Judging from Ig's attitude and confidence in this game, it is obvious that they did not really pay attention to FPX, just regard FPX as an opponent who can win casually.

Even though FPX is leading the table with a wave of seven wins in a row, like many people's opinion, Ig people think that FPX can achieve seven wins in a row because it has not met any decent opponent.

In fact, it's no big problem for them to think so. After all, FPX is a new team after off-season reorganization.

Many new teams will play FPX team such performance, at the beginning of a strong performance, refreshing. When the routine is understood, or when a powerful opponent is abused, it shows its original shape.

Over the years, this kind of situation frequently appears in the LPL competition, so many people have seen it.

As the S8 champion, Ig naturally has the courage to look down on FPX. After the first game, they think that their strength is one level ahead of FPX.

But no one in the world can escape the "Zhenxiang warning". FPX, which has come to the fore in spring, will become the biggest surprise of the whole LPL competition area and even the whole league of heroes in this year!

Because in the summer, they will win the championship of LPL division with the dominant performance, and then go out to S9 on behalf of LPL division as the number one seed!

At the same time, in the S9 finals, FPX all the way through, the semi-final is easy to beat the same division of Ig, strong into the final!

Of course, these warnings are far away. Even because of the existence of Xiao Ge, everything may become different.

But now this game, small "really fragrant warning" has come to Ig's head!

5 minutes into the game, the line played a huge advantage, the control line control of the beautiful theshy was Olaf caught dead, dedicated a blood.

In 6 minutes and 30 seconds, Zhongye 2v2 broke out in the middle, and then Liu Qingsong's Niutou came to the scene in time. Finally, the two sides had a fight of two for two.

in 7 minutes and 30 seconds, the greedy EZ was caught by Xiaotian, who opened the wolf's head, and Xiaotian won the EZ head, with a record of 3-1.

In 8 minutes and 30 seconds, Ning went on the road to cooperate with theshy to cross the tower, but was finally hit by gimgoon one for one.

Then, on the road, Li sangzhuo cooperates with the wandering bull head to kill theshy. And Xiaotian went down the road to kill ashui and Baolan together with Lin Weixiang.

At this time, the situation has begun to tilt towards FPX. After being arrested twice, theshy's hand almost collapsed.

In 12 minutes, the two sides fought a group battle of 5v5 in the FPX blue buff field. The stunted theshy didn't work at all in the Regiment Battle. In the end, FPX played a wave of 0 for 3, and almost won.

15 minutes later, a group battle broke out on the road, and FPX played a group battle of one for three again, continuing to expand its advantage.

In 17 minutes, theshy was fighting with SAIN, but was killed by kasha, who came to support.

The next few minutes, the game completely evolved into a FPX slaughter of Ig!

Finally, in 21 minutes, FPX successfully pushed off the Ig base, with a head to head ratio of 29 to 6! The score is 1-1!

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