Just at the moment when Casa e-flash collides with Xiaoge, there is also a golden light flashing to Xiaoge. This golden light is no other than Liu Qingsong's Tam!

Just now, Liu Qingsong, who has been accused and has no time to hand in any skills, can only watch Lin Weixiang be lost. At this time, he finally has a chance to show Tam's core skills - eating (W)!

At the moment when Casa e-flash hits Xiao Ge, Liu Qingsong's Tam will flash to Xiao Ge and swallow him when the trick is still in the air!

Moreover, the reason why he reacted so quickly was that he completely obeyed Xiao GE's command.

Since Lin Weixiang was killed, Xiao GE has known that he has to kill himself regardless of everything, so he has been focusing on those skills that can threaten him.

Can have been slightly up to the two sides are calm down, Xiao Song has been paying attention to Casa still did not release their own big move.

The reason why Xiao Ge chose Lu Xi'an to play wild in this game is not only because the lineup they chose needs a strong output point in the early and mid-term, but also because of the task of the system.

At present, the system arranges two branch tasks for Xiao Ge, one of which is to win five kills. In order to accomplish this task, Xiao Ge absolutely needs to choose a hero who has a chance to take five kills.

That's why Xiao Ge confidently elected Lucian!

Now Xiao GE has won the double kill, but also keen to smell the smell of five kill. Of course, he did not want the fight to stop, so he decisively exposed a mistake in front of CASA, which was used to hook Casa into a trap.

But after seeing that Xiao Ge didn't flash and E, Casa was really fooled and directly e dodged Xiao Ge.

But before Xiao GE has told Liu Qingsong, let Liu Qingsong must be in Casa to do it yourself moment, flash swallow yourself.

Xiao Ge and Liu Qingsong have mental calculation, but they don't want to. They let Casa get on the road directly, and the regiment war started again!

Because he was swallowed by TAM at the first level, Xiaoge perfectly avoided the damage of the bucket trick. The most important thing is that CASA, the R, wanted to blow Xiaoge back to Xiaohu, and then Xiaohu would kill Xiaoge.

But when the tiger found out that it was a Tam who landed, he was just dumbfounded.

Then, Lucian got out of Tam's stomach and began to export without pressure.

Xiao Hu gave the big move to verus before. At this time, Xiao Ge ate less of a big wine barrel and a defensive tower attack because he was swallowed by TAM.

Now, hindra's Q alone is not enough to kill Xiao Ge!

old fellow do Semyon Casa helped!

After there was no threat, Xiao Ge called out: "brothers, dads, give me five kills. I can kill this wave five times. Tomorrow I'll invite dads to dinner, please..."

By the time he got out of Tam's stomach, the tiger's hindra had been slowed down by Tam's Q [giant tongue whip]. In this way, Xiaoge is easy to get rid of hindra's head.

After three kills, the rest of Casa and Xiao Ming are like two delicious dishes that have been washed and laid by themselves. As long as Xiao Ge posed, they would move themselves

And this time, the team-mates are very face, doinb in a force Q cut up CASA, then no longer move CASA, it is a one-stop service to the extreme.

After winning the four kills, Xiao Ge only needs to kill Xiaoming's ox head again, and he can achieve the five kills!

However, when Xiaoming's Niutou sees that the situation is not right, he immediately starts to run away. First, a w [savage collision] will stick to his Tam, and then directly flash to open the distance and quickly flee to the high ground.

It's a pity that Xiao Ming's efforts are in vain after all, because he forgot that Liu Qingsong's Tam still has a big move!

Then Tam drives up for the first time and flies into the highland with Xiaoge, blocking Xiaoming's way.

And Xiao Ge was ruthless, "Hey, hey No one will come to save you even if you cry out

One, two, three

Finally, a wonderful cue came from the headset: "enemy pentakill! Aced!”

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