This Xiaoge feels that he is not playing MoBa games, but is playing a nurturing online game. Rookie's kasadin is the goal they need to cultivate.

The good news is that they have done a good job. Kasadin has become a third grader who can wrestle with the older child who is going to fight him. However, this is far from enough.

Ig's goal is to turn kasadin into a thug who fights Nanshan kindergarten and kicks Beihai nursing home. There is still a long way to go between kasadin and this goal, so Ig needs to continue to tilt its resources towards kasadin.

Now they are doing this. After killing gimgoon, FPX has no ability to compete with Ig for the vanguard of the canyon. Now the game has only been playing for less than 12 minutes. It is conceivable that this canyon county must help rookie bump into TAPI.

But Ig did a better job. After playing the vanguard in the canyon, he asked rookie to pick up the vanguard's eye. Then on the road, after eating a layer of TAPI, theshy went back to the city, and rookie took the vanguard's eye to the road.

Then Xiao Ge helped rookie squat back from a distance. Rookie used the vanguard of the canyon to knock down the first tower on the road with three layers of TAPI, which was also the first blood tower in the audience.

"Wow, rookie, that's a great game to play! All the resources are tilted to him! " Seeing Ig's crazy cultivation tactics, the doll couldn't help sighing: "it's not just royal treatment, it's supreme treatment!"

"Look at theshy, it feels like You're the shy, right! You deserve to eat TAPI. Go back to the city. TAPI belongs to me, and Yixue pagoda belongs to me. Anyone who dares to fight against me is treason! "

Miller said with a smile: "ha ha, it's like this! And not just theshy, but Kamen. Facing the emperor, Kamen has to work honestly. First, he helps to carry the tower and let rookie take the head of gimgoon. "

"And then we need to help rookie stand guard honestly, so that rookie can eat a blood tower and three layers of TAPI safely! Kamen himself is afraid to eat any money. This game is the peak of rookie's life

The baby then said, "I want to repeat once again that the first blood tower on the road was hammered by theshy. After hammering for more than ten minutes, he finally hammered off a blood tower with two layers of TAPI!"

"But joking is joking. FPX is really not going to do something to stop Ig! This crazy absorption of the economy is casaden! You don't care about him. I'm afraid he'll really kill you one by one! "

Looking at the situation on the field, Chang Mao shook his head and said, "FPX wants to stop it, but they can't stop it. Gimgoon was calculated on the road and was killed by people crossing the second tower. Doinb in the middle was also helpless. "

"Although Xialu has killed Baolan, they are too far away from the road. They are at both ends of the map and can't catch up, let alone take Bruce Lee. However, after they won Bruce Lee, they went to push Ig's next tower, which is also a response. "

Miller continued to analyze: "it can only be like this. For FPX, Casa is also their core, so it's no problem to try to make Casa fat. Although kasha was conquered by the little mage, the follow-up still depends on the FPX treatment. "

"Just now, if they can tear down the Ig tower at the first time after capturing Baolan, they may be able to seize the economy of the blood tower. In that case, rookie's lack of a blood tower is a kind of restriction to him. "

"But there's no way. After all, no one thought that Ig would catch gimgoon. Now it seems that Rookie can eat a blood tower, FPX can also eat a tower, doinb can also eat a layer of tower skin, which is a stop loss! "

The baby said, "that's all, but I don't think FPX makes any money at all! After all, it's kasadin who is crazy about economy on Ig side! And look at theshy It's too humble. Rookie has taken the road economy, but theshy didn't go to the middle road. Instead, he went to the lower road! "

"Rookie, after a wave of crazy development on the road, goes on to eat a big wave of soldiers on the Middle Road, and eats two kinds of economy by himself! Ig's tactics are really crazy and extreme

"But there is a saying that this extreme and crazy tactic seems to really let Ig win this game! Because it doesn't take 30 minutes, or even 20 minutes, to stop this casaden now! "

Miller nodded: "it seems like this. Now FPX has no ability to break the little mage's restriction on kasha. Because Lin Weixiang can't buy Mercury now, and he doesn't have the financial support to help him get out of the crucible. The little mage's E has no solution. "

"And although theshy sacrificed a lot just now, he developed very smoothly. He is now at level 10. In a few minutes, he will be able to equip his teammates after level 14. At that time, he helped casadin to play big central Asia. It was terrible"I feel that Ig is still scheming FPX to death, which is also a routine to win! It's just that it's not a routine in the past, but a restraint for FPX's current lineup

With the two teams up and down the exchange of a wave of rhythm, the line period is almost over. At this time, the game has come to 14 minutes, to say the fattest person on the field, it is undoubtedly rookie.

Just now, on the road, he ate a head, three layers of TAPI and a blood tower, which directly added up to more than 1000 economy. At this time, kasadin has reached level 11, with two major moves. His equipment is the staff of time, goddess tears, explorer's arm guard and straw sandals.

At this point in time, casaden, who made this kind of equipment, already had the devil potential. With such a casaden to lay the foundation, Ig is in no hurry now. They just need to stabilize the situation, wait for rookie's three piece suit, wait for theshy to equip his teammates, and they'll have the chance to win.

As for theshy, although he has been acting as a green leaf, his development is not bad at all. After a little bit of development, he is now at level 11. And his counterpart, gimgoon, is just level 10.

So at this time, FPX is in a hurry. They are eager to fight Ig head-on. Because as time goes on, their disadvantage will be greater and greater, and their regimental battle will be more and more difficult to fight.

But they want to fight Ig, but Ig doesn't fight FPX. Ig broke the first tower on the road of FPX, and after FPX broke the first tower on the road of Ig, Ig began to turn the line directly. Rookie ran to the upper strip, theshy ran to the lower strip, and the remaining three were pulling in the middle.

In this way, rookie can continue to develop and upgrade, and so can theshy. The main pressure has shifted to Xiao Ge, a Shui and Bao Lan on the middle road of Ig station.

In the face of Ig's sudden operation, FPX seems to be unable to find rhythm for a while. They obviously have nearly two minutes of confusion on the field. In these two minutes, they were led by Ig's nose and couldn't organize an effective attack at all.

However, FPX is not a weak team after all. With the brain of doinb, they have sorted out their thinking after all. They understand that in this situation, if they want to break the deadlock, they can only do one thing - start the group in the middle road!

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