
Familiar question marks float across the studio, and then there are overwhelming "6".

"I'll go. I really got it! In 1v5, he took the dragon. Is it still a man's business! That's ridiculous! "

"Although I have such a premonition in my heart for a long time, when everything really happens, it seems that you can't do anything else except constantly brushing 6!"

"Come on, people who said they would line up to see God K being beaten in the face before. I don't know if you've lined up. Go out and turn left. It's the apology window. I can only help you here. "

"Ha ha, I don't know what those people think. I've been beaten by little Phoenix and K God all season, but I still don't have a long memory!"

"Sunspots not only have no mother, but also no brain, expecting them to have a long memory? Don't make me laugh

"The gambling dogs who scolded wildly just now also came to apologize to your father K at this time, otherwise you can't buy spinach again in your life!"

"It's NIMA. It's not a direct win, it's just a capture of the dragon! It's a big disadvantage in the early stage. I'll be abused later. "

Before Xiao Ge grabs the dragon, they seem to have no hope of winning, because their disadvantage is too big.

When Xiao Ge captured the dragon, although they had the hope of turning over, it did not mean that they had directly reversed the previous disadvantage.

They just avoided the dead end. Whether they can survive or not depends on the follow-up situation.

Now their disadvantage is still very big, Xiao Ge and doinb have dragon buffs. Moreover, after Xiao Ge jumps into the Dragon pit and grabs the dragon, he is besieged by five people and inevitably dies.

In other words, the final result is likely to be that doinb has a dragon buff on his own!

In this way, FPX is equivalent to trading four heads for a dragon, which is not profitable. Next, as long as V5 plays steadily, they still have a great chance to win the game.

But the problem is that Xiao Ge doesn't just want to win the dragon. After he won the dragon, his first reaction was to ask doinb to jump big. He wanted 2v5!

And doinb really did not hesitate to jump big, really began to join Xiao Ge in 2v5!

On the commentary stage, "Haier brothers" has begun to explain passionately: "my God, after Kamen robbed the dragon, he directly chose to fight back, and doinb did not hesitate to jump big!"

"At this time, Kamen copied Tauren's big move. For Silas, Tauren's big move is undoubtedly one of the most perfect big moves that can be copied!"

"Niutou's move and garrio's move can reduce the damage. At this time, Kamen is just like opening the lock. No one can move him!"

"And although FPX is a big disadvantage, Kamen's development is not bad! The output of his pure AP suit is too high. Silas, who is so hurt and exploding, is a murderer

"The plane has been killed for two seconds! Kinks It's over. Kinks was cut to death without protection! Now the prince is left to be beaten Jess flashed, and so did the bull's head! They want a second, Kamen

"But Silas's a w [regicide sting] has recovered half of his health! Doinb, an e hits a man, Kamen picks up the output, and Jess is dead! "

"Wait Kamen's going to kill five! My god! He's really going to kill five! No, he's killed five people! It's pentakill

"What did I see! Who can tell me what happened in just a few seconds! Why was V5 destroyed by the regiment in the end! It's not scientific! "

The baby patted her head and said with a bitter smile: "ha ha, with K God, there is no reason to say! The magic FPX created a miracle again by relying on the magic Kamen at the end of its spring race

"This wave of regiment war is over, FPX, yes! Turn! Plate! It's time to go

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