Accompanied by the cheers of fans from both sides.

The game officially entered Summoner's Rift, and the commentators immediately discovered the highlights.

"Hey, this...mortal's talent selection? Is it actually [Theft Omen]?" Miller looked very surprised. "This is a rune that is developed in the early stage."

"Based on the normal thinking, there is nothing wrong with being so talented in long-range and melee combat, but shouldn't the hero Enchantress be suppressed in the early stage?" Wawa also felt very surprised.

It can only be said that this is a big misunderstanding. It means that the understanding of the enchantress is very wrong.

Enchantress is a hero who can suppress the enemy in the early stage and fight in team battles in the late stage.

Judging from the lineup, IG's lineup still does not have stable point control to restrict the Enchantress. In the late team battles, the Enchantress can still swim around. Ice's ultimate move and Braum's ultimate move cannot restrict the Enchantress's entry into the field.

As for why you bring [Omen of Robbery]?

The reason is also very simple.

Li Feifan made adjustments to his playing style based on his own lineup.

It can be seen from IG's lineup that everyone takes out top tool players like Han Bing in the bottom lane, just to use Han Bing's E to detect Casa's early movements and Li Feifan's movements in real time.

You can say that Yu Wenbo likes to receive Q, and will die suddenly due to aggressive positioning in team battles, but there is no doubt that his overall view of the game has always been good.

The more Han Bing's E is in the hands of a player with a big-picture perspective, the more it can play its greatest role. For top professional players and teams, getting Han Bing is basically equivalent to opening up the entire map.

With the restrictions of the ice, it is obviously not that easy for Li Feifan and Casa to drive the rhythm in the early stage. This will cause the rhythm of the game to slow down, and there will be more time to develop against each other online in the early stage.

Then [Omen of Stealing] can play its greatest role, allowing the Enchantress to develop at a good speed even if she cannot get kills in the early stage.

As for the later stage? ?

The enchantress with fully formed equipment does not lack the damage of [Electrocution] at all. After the enchantress's equipment is formed, the squishy damage will overflow. Only the enchantress with poor development and poor equipment needs to use [electrocution] to make up for the damage. .

The biggest significance of [Electrocution] is to supplement the damage in the early stage of fighting, but...because the opponent's lineup has ice, and it is unlikely to fight in the early stage, the benefit of [Electrocution] is very low.

Another thing is to avoid the strong period of IG!

IG's choice of a dual-shooter system clearly aims to crush in the early and mid-term!

Lucian and Han Bing are both heroes who can provide huge combat effectiveness in head-to-head battles with just one piece of [Blade of the Ruined King]. Sword Demon has the resurrection mechanism of his ultimate move and can provide considerable combat effectiveness with just one piece of equipment.

What about ?

Captain and Lun Ma are both standard late-game heroes, especially Lun Ma, a traditional critical-hit shooter. The first thing he does is suck the blue knife naked, and his combat effectiveness cannot be formed at all.

That is to say...

At this time point of 10-25 minutes, IG's team fighting ability is stronger than JD. must avoid fighting perfectly during this period of time.

The game logic of League of Legends is actually very simple.

Both sides use BP to construct an ideal lineup. The lineup will have obvious periods of strength and weakness. The way to win is to roll the economic snowball as much as possible and plunder map resources during the strong period of the lineup.

Or try your best to replace resources during your weak period, and try to maintain the economic gap within a range that allows you to make a comeback.

If you go head-to-head with others when they are strong during your weak period, isn't this looking for a way to your own death?

In fact, as long as it reaches the later stage, Jingdong can manipulate the opponent at will.

The captain alone can defeat IG's dual shooters. Lucian has short hands and Hanbing has short legs. These two heroic captains have evolved the [fire at will] ultimate move to make it difficult for them to perform in team battles.


It can be seen from his going out clothes that Li Feifan is very arrogant and bought [Extraction].

"Wow, Mortal is determined to develop slowly in the early stage?" Miller exclaimed again, "This one may not have too many collisions in the early stage."

Both sides chose to go out immediately. IG, which has the combination of Ice + Braum and Freljord, did not choose to invade the jungle. This was beyond JD's expectation.

After the minions come online, the laning period officially begins.

Sword Demon's position was very timid, and it was not until three melee soldiers with residual health appeared that he moved forward and tried to use Q1 to replenish his troops. Enchantress also seized this moment and stepped forward with W to trample the three melee soldiers to close the distance. A flat A shot landed on the sword demon, triggering the [Omen of Stealing].

I'm pretty lucky...

I immediately stole a bottle of medicine. It was a popular medicine from ancient times. It was just a version with all the values ​​weakened, but it was pretty good.

Whether it's taking drugs while fighting, or selling it to a store for money after going back, it's great.

At this moment, Li Feifan suddenly pinned the map like crazy.

The commentators also noticed something was wrong.

"Eh? Prince Ning, what is this?"

It turned out that the troll directly crossed the river and invaded the upper half of Jingdong's wild area after finishing its red buff. It was clear that it was a wild monster that wanted to counter Kasa.

Unfortunately, Casa was unable to respond to this behavior in any way.

Xin Zhao can't stand up to the troll in a duel in the jungle. There are only a few heroes who can stand up to the troll. The Q skill can reset the basic attack and steal your attack power. Who can withstand this? .

The main top lane is in the hands of IG. As for the middle lane, Li Feifei didn't push the lane particularly aggressively. If there was a fight in the jungle, Sword Demon could also support him.

"Gan, brother Gongzi, you have to be careful, I can't go up there." Kasa saw this scene and immediately decisively chose to go to the lower half of IG's jungle area.

"Both junglers swap jungle areas. King Ning wants to take advantage of this. Wow... Brother Gongzi will feel so uncomfortable if this happens."

The captain has a huge disadvantage in fighting Lucian, and now he has to target his bright cards, so it is basically impossible to develop.

The director also brought the camera to the top lane in advance, but the good news is that IG did not deliberately target the game at the beginning. At least Gongzi brother still gained experience steadily in the first two waves of troops.

But as the army line was about to enter the tower, Brother Gongzi estimated the time when the opposite jungler would come to the road, so he could only retreat back. He didn't even dare to stay under the tower, and retreated straight towards the second tower of his home road. .

At this moment, the troll rushed out from the triangular grass behind the tower, opened W, and then used the E skill to summon pillars to try to block the captain's retreat route.

"Theshy is coming to support, what should Brother Gongzi do??"

What else can be done?

Just hand over the flash honestly. The captain used the flash to keep the distance. IG Ueno also followed the rules of the world and watched the captain leave without killing.

This is enough.

Helping Lucian flash is already a huge advantage. A hero like the captain is fragile in the early stage and has no means of escape. Without flash, Lucian will easily find an opportunity to kill him alone.

It stands to reason.

At this time, should also strike hard at IG's bottom lane.



The bottom lane is a two-man lane, which is more difficult to target than the solo lane in the early stage. IG is also a clear card and swaps jungle areas with you, so the bottom lane has already been prepared.

The more important point is that IG's bot lane duo Hanbing + Braum, these two brothers are very capable of preventing tower jumps in the early stage.'s lineup has a wheel mother in the bottom lane. The wheel mother has no explosive ability in the early stage and does no damage at all. Just not enough.

Braum only needs to hold up the security door in front of him to help his ADC avoid fatal damage and survive.

"From the current point of view, IG has initially achieved their strategic goal at the beginning, which is to help theshy establish a certain advantage, and then use the advantage of the top lane to roll the overall snowball. Next, let us see how it develops in the future. "

" currently does not have the opportunity to resist. They can only develop slowly in the early stage."

Li Feifan took a look at the situation on the top and bottom lanes, and chose to focus on development. The situation was very bad for Jiemugong, but he believed in Jiemugong's ability to withstand pressure.

This is 100% trust in your teammates!

Kasa still found an opportunity to go on the road, helped Jimu Gong push back the shy, and took down a few waves of soldiers safely, and then helped him with a lot of vision before leaving.

It can be regarded as helping to stabilize the situation on the road.

There was no direct collision between the two sides in the early stage, and the first kill had not occurred until 5 minutes.

King Ning also came to the top road again.

He picked the timing very cleverly. It happened to be the wave when Jimu Gong was preparing to push the line back home for supplies. In order to push the line, Jimu Gong stood relatively forward.

After discovering King Ning, he retreated immediately, and then used two consecutive barrels to slow down the captain. However, King Ning was determined to kill him, so he flashed forward and followed up forcefully. Although he failed to kill him, he forcefully killed the captain. Drive away.

The reason why King Ning did this was to help theshy block the troop line.

Jiemugong looked back and saw that the line of troops was indeed broken.

TheShy has stuck the line of troops in an excellent position.

After thinking for a while, he wanted to forcefully use his ultimate move to clear the line of soldiers and push the line of soldiers through.

But here’s the problem.

Still miscalculated.

"With this ultimate move, Brother Gongzi forced his way to clear the troops. Let's see what the effect is. It's broken, and there are still two melee soldiers left." Miller exclaimed.


In the end, the troop line was blocked by theshy, and because the troll had not gone far, the captain did not dare to turn around to deal with these two melee soldiers with residual blood. The result was that Lucian used these two melee soldiers with residual blood plus his own body. He forcibly dragged the line of soldiers away from the tower, and the line of soldiers was stuck there.

"Xi Ba." Jimu Gong couldn't help but cursed softly when he saw this scene.

When Li Fan heard this curse, he cut the screen again and took a look at the top lane. He could only say that the situation on the top lane was even worse than he imagined. Without the flashing captain, it would be impossible to develop in the face of such a troop line. .

If you move slightly carelessly, you may be taken away directly by Lucian.

"Lao Li, why don't we find an opportunity to go on the road and do something?" Kasa also suggested immediately after seeing that his family encountered a very bad situation on the road.

"No." Li Feifan shook his head, "It's useless to go there, IG is just going to stay on the road."

Brother Gongzi also took the initiative to speak at this time, "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

Is it really okay? ?

Really unable to get a line of troops, Gongzi had no choice but to go home to replenish supplies. Considering that he might face the risk of being killed by a single player in the future, he simply put a 300 small cloth armor on himself first.

Then he wanted to go online, but he once again encountered King Ning, who was a thief in the jungle, in his own jungle, and the two sides had a face-to-face encounter.

Although Jimu Gong drove King Ning away from the jungle, he knew very well... that he would still face risks after returning to the line, because the trolls were always active in the upper half of the area.

He could only pace back and forth on the top road, wondering if he could get a taste of the experience at the extreme distance.

theshy is also a bad person.

As soon as I saw that you had experience, I immediately crossed the military line to drive you away, leaving no way for you to survive.

It's already an advantage in laning, and now it's a full level ahead of you, so the captain can't even think about playing.

"This is the meaning of Conte and Swing." Wang remembers sighing after seeing the captain's current predicament, "This time, JD's lineup was indeed designed by IG. I guess coach Hongmi didn't even think of IG. One hand is Lucian."

"And Lucian has also completed his suppressive role very well. Now it depends on how IG can take advantage of this huge advantage on the road."

"At the same time, we can also look at how can reverse this unfavorable situation?"

Li Feifan has indeed been thinking about countermeasures.

In the middle, he was able to get the line rights, mainly due to the advanced development ability brought by [Omen of Stealing], which allowed him to make [Lost Chapter] when he returned home at level 6.

This is impossible to do under normal circumstances, but with this piece of equipment, he can frequently use skills to clear lines.

Think about it.

Li Feifan spoke directly.

"Brother Ka, let's go down the lane."

After Wheel Mom levels up, the bottom lane will be in the hands of the JD duo.

Enchantress and Xin Zhao went straight to the bottom lane.

IG quickly grasped this information, and Han Bing fired a detection arrow that directly illuminated the two people.

But it's of no use.

The jungler Troll of his own is still in the top half and cannot support him quickly.

If you buy 3 packs of 2, you can still operate it.

If you get 4 for 2, you can only wait for death under the tower.

Yu Wenbo and Baolan could only abandon the large number of troops under the tower and retreat.

"It's not bad. Although I didn't get a kill, I successfully interfered with Han Bing's development. Han Bing lost at least two waves of soldiers this wave, and IG's bottom tower was also greatly consumed!"

During this period of time, everyone's attention was on the half zone and they all forgot about the captain.

at this time.

Wang remembered suddenly saying, "Huh? Is the captain so miserable? I remember that 3 minutes ago, the captain's last hit was 34 knives. Why is it now more than 9 minutes, and the captain still has 34 knives? It's been so long that he hasn't had one last hit. Have you made up for it??”

Only then did everyone realize that the captain was much more miserable than they imagined. (End of chapter)

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