"Well, audience friends, the first scene of the FPX war Ig is finally about to start! Both sides enter the ban pick link! "

As the baby begins to explain again, the first contest between the two sides finally begins. Xiao Ge is still watching the game backstage with the rest of the team.

This competition for the top of the list has really attracted much attention, and Xiao Ge is also impressed by this competition. In his memory, FPX first lost, and then won two games in a row to win the final victory.

However, according to the meaning of zhanma, if you lose the first game today, you should change Xiao Ge to play.

At present, the system gives Xiao Ge two branch tasks, one is to seize two dragons, the other is to complete five kill.

In recent games, FPX almost all defeated the opponent without blood. There were no big waves in the process, so Xiao Ge didn't have the chance to grab the Dragon at all.

As for Wusha, it mainly depends on luck. However, in recent rounds of competition, Xiao Ge was not very lucky. At most, he only won one four kill, and he had no chance to get five.

Now in the face of Ig, a strong enemy, it should still be very difficult to kill five, but the chance to seize the dragon may appear. So Xiao Ge is still looking forward to playing.

BP will soon be over, FPX will be on the road, SAIN, Daiye prince, Middle Road, Lisandro, ad kasha, auxiliary Niutou. A solid team.

Ig side, sword demon on the road, hindra in the middle, Kayin in the field, ad Explorer ezerell, auxiliary garrio. Obviously pay more attention to the line-up.

After the start, Xiaotian's rhythm is very good, and he obviously remembers Xiao GE's advice that Baolan is the best dish on the opposite side, so their next step is the breakthrough, so it's better to catch them!

Six and a half minutes later, Xiaotian grabs the opportunity of the gap in the opposite field of vision and gets off the road directly. Although an EQ flash failed, it finally succeeded in killing Ez and winning a blood.

But eight minutes later, Xiao Tian, who got one blood, went too far. He went directly to the opposite field to fight against the blue buff. He didn't want to be caught by the opposite side.

In the end, Xiaotian not only sent him, but also died with Liu Qingsong who came to support him.

The most important thing is that with the death of Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong, the opposite side takes advantage of the situation to win the fire dragon. All of a sudden, Xiaotian ruined all the advantages in the early stage.

Then both sides continued to develop steadily. FPX found a chance to kill Baolan, and Ig also found a chance to kill doinb.

But the killing didn't have a lethal effect. The real lethal effect was a wave of 5v5 Regiment Battle in the FPX blue buff field 15 minutes later.

Originally, Ning just wanted to fight against Xiaotian's blue, and then triggered a wave of group war. Ig by virtue of the upper field of strong combat effectiveness and a wave of limit show, successfully played a wave of 2 for 5!

In 23 minutes, gimgoon seized the opportunity of the opposite sword devil to lead the line down the road and directly opened the group with a big move in the middle.

But Ig's pull was very successful, and rookie hindra's push stunned four people directly. But theshy also successfully TP enters the field, finally Ig hits a wave 0 to change 4.

Then Ig successfully won the dragon, a wave took the FPX.

"Little K, get ready. You'll go to the end!" After the first defeat, the team began to adjust its personnel.

"Coach, I think it's better for Xiaotian to play again! If it's always like this, he will send me to save the field as soon as he loses. It doesn't feel like a good thing

The horse was very surprised. Xiao Ge frowned and kept silent for a while, then grinned: "you boy! If you lose at the end of the game, you can't play today. The flag you set up when you called the war before will become a tool for others to ridicule you! "

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing in the world is brain damage. If brain damage can affect me, then I won't be Kamen today..."

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