Eleven minutes into the game, Xiao Ge, with four heads and 88 mending knives, is definitely the fattest man in the game.

Mercury shoes, soldiers fighting wild sword, fanaticism (yellow fork) and a long sword, Xiao Ge with this equipment is definitely a big boss who can kill any opponent on the field alone!

But Xiao Ge alone is obviously not enough to help FPX defeat its rivals easily. And the situation of the game has not always been under Xiao GE's control.

12 minutes later, doinb swam on the road to help gimgoon cross the tower. But it was seen in advance by RNG's vision, and then RNG resolutely gave up on the road and launched a wave of 4-pack-2 on the next road.

In the end, RNG won the head of the next group of doubles. Xiao Ge, who came to the scene later, reluctantly took away the head of Niu tou, but he was also beaten so that he could only return to the city to supplement his state.

Although doinb and gimgoon succeeded in killing AJ on the road, RNG took the lead in getting a blood tower.

At the same time, AJ released a big move before he died. Relying on the captain's big move, AJ successfully took two waves of soldiers into the tower. But FPX side has to go down the road double group, actually has produced the loss two waves of soldiers!

On the whole, this wave of FPX is not profitable.

Next, RNG began to speed up the pace of the game. After pushing down the first tower of the road, they directly changed the double group of the next road to the road. At the same time, Casa began to play the vanguard of the canyon with the advantage of stronger combat effectiveness of his down road double team.

FPX didn't want to lose the vanguard of the canyon, so it chose to fight a group battle of 5v5 with the opposite side.

But RNG knows that Xiaoge is the only damage point in FPX at present, so Xiaoming's Tauren directly Q flashes Xiaoge. Other people are not stingy of skills, the purpose is to forcibly kill Xiao Ge.

Rao is Xiao gexiu to the limit, was seconds before just barely replaced tiger. In the following 4v4, without Xiao GE's output, FPX was defeated and was beaten by a wave of 1 for 4.

In addition to the previous swap between Xiao Ge and Xiao Hu, this wave of group war RNG is equivalent to playing FPX 2 for 5, and they also won a canyon vanguard.

Then RNG, with the help of the canyon vanguard just obtained, successfully knocked down the middle tower with two layers left 14 minutes ago.

So far, the economic gap between the two sides has reached 3000, and FPX has fallen into a major disadvantage!

15 minutes later, Lin Weixiang, who was eating soldiers in the middle of the road, was hit by KASA's void. Uzi resolutely flew to Lin Weixiang with a big move and successfully killed him.

But then, Xiao Ge squatted down to Casa in the grass of the river, and killed Casa again.

In 17 minutes, doinb, who was on the road, was caught by CASA and tiger. Doinb wants to run away, but is stopped by CASA, but can only give up his life.

In 19 minutes, when gimgoon was on the line, he had a fight with AJ. Xiaoming's Tauren support arrived to help AJ successfully kill gimgoon.

But at the same time, Xiao Ge also quickly rushed to the scene, successfully killed AJ, Xiao Ming successfully escaped.

The whole mid-term situation of FPX is totally supported by Xiao Ge alone. But this situation is not very helpful for FPX, because with the passage of time, RNG 3C equipment is gradually taking shape!

And now the advantage is in the hands of RNG. If they continue to operate in this way and do not compete with FPX, their advantage will only grow.

Once the game is delayed to the later stage, or 30 minutes later, FPX is hard to win!

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