After this wave of regimental warfare, the two sides left three lives and finished three for three on their heads. It seems like a draw, but it's not like that.

Because rookie got all the three heads of Ig, and rookie is the biggest core of Ig. People who have played the League of heroes must know how terrifying a growing casaden is.

What's more, kasadin's terror lies not only in his great threat to the enemy's C position, but also in his ability to harvest regiment warfare. A fat casaden with a single is no solution, as long as the opposite dare to appear in his field of vision, it is a death.

Now rookie has three heads in eight minutes, and directly made a time stick, which is a disastrous signal for FPX. Because for a while, they can't target rookie.

In addition, the performance of theshy is also very important. Although we all know that theshy is good at those heroes who are high hurt, can show and can take alone, ORN is totally different from his style.

But at the beginning of the game, Xiao Ge helped him get a head, so theshy was very relaxed. And he's still playing online, and now he's more than a dozen times ahead of gimgoon in the patch.

The most important thing is that the wave of theshy has proved that he is no longer the one who used to only play carry hero. Now, when he plays the blue collar hero, he is also a model.

Although rookie is the one who reaps, theshy is the one who really shows off. Ig is the team's best friend, rookie, and theshy is the one with the most credit.

Without theshy, even if Baolan interrupts Lin Weixiang's moves, even if Xiao Ge forces doinb to stay in the front, rookie will still be killed. And the wave of theshy not only saved rookie, but also created a harvest situation for rookie.

No matter Xiaotian or Liu Qingsong, theshy just beat them up, only a little blood left, and then wait for rookie to come and get it. Especially for Xiaotian's head, theshy dragged it to rookie's big move to cool down, and then let rookie harvest.

Then gimgoon's head was rushed into the crowd to help rookie get it. The most important thing is that after all this, theshy even successfully retreated. He was not killed.

On the FPX side, among the three heads, Lin Weixiang got two and doinb got one. Among them, Lin Weixiang also got rookie's end. In this way, FPX can actually accept such an exchange.

Because Casa is the core of FPX, the latter Casa is invincible. But unfortunately, this Ig took out kasadin with the last hand. This is KASA's father. In the later stage, no matter how well KASA develops, she still has to be called kasadin's father.

The key is that the group battle just now has made FPX realize a problem - how to solve this problem when fighting in the group.

If you want to solve it with mercury, it's doomed that kasha can't quickly evolve skills. And casaden, who got three heads, seems to be able to do it in the middle. At that time, the young mage e skill circle, and then throw a big move, casaden will second people.

If it's in the later stage, kasha can get the basic equipment and then replenish the mercury. But in the mid-term, Casa's early appearance will definitely affect his output. Let alone calculate the mercury, Casa may not be able to live.

Also troubling for FPX is doinb. After the last doinb got the advantage, it was no brainer in the mid-term. As the team's first Tan, his flesh into a scold, Ig several people get together a piece of him.

But this time, Xiao Ge chose a troll to fight against him. If Xiao Ge took a big move to absorb his resistance, he would not be able to survive. Moreover, as a hero of SAIN, you can't pretend to be a butcher.

So far in the game, discerning people can see that FPX's BP is completely calculated by Ig. Of course, if it's other teams, it's impossible to counter them with this routine. Only Ig can have such ability.

Because the individual ability of Ig team members is too strong, they can take out some negative version of the hero to perform on the final stage. For other people, such a lineup would have been defeated by FPX.

But now Ig takes out this kind of wonderful lineup, not only has not been defeated, on the contrary, it has been played with sound and color, and even forced FPX to a very uncomfortable situation.

If the match goes on at the current pace, Ig will be able to crush FPX in about 23 minutes. They were defeated by Ig in all aspects, so the regiment war could not be fought at all.

"Oh, this one has been calculated by little K again!" Doinb was very annoyed and patted his head. They were all professional players. The understanding of the game must be online, so he already felt the difficulty of the game."At the beginning, I still felt that they had chosen a messy lineup. How could they fight so hard! Kasadin has three heads. After he grows up, we can't limit him. He's too much for us

"What's more, little K has already told me that if I take this kind of mixed hero, I can't let my opponent choose the later invincible hero. Because the Hun Zi can't suppress the development of the later heroes, they thought that ban and akali would be OK, but they didn't expect that they would choose kasadin. "

Before that, Xiao Ge did tell doinb when he was still in FPX. But this time doinb chose SAIN. All SAIN can do online is push the line, and there is no decent pressure at all.

So as long as rookie is a little more stable and prevents himself from being gank, then he can get through the early stage safely. It is precisely because he was not suppressed in the early stage, so he was able to play a certain amount of damage when he was in the little dragon group just now.

"It's OK, it's not impossible to fight now!" Liu Qingsong curled his lips and said: "the formation of kasadin is still too slow. We still have a chance to target him. Twice a second, he's still a failure. "

"Little mage's e is a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter. I'll wait for a dry pot. In other words, we'll take care of them in the next step. Let's push the middle rhythm and try to get them in the middle. "

Xiaotian nodded silently: "now this little dragon is still there, this little dragon can't let you. If the fire dragon is taken by them, the casadens will have no solution. Later, we'll see if we can make a fight, and then we'll take the dragon. "

"The main thing is that little K will definitely squat on the next road. If this wave is going to explode, it's really impossible to fight." Like doinb, Lin Weixiang is worried about the situation.

Gimgoon suddenly said: "don't be afraid, asibal. We have one more win now, and we still have a chance to lose this one. So we let go. We still have an advantage now. If we want to go on like this, there will be no chance

Seeing that his teammates were so determined, doinb simply did not tangle too much, nodded and said: "then fight, don't counselle!"

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