"After Lin Weixiang was arrested by Kamen just now, he felt that there was something wrong with his state of mind. He was walking back and forth in the river alone! This gives you a chance. Baolan is going to open you. It's a big move. Lucian will come and take the hurt! "

The voice of the baby is loud, but in his eyes, Lin Weixiang is almost dead now: "Lu Xi'an is two levels ahead of EZ, and he is broken. EZ is as fragile as paper in his eyes..."

"But Xiaotian is right next to him. He points the explosive fruit down and goes straight to Lucian with an E-Net!" Miller continued to shout: "but now Lucian and dawning goddess are so good at fighting, even if Xiaotian is here, he and EZ are not rivals!"

"And Kamen is the stone painter, and now he's going to help. This wave is going to turn into three against two! Lin Weixiang just flashed that he had already handed it in. He felt that he couldn't run. Even Xiao Tian might have to take it in himself! "

"Wait a minute, no, doinb is too big! My God, this wave is not three against two, but three against four! What's more, the position of doinb falls directly behind Lucian and jams Kamen's position! "

"It's over. It's going to be reversed. It's so deadly! Lucian and the goddess of dawn can't run, and Kamen can't even support them. They have to buy them! "

"But Lucian and the goddess of dawn want to change EZ. This wave has a chance. The holy gun baptism begins to sweep, and the damage is enough. Spiders can't bear it, and EZ can't bear it But Ritz's big move has come down! "

"The robot hits Lucian with a q-hook. Hammer it up and take another big move! Ritz threw out a set of skills and took Lucian's head directly! On the other side, the goddess of dawn can't run, and FPX begins to deliberately make the head, this head will be given to EZ who is seriously hindered in development! "

"The dawn goddess also fell down, and the head was given to EZ! Explosion, explosion, Ig, this wave will explode directly! FPX takes down the next blood tower, and the rhythm takes off directly. The situation is reversed by FPX again! "

Before this wave of rhythm, Ig's overall economy has been more than 1000 ahead of FPX, and Lu Xi'an of ashui has been regarded as the core of Ig's output in the first and middle term. This battle of life and death, has also appeared a clear context.

But the charm of competitive events lies in its unpredictability. No matter how big the advantage is, it can't be equal to victory before one of the bases explodes. After all, OMG knows that even if there is only a little blood left in the base, it can actually turn it over.

At present, Lucian, regarded as the core of output in the early and medium term, has fallen. And with the full defense tower coating of the next tower is pushed, FPX's team economy instant super Ig.

Lin Weixiang, who had been on the verge of collapse before, came to life all of a sudden. After taking a head and eating a mouthful of defense tower coating and blood tower economy, he can go back to the city smoothly according to the normal rhythm this time.

After returning to the city, Lin Weixiang happily made a magic sect, and then a little vampire scepter, and then changed the line to go on the road. Next, we are ready to take the vanguard of the canyon. As for Bruce Lee, the tactical position of the water dragon is not so high.

However, theshy, who was already limited in development, was forced to switch to the next road. Without the protection of the defensive tower, he will be more easily gank. Even though he is still in a weak period, even if he is not killed by gank, he also has the risk of being killed by crocodiles alone.

Of course, the discomfort of theshy is only one aspect. What really matters is the so-called rhythm. After the wave of Ig down road duo was killed, they will be quiet for a long time, and naturally they can't drive any rhythm.

Rookie in the middle of the road originally had a certain advantage and could drive the rhythm with Xiao Ge. However, doinb made a big move down the road and got a head and assist all of a sudden, so he was able to keep up with rookie.

That is to say, now Xiao Ge is the only one who can drive the rhythm of the Ig team. I thought Xiao Ge would resist the pressure from the beginning and the situation would be relieved in the future. I didn't expect that the advantages I had accumulated would come back to the front of understanding.

Take another look at FPX, Nakano's trio is almost wearing a pair of pants. In the ten minute game that has been played, Xiaotian spent almost three minutes with doinb, and another one and a half minutes with Liu Qingsong.

And Xiao GE has always been a person carrying the rhythm, not easy to resist, and soon to see the light, suddenly it was dark again. And then Lin Weixiang has been able to single mixed line, which means that Liu Qingsong has almost completely liberated.

Now the only one who can help Xiao Ge is Baolan. When Liu Qingsong goes for a walk, he can go too. But the problem is that Baolan has never been a wandering assistant, and when he wanted to bring rhythm on his own initiative, he gave his opponent a head in the end.

"Don't panic, don't panic! Keep growing with them, if they want Let's just go over and harass. But don't be radical. If they insist on taking it, give it to them. If we don't have a firm attitude, we'll put it off a little bit. "When the situation is turbulent, it is most necessary for someone to stand up and stabilize the situation. Xiao Ge is trying to do these things: "but the premise is that we can't send any more. I will take the rhythm. Believe me, we can win!"

"Asiba..." As soon as Xiao GE's voice fell, the signature national curse of theshy came.

As I said before, when theshy suddenly burst out this sentence in the game, it often means that something bad has happened. Especially in the current situation, it is obviously more likely that something bad will happen.

Just after the big rhythm down the road, Ig first lost a blood tower, then FPX changed the line. This is the butterfly effect after taking the lead in breaking the tower. If you take the lead in breaking the tower, you can have the initiative to change the line, while the opponent can only act according to your face.

If FPX changes the line and Ig doesn't change the line, take theshy to face two opponents, and you will be forced out of the experience zone. Even after being pushed, Xiaotian will surely come to his tower.

When gimgoon changes to the next road, he really can't eat soldiers under the pressure of the Ig down road double group, but he can rely on the defense tower to eat soldiers under the obscene tower. If ashui and Baolan control the line, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang can take the rhythm of pushing the tower.

But if ashui Baolan doesn't control the line, gimgoon, a big crocodile, can eat soldiers comfortably under the tower. So Ig can only be led by the nose by FPX, taking the opportunity to change the shy to the next road.

The problem is that theshy's vampires need to develop, and they don't have much fighting power yet. But because the next tower was pushed, he was easily bypassed by his opponent. At this time, theshy is seized by Xiaotian and given to gank.

Today's theshy can't win against gimgoon alone, let alone face Xiaotian and gimgoon at once. The key is that Xiao GE's vision of controlling the vanguard of the canyon in Dalong district can't catch up with the support.

In this way, although theshy tried to get rid of the dilemma, when he was bound by Xiaotian's cocoon, everything was in vain.

In the end, Xiaotian and gimgoon successfully catch theshy, then gimgoon continues to lead the line, while Xiaotian keeps on rushing to the upper half of the field. FPX is ready to take the vanguard of the Canyon!

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