By the time doinb came into play again, there was no suspense. However, the commentator still needs to keep his passion: "my God, how could this SAIN be so meaty! I don't think Ig can hurt him at all! "

"Now doinb is like a god of war, fearing no harm from Ig, while gimgoon and Xiaotian are following him This wave of Ig can't fight any more. Now it's really enough to run one by one, but the problem is that they can't run well now! "

"The spider's skill is good. Let's put a self exploding spider (W) to explore the way. SAIN's killer roared (E) to retreat the river crab, and use the river crab to slow down Jess! Wow, it's a bad time to refresh the river crab! "

The baby sighed: "yes, this river crab is a bit fatal. Jess is slowed down First eat a self exploding spider, and then switch to spider form to take a bite, killing rookie! Now Kamen is the only one left in Ig! "

"Does Kamen have a chance to go? I don't think there is much chance But Kamen is not ready to give in easily. First, he throws a Q to blow it up. Then he blows up the crocodile and SAIN, and runs quickly by slowing down. "

"FPX can't put it, it's still chasing, Kamen can't send it, it's still running! Take a drink of wine (W) first and return some blood. Both sides of this wave of pursuit are on the head. I feel that there will be no result for a while and a half. It's going to take a while! "

At this time, although the situation is still very tense, there is not much to say on the scene. So long Mao, who has been sitting on the VIP seat to watch the game, put down his cup of medlar and said, "I think Kamen still has a chance."

"Wait a minute, Xiaotian switches from spider form to adult form again, and then raises his hand to form a cocoon (E), but Kamen avoids it! However, this hiding brought doinb closer to his position, and doinb raised a Q.... "

"This Q doesn't have to be full. Just hang on and slow down. It seems Kamen can't run this time Yeah! Kamen didn't plan to run, a lateral position to avoid SAIN's Q, and then even took the initiative to choose the counter fight

Seeing the flames of war burning again, Miller tacitly accepted: "this wave of pursuit lasts too long. Kamen's second skill has completely cooled down! While walking, w accumulates power, and then an e directly collides with the crocodile

"A, a Q Then a again! Two seconds! Kimgoon didn't expect that Kamen would be in trouble suddenly, so he didn't respond in time. Instead, he was called by Kanmen in succession! "

"But Kamen couldn't run away completely. Doinb first split an axe, then w's shield exploded, directly killing Kamen! The end of the group battle, FPX once again laugh to the end! Ig is killed by the regiment, FPX hits 3 for 5! "

Baby said with a wry smile: "one said one, the competition between the two teams is really wonderful. From the beginning to the end of the fight, group battle, you can imagine this is the s game final stage, you can imagine the two teams in the final 16 minutes broke out 22 heads

"Don't say it's LPL's game style, because even in LPL's game, there are few games with so many heads. So do not misunderstand the audience in other areas. In fact, we seldom watch such bloody games! "

Miller could not help shaking his head: "indeed, these two teams are really too violent. But there is a saying that if we fight like this, Ig will not make money. Their lineup is obviously more late, why should they compete with FPX in the early stage

"I think Ig may have a problem in thinking now. They can't fight FPX now, you know. It's not just this game. From the second game of the two teams, they can't beat the regiment

"If the second Ig group battle was defeated by the integrity and team of FPX, they were completely defeated in the details."

"Now it seems that Kamen is the only one in Ig with stable mentality and perfect operation, judgment and details in the group battle. But others may be in a bit of a hurry, so there will always be some small mistakes. "

"In contrast to FPX, they are more average. They will also make mistakes, but their mistakes are those shown by their opponents, which belong to the forced mistakes in tennis, while Ig is more non forced mistakes

Miller's words are euphemistic, but the meaning he wants to express is very clear. It's Ig that has been playing these waves. Except for Xiao Ge, who has always maintained a high standard, others are a bit pulled down.

On the other hand, FPX is all twisted into a rope. They may be shown, but they won't make unnecessary mistakes for their own sake and give Ig chances.

Doll nodded and said, "I quite agree with Miller's point of view. I feel that these waves can clearly see that Ig is a little urgent and chaotic. We all know that Ig can fight, but they may have entered a kind of misunderstanding. "

"In the past, Ig won a lot of games by relying on such unreasonable fighting, and even many of them were turnovers of major disadvantages. But FPX is not the team they met in the past, and FPX has a strong fighting ability. ""It's just that the purpose of FPX's fight is clearer, and FPX is really different now. Through this s-game, their strength has really improved a lot. If we still treat them in the same way, we will suffer a great loss. "

Miller added: "well, now I think Ig should recognize the reality that they can't beat FPX. Although many people may not agree with me when I say this, it is a fact that has been repeatedly verified. "

"In recent successive waves, Ig really has many operations that challenge people's imagination. But these operations did not achieve the desired results. After all, Kamen is only one person. He can't defeat FPX alone. "

"Take the wave group just now as an example, his backhand opening group has been perfect. At other times, Lin Weixiang must have been killed in an instant. But FPX has done a good job in protecting Lin Weixiang, and they have defused Ig's subsequent offensive one by one. "

"You can say it once or twice in the past. You can't say it every time you meet this situation."

Long Mao nodded and said, "yes, just now there is another point in this wave group. SAIN of doinb has become a point that Ig can't handle. He's not only out of line in his meat, but also in his output, because he killed theshy alone. "

"We have already analyzed that doinb's SAIN can't be treated by Ig until later stage if he develops. Now doinb's SAIN has developed beyond the normal level, and he has become a problem for Ig. "

"Not to mention that although Lin Weixiang was finally killed, he took away two heads before he died. The regiments on both sides have been fighting, but on the FPX side, the fatter people are getting fatter and fatter. "

"So Ig should really think about how they should face the FPX. After all, this is the battle of Tianwang mountain. The winner will get the match point directly! "

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