If Id is covered in this game, people will feel that RNG's lineup is taken by FPX, while FPX's lineup has a strong RNG style.

Because FPX's lineup is more like the four guarantees and one lineup if it removes a more exotic Lucian.

Of course, this FPX lineup, Xiao Ge out of a Lucian field is actually quite good. Because of Lucian's heroic character, it can fully support the rhythm and output of the early and middle stages, so that FPX will not be too passive in the middle stage.

As for RNG, it's really Casa's big move to come up with a 3C team all at once.

Xiao Ge doesn't know which way RNG wants to develop, so that he can't find a gank point. This is RNG's intention to choose this team.

But in fact, in Xiao GE's opinion, their cleverness is absolutely ridiculous. You RNG think very beautiful, feel three roads at the same time, one road collapsed, there are two other roads to stand up.

In other words, you can carry all three roads, so Xiao Ge needs to take care of all roads. In this way, the downward pressure will be reduced a lot, which can protect the development of Uzi as much as possible.

But we are not chicken, not the first day to play this game, you make those fancy useless!

In a game, there are so many resources. How can you evenly distribute them to three roads and let them all develop?

In the end, you have to rely on Uzi to carry! If the other two roads really have stable carry ability, will RNG come to the present land!

One step further back, you little tiger "foreign war submissive, civil war heavy fist attack", occasionally lucky to be able to C one.

How about Shan bobigo?

If you really want to have the ability to carry, you need to play a Bobbie all the time!

So Xiao Gecai doesn't care about your double carrys and triple carrys. The focus is only on the next Uzi.

On this premise, if you find an opportunity to help doinb, and then two people swim together for two waves, the middle and upper classes are not afraid.

As an ADC, Lucian will still have some injuries in the early stage. So Xiao Ge chooses F6 to turn on, while doinb helps Xiao Ge play a Q. In this way, Xiao Ge can almost reach level 2 without injury.

Lucian will not appear in the form of playing wild in the game because he has no gank ability at all, so he is passive in finding rhythm.

But in this game, Xiao Ge is not busy looking for rhythm, his first task is to get through the early stage.

Casa also did not find any rhythm, also he is not worried, because really to the late, their 3C lineup is undoubtedly more advantage.

Both sides have their own ideas, so the whole prophase is relatively smooth, and there is no rhythm.

Until six minutes later, Casa broke into Xiaoge's red buff field and snatched Xiaoge's F6, which was hit by Xiaoge!

Without saying a word, Xiao Ge began to output directly. Kasha is not as iron headed as Ning. If you don't have an angle to fly E in F6, you can't rush into Xiaoge's side, you can only be kited infinitely by Xiaoge.

But Casa can only throw a Q [rolling barrel], want to slow down Xiao Ge through this Q, and then retreat decisively.

But Xiao GE's reaction is very fast. The moment that the barrel throws Q, Xiao Ge turns his head spiritually and hides the barrel's Q!

At the same time, Xiao GE's strong attack talent triggers, and the damage instant is one level higher than before. Once again, two draws a hit out, the barrel immediately can't stand it.

Fortunately, little tiger's hindra came in time, raised her hand and pushed out a QE second company, hoping to persuade Xiao Ge to quit.

But at the moment of hindra's QE, Xiao Ge flew out in a flash, avoiding hindra's push! He didn't want to let Casa go at all!

"My God! I seem to have seen this scene somewhere! Isn't this the start of the last round when FPX played Ig Game 3! But this time, is Kamen too high? "

On the commentary stage, Wang Duoduo is obviously not very optimistic about Xiao GE's pursuit of this flash, but the fight between the two sides continues

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