leaves

I quickly followed up and said to LAN.

"Thank you for being here with me tonight. Thank you for making me very calm and happy tonight." But her reason just now also let me know that I am serious. In fact, for Xiang Lan, she is not such a casual woman.

Just at this time, I saw a meteor across the sky, I quickly asked to make a wish to LAN.

I may have a wish, "I wish Xianglan could find her true happiness."

"Lin Feng, what's your wish? Can you tell me?"

"I heard that if you say your wish, it won't work out, so I'd better not say it."

"Well, it makes sense."

The mobile phone vibrated. I looked at it. It turned out that the battery power was insufficient. I looked at the time and stayed on the mountain for an hour.

"Sister, it's getting late. Let's go back."

Tonight's Baiyun Mountain, the scene just now is just a little emotional agitation. In fact, nothing happened between Xiang Lan and me, and everything has recovered.

At this time, Xiang Lan suddenly looks at me with a kind of eyes that I can't understand, but it's full of content, isn't it, isn't it

"Lin Feng, can you go and have a drink with me?"

I didn't refuse. She seems to have a lot on her mind tonight.

She gave a smile, but it was sincere.

Then we went to a familiar bar, but there was a band playing in it tonight.

Xianglan and I drink while listening to songs. I can feel that Xianglan is open-minded. She says that I feel very down-to-earth all of a sudden. I nod my head. I say that she is the only one happy to drink. Xianglan smiles brightly. When we drink, we sing and dance with the crowd. It seems that we are more relaxed in this kind of night performance. We drink and dance and shake heartily. The troubles around us are thrown far away by us. From Xiang Lan's wriggling body, I know she is releasing heartily. After shaking for a long time, several strands of her hair in front of her face are messy and float to my face from time to time, but Xiang Lan seems to have a special charm, Let me see don't feel some stay of time, Xiang Lan's hand in my body slowly swam over

At the same time, she fully reveals the extreme unhappiness in her heart. Xiang Lan's heart is very empty. She can't find a better way to vent and a better vent point. Here, she can freely combine herself with music. Our combination is to find two lonely people in the night scene.

From the bar back to LAN there is a very bold proposal.

"Lin Feng, we won't go back to sleep tonight." At that time, I thought she wanted to find a hotel or other place, but she shook her head and said to find a special place.

When we drove here, we knew it was a very simple dormitory. Did Xiang Lan want to look for any memories here? Although the conditions here were not good, it was very clean and tidy. There was a kind of memory like a university dormitory.

We live in two separate rooms.

Then I took a bath to get back the feeling of University.

Think of college years, life is very interesting, I can't help singing a hero song, fast tightening body, little brother or frozen to a ball. After taking a cold bath, my whole body was warm. But after going out, the wind blew for a while and I couldn't help sneezing. But I didn't expect that I didn't mean to, because I didn't know Xiang Lan was right in front of me, and the sneezing was just right at the right time, and it hit Xiang Lan's sensitive place

At that time, when I came back to myself, I realized the seriousness of the problem.

I immediately noticed that my behavior was excessive, and then I was very embarrassed to say to Xiang Lan.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's OK. I'll just wipe it." We were silent for a moment, I was thinking, how can Xiang Lan appear here "Lin Feng, I've done it." When I say to LAN, I take a look at her. I'm looking for something.

"I'm sorry about that, sister." I still put the topic to the pocket, to LAN did not say anything.

"Well, I just wanted to come and see if there was hot water, but you washed it. If there was no hot water, I could cook some for you, so you don't have to catch cold." When Xiang Lan's voice fell down, I was suddenly moved. It turned out that she was thinking about me.

"I'm sorry, sister. I thought of you just now." Xiang Lan was silent for a while.

"Lin Feng, put the clothes aside and let my sister wash them for you." Once again, Xiang Lan's words moved me to tears. To be honest, I felt that Xiang Lan was very considerate, and her behavior tonight was abnormal. Before I had time to respond to Xiang Lan's words, she took the clothes I had changed. I was really embarrassed. After all, there were my little underpants in it, but I didn't wait for any reaction, She's been washing it seriously.

Such a picture, such a moment, I know that all this is quite abnormal, is this all the gifts Xiang Lan did for me before she married Ma Guangming

I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's in it. Anyway, it's a bit strange and different.

"Sister, are you really OK?" I asked.

"Lin Feng, I'm really OK. I just want to keep some different memories tonight." Keeping memories is different! When I heard Xiang Lan say that, I was still a little uncertain about her inner feelings.

When Xiang Lan said this to me, she took my underwear for a long time and didn't come back. Then she said.

"Lin Feng, let's not talk about this." I know she is avoiding, but standing in her position, I am not easy to ask. I nodded and she continued to wash the underwear seriously. However, she is still washing the underwear. It seems that she has a special preference.

"Lin Feng, do you like to wear four corners?" this, this, this question makes me look embarrassed.

"Elder sister, not necessarily, sometimes wear triangle, sometimes wear four corners, look at the mood." She nodded and didn't say anything. She was immersed in the washing again. This process lasted for a long time, and then she washed all the things. Then she swept them here. She wiped her hands and said again.

"Elder sister, not necessarily, sometimes wear triangle, sometimes wear four corners, look at the mood." She nodded and didn't say anything. She was immersed in the washing again. This process lasted for a long time, and then she washed all the things. Then she swept them here. She wiped her hands and said again.

"Can you walk with me?"

After that, she took my hand. Because there are many vegetable fields in the suburbs, and the air is very fresh, so when you walk in this place, your breath becomes natural and smooth. While looking at the surrounding environment, you can feel her heart beating, suddenly

Hear Xiang Lan say: "Lin Feng, can you hold me?"

I hugged her naturally, feeling the heat of her body, or she really wanted a simple hug. I didn't think too much, so I hugged her.

All of a sudden, I felt that something with heat had fallen from my face. I thought it was rain, but there was temperature and temperature. Looking up at the night sky, there were still stars. But these warm things dropped on my face again. This time, I looked back at Xiang Lan and found that her eyes were full of tears, Could it be that these warm things just now are Xiang Lan's tears, but now I am confused.

But I didn't do anything to her. Was it because I didn't hold her well or my holding moved her? When I was about to say something, Xiang Lan fell into my arms. My hand didn't know how to put it on her back, but I didn't know how to slip and move to another position, Xiang Lan seems to react.

She also slowly back to God, and then smile, this burst of bright smile covered a lot of elements. After a short walk, Xiang Lan calmed down. She didn't say anything about her picture just now. It seems that it's nothing. I think Xiang Lan really is. It makes my heart so restless. But at this time, her voice came again.

"Lin Feng, go back to sleep." Xiang Lan quickly returned her whole attention to the original state. She seemed to be thinking about something but didn't say it. When facing Xiang Lan, I felt that she had a lot of inner feelings, but Xiang Lan went into another room and said back: Lin Feng, I want to be alone. Good night. When I came back to the room, I smoked a cigarette and was a little tired, So sleepiness slowly climbed on the head.

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