Xiao GE's sudden honey move made Liu Qingsong feel stunned for no reason. This walk gave him a great opportunity to Q, but also made him have a big question - Xiao Ge seemed to take the initiative to send him Q.

Liu Qingsong doesn't believe that Xiao Ge is interested in FPX. After the spring game, he transferred to Ig with a mission to be an undercover agent. At the end of the final, he suddenly began to jump back, tearing open the Ig uniform, and found that there was FPX in it.

Xiao Ge is a fighting wild man. If he is pulled by the robot at this time, FPX can continue to chase him, kill several Ig people, and then go back to fight Dalong. If all this happened, take this game will completely lose suspense.

And FPX will also win the championship as a rookie in the S-Match by beating the powerful Ig. Ig, who trades to Xiao Ge in the spring competition, thinks that he has picked up a big bargain. In fact, he didn't expect to buy an insider.

For such a long time, Xiao Ge not only revealed the internal situation and tactics of Ig for FPX, but also played Ig at an important juncture. When FPX won the cup, Xiao Ge said in his heart: in fact, I want to be a good man.

After the s-game, Xiao Getou got a huge sum of money from FPX, and he was also full of spinach. But as the final winner, Xiao Ge will not be doubted, because blind people can see how important Xiao Ge is to Ig.

And along the way, he has changed his life many times, carrying Ig to this stage. So even if he made a fatal mistake in the end, the credit he had made before was enough to offset the mistake. Because without him, Ig may not be able to enter the s race.

In this way, Xiao Ge continues to undercover Ig after getting everyone's understanding, and continues to help FPX solve the biggest threat to FPX.

However, real life is not a novel, let alone a movie. All this is Liu Qingsong's own imagination. Xiao Ge is not an undercover, and he can't start his performance at this time. No matter how wrong he is, he has nothing to do with the actor.

The most important thing is that Xiao Ge is not only an actor, he is not Superman, and he is not likely to lock the lock. So if he eats the robot's Q, he will be killed in seconds. As soon as he dies, the game can be announced ahead of time.

"Come here, you!" In his mind, after the battle between heaven and man, Liu Qingsong immediately did not hesitate. He flicked the Q key with his fingers, and the robot flying claw immediately flew out, aiming at Xiao Ge who had made a wrong move.

However, Xiao GE's misplay gives Liu Qingsong a chance to give a Q, which does not mean that Liu Qingsong's Q can really hit Xiao Ge!

In the face of this mechanical flying claw that can make the game lose suspense, Xiao Ge not only has no worries, but also shows a sneer: "let you Q, you Q, song song song, do you think we are still teammates? Give me the big robot

"Feel the glory of the sun!"

Baolan has already put his finger on the R key. With Xiao GE's command, he immediately presses the R key and throws the big move at Liu Qingsong.

Since Baolan finished SKT in the semi-finals, dawn goddess has become his best hero, even the only one who is not so good at it. The most important thing is that after getting the dawn goddess, Baolan's confidence will be greatly improved.

His consciousness or something may not be online, but his basic operation is not too big a problem. The hero of robot will have a flash of pause time when he makes Q. Xiao Ge grasped this point, and Baolan also grasped this point accurately.

As soon as the dawn goddess's hand was raised, a brilliant golden awn immediately fell from the sky, hitting the robot in the middle. The robot's mechanical flying claw is about to catch Xiao Ge, but it is twisted off by Xiao Ge!

"If violence is not for killing, it will be meaningless! Ha

After avoiding the Q of Liu Qingsong, Xiao Ge immediately returns a tianyinbo. Light white sky sound wave with murderous, accurate hit Liu Qingsong. Then Xiao Ge didn't hesitate for a moment, and directly followed the second Q.

Liu Qingsong, who is determined by the dawn goddess's big move, can't make any response, but Xiao GE's goal is not Liu Qingsong at all, but doinb, who has just landed the big move! After Liu Qingsong is settled down, he can't make a big move, and naturally he can't stop Xiao GE's operation.

So Liu Qingsong can only look at himself as a springboard. The moment Xiao GE's second Q follows him, he has already touched his eyes and continues to fly out. Then, like a blind monk with wings flying in mid air, his body glittered with gold!

"One bank!"

Let countless young game players are familiar with the ring, the same any hero league players have watched countless times, they also tried countless times, but look again or feel handsome criticism explosion blind monk r flash, once again in front of them!

Doinb, who had just been sent to the battlefield through his big move, didn't know anything. He just saw a golden flash on his screen, and then he was kicked out. During the flight, doinb bumped into the robot and finally landed in front of Ig.

"Brothers, kill me! Seconds, Ritz! Second robot, second crocodile, second spider, second EZ! Give me all of you seconds! Don't leave any of them, kill themAt this time, the scene is already a scream, and the commentary platform is also a series of screams, but Ig's team voice is just full of Xiao GE's crying. Under Xiao GE's howling, theshy and others have been operating crazily.

It was only at this time that the audience, commentators and even the whole FPX knew why Ig was so hesitant in the choice of Dalong just now. It's not hesitation at all, it's really decisive, because they didn't want to take Dalong.

In fact, the five members of theshy's TP and Ig's relentless output is to send a message to FPX: we really want to fight the dragon. You'd better stop us quickly. If we don't stop us, we'll win the dragon.

After doinb really started the big move, Ig immediately retreated in groups, which sent a message to FPX: Ig has been completely flustered, their command has been completely confused, and now is a good time to rush up and beat the water dog!

So Liu Qingsong immediately opened the w to push forward, ready to catch a person. Just at this time, Xiao Ge "made a mistake", Liu Qingsong did not hesitate to give Q to his old teammates, ready to kill the Muye village traitor.

However, everything is a stratagem, and Liu Qingsong's self-confident q is easily evaded by Xiao Ge. On the contrary, Liu Qingsong became Xiao GE's stepping stone, while doinb became the most unfortunate one.

At this time, the group war has started, and FPX has already had the momentum of collapse at the moment when the group war started

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