This time, FPX still let Xiaotian start first. In this regard, Xiao Ge does not have any emotion, he is willing to be a substitute, after all, what he needs is only a stage of performance.

Originally, Xiao Ge thought that after she joined FPX, her relationship with Xiao Tian should be rather stiff. After all, they are direct competitors, and Xiao GE's threat to Xiaotian is very strong.

But I didn't expect that Xiao Tian didn't have any malice towards Xiao Ge. Instead of any contradiction, they became very good friends.

Xiao Ge, who has been through the S9 season, clearly remembers how Xiao Tian led FPX to the final with a strong carry all the way in the S9 global finals.

It's no exaggeration to say that from the performance of the whole S9 finals, Xiaotian is definitely the first wild player in the world.

Especially in the semi-final with Ig civil war, small day a hand, Kiana really put Ning as a pig to kill.

Of course, in this version, Kiana is not online yet. But at this time, Xiaotian has begun to show his ability of carrying.

However, although Xiaotian is very strong now, it is not strong enough to be amazing. As for how he completed his transformation in less than a year, Xiao Ge does not know.

SS team is a team with home court, and their home court is located in the famous mountain city, which is also Xiaoxiao's hometown, known as the hot pot city.

After having one experience, Xiao Ge came to the scene to play the game again. He has been familiar with many things.

After a simple opening, the audience began to shout Xiao GE's name again and strongly demanded that FPX send Xiao Ge on the stage.

In this regard, Xiao Ge is also very helpless. Of course, it is Xiaotian who is more embarrassed, but Xiaotian has a better mentality and won't be greatly affected.

"If there is no accident, it should be easy to win today. You can take it as a free game and let you play when you meet a strong opponent."

In the rest room of the team, coach zhanma chatted with Xiao Ge. For this game, he has a lot of confidence.

"What if there's an accident?" Xiao Ge looked back at the horse, with a strange expression.

Xiao Ge can't remember the performance of FPX team in each round, but he clearly remembers that FPX was severely abused in the first game when facing SS.

But in the second inning, FPX adjusted its mind and pulled back one city. Xiao Tian, who was completely defeated by soft in the first inning, also recovered a little bit.

If the defeat in the first game is even an accident as the war horse said, doesn't Xiao Ge have a chance to play?

The steed laughed: "I think it's very easy for us to play SS 2-0. If we lose, I'll let you play. How about that?"

Xiao Ge didn't know if he could smile, "that's no problem. Let's watch the game..."

With the passage of time, the situation did not develop as Xiao GE's impression, FPX easily won the first game.

"Hiss Is it because I remember wrongly or because of me that history has changed... "

Xiao Ge is very confused, but he can't say anything. He can only watch the battle calmly.

But in the second inning, the wind suddenly changed! In Xiao GE's impression, the competition situation was reversed in order!

In the second inning, SS blood abused FPX, the final head ratio was 22 to 2, SS nearly shaved a bald head of FPX!

For this tragic defeat, the war horse is also unexpected. For any team, they can't accept defeat, but they can't lose so ugly!

Especially after the first easy win, it was followed by such a cruel meal. A failure is OK, but I'm afraid that such an embarrassing failure will affect the mentality of the players.

And from the horse coach's expression, Xiao Ge can be sure that the horse's mentality has been obviously affected.

"Coach, I'll go to the next game. I promise I'll get it back for you." Xiao Ge said to the horse with a smile

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