With doinb's final decision on Thain, the lineup of both sides has finally been determined. Blue square (Ig) vs Red Square (FPX):

Road: Angel vs Crocodile

field: wine bucket vs spider

Middle Road: Jess vs Thain

ad: Xia vs verus

Assistant: lo vs Tam.

Although the FPX's lineup has changed in terms of heroes, the basic concept has not changed. Go on the road, gimgoon, as they say, Ig as long as the crocodile, he will rob. And if you put a hundred, I'll take a hundred.

Xiaotian chooses spiders to fight wild. As a wild hero, spiders are far better at clearing wild and gank than Chiana. However, the second person ability and group combat ability of Chiana after being equipped are not possessed by spiders. As we all know, spiders are not strong at attacking groups.

Zhongdan, because of Ig's almost crazy BP strategy, doinb finally chose SAIN. There is no doubt that the tactical significance of Thain is no match for Titan. To be sure, no hero can replace Titan in the FPX system.

But Ig suddenly blocked the four doinb heroes. Doinb had no choice but to choose Thain. In fact, Thain used to be the iconic hero of doinb, but recently he has used less.

Compared with Titan, Thain's ability of alignment is not bad. And like Titan, Thain is also a kind of tough hero. He doesn't fight with you on the line, just clears the line, and then waits for gank or to support his teammates.

After a little higher level, there will be a set of skills and a wave of soldiers. If you beat me, I'll let you beat me. Anyway, I'm very meaty, and you can't kill me. However, the biggest gap between Thain and Titan is that his control is not stable enough, and the group battle fault tolerance rate is low.

Titan this hero, a Q can open the regiment, Q can not hit the target, you can also use the big move to open the regiment, especially stable. But Thain can't do it. His main strategy is to bump people. After bumping people, he will continue to chop them up with a Q.

However, Thain's big move is easy to be avoided, and if Q has no other control cooperation, it is easy to be avoided, and the skill itself is easy to be interrupted. Of course, Thain has another advantage over Titan, that is, he is more meaty.

In general, Thain is definitely inferior to Titan in FPX's eyes. However, when Titan is targeted by ban and doinb, choosing Thain as a substitute is barely acceptable to FPX.

What's more, the reason why doinb didn't play with SAIN Zhongdan for a long time is that Xiao Ge once said that SAIN can easily raise his father in the middle, because SAIN can't suppress his opponent's development. But this Ig selected Jess is not a hero of "Dad" level.

On the whole, doinb's hand was quite unexpected. So in the end, no one dares to make a final decision on what kind of effect SAIN can play alone.

As for the future of FPX, it is needless to say that Lin Weixiang has always been a left-handed Casa and a right-handed verus. On the last one, verus played the MVP performance again, and compared with the last one, this FPX got a better combination of verus gatham.

Such a set of lineup together, the first and middle strong enough, in the late verus is still the absolute output core. Now only can see the shortcoming is this lineup lacks AP damage, can provide AP output only spider and verus.

Then there is a big question mark about the starting ability of this lineup. If Donb's driving standard is high enough and stable enough, it's hard to say. Once he can't drive a good car, FPX's means of driving a group are relatively scarce.

Comparatively speaking, Ig's lineup is obviously better than FPX's. This is a lineup with enough initiative in the middle and later stages. First of all, Ig is the most powerful Xia Luo combination.

We all know that this version of AD has two sisters, one is kasha, the other is Xia. In addition to these two ad heroes, any other ad is one grade worse than them. So at BP, these two heroes almost formed a linkage.

If we want to be together, we can be together. However, Chiana, the first Xiao Ge, really brought a big psychological shadow to FPX, so this time they would rather let Ig take a Xia alone than ban Chiana.

This is actually the difference between the series and Bo1. If you play a single game, you will be finished. Can play a series, you need to look ahead, consider a lot of things, but also more complex.

Xiao Ge is to grasp the psychology of FPX, so he can have a huge advantage in the game with their BP. The next combination of this Ig is obviously one level higher than that of FPX, so the next one will not collapse as the last one.

Moreover, Xia, a hero, is not particularly easy to die suddenly in a group battle when he has a big move. And Luo, Baolan has Luo's champion skin. When Ig won the championship last year, Baolan relied on Luo to make itself less collapsed.So this Ig to Xialuo combination, it is to make up for their biggest short board. And in the later stage, Xia's ability was no worse than that of verus. But Luo's strong opening ability, let Ig occupy the very big initiative.

As for theshy on the road, the angel hero is a hero he has been playing with recently, and the angel has no solution in the later stage. The most important thing is that after theshy got the angel, he would not be too radical in the early stage.

Because in his early stage, he mainly considered development, not killing and joining the group. If FPX, like the previous one, excludes theshy from group warfare through operation, it will be able to develop more smoothly with theshy.

You said that the last Ig sacrifice group battle was not worth replacing Jess, a hero in the early and middle stage. Ig is certainly willing to make some sacrifices in exchange for angel development. On the contrary, FPX is not willing to make such an exchange.

In this situation, theshy's anxiety will be greatly relieved. Because he doesn't have to think about doing too many things, let alone worry about not getting the head, he just needs to keep growing.

Development is not only his greatest help to the team, but also his greatest threat to FPX. And theshy, it happens, is the kind of person who can develop very well.

As for rookie's Jesse in the middle, needless to say, he has enough pressure and strong rhythmic ability. And Xiao GE's wine barrel has also been professionally certified.

So, just from the lineup, Ig has a 70% chance of winning. But the lineup can not play a decisive role, if the lineup can explain everything, then after each game both sides choose the lineup, the lineup will not have to play.

Therefore, how to win or lose, we have to wait for the two sides to fight bit by bit!

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