"Well, thank you, baby Miller! Let's congratulate FPX on winning the game

This time, the host is still Ren Dong. At this time, he blinked at Xiao Ge first, and then continued: "but before our interviewees introduce themselves today, audience friends, please reward our players with your cheers, OK!"

"Ah Kamen! I'm here, look here

“Kamen! Please live more in the future! Now I can't see your face every day. I can't sleep and eat well! "

“Kamen! Kamen! Kamen!”

accompanied mountains and seas are whistling, and Ren Dong once again brought the topic to Xiao Ge and Doinb: "well, the audience friends are really awesome! Next, let our old acquaintances introduce themselves to us! "

In the whole FPX team, only Xiao Ge and doinb can keep calm and magnanimous in the face of interviews.

Liu Qingsong, Lin Weixiang and Xiao Tian are extremely shy types, and they are not willing to be interviewed. As for gimgoon, his Chinese is a bit poor, so he is not suitable for an interview.

What's more, brother Gongzi used to start his speech with "Asiba". In order to avoid embarrassment, the team rarely arranged for him to be interviewed.

Although Xiao Ge doesn't like to be interviewed, he doesn't stand in front of the camera as shy and open as Liu Qingsong and others.

So Xiao Ge and doinb are the most frequently interviewed people in the whole FPX team.

Xiao GE's situation is more exaggerated, because his popularity is relatively high, and every interview can trigger a certain wave of public opinion. So in the end, regardless of whether Xiao Ge played in the game or not, the organizers asked him to give an interview after the game.

At this time, in addition to answering a few questions, Ren Dong finally began to get to the point.

"I remember when you played Ig before, I also presided over the post match interview. At that time, Kamen said you were going to finish the spring regular season with a complete victory, which caused a big stir on the Internet."

"At that time, many people thought that you were talking big, and even a lot of people sneered at you on the Internet. Now that you've really finished the regular season with a total win, what do you want to say about Kamen? "

Xiao Ge frowned: "actually, there's nothing I want to say. I'm a real person. What I say is not to pretend. So if I say anything more in the future, please take it as seriously as possible! "

"Ha ha, it seems that Kamen players are as confident as ever! But if you're a real person, doinb, do you think he's real? "

Doinb was confused: "what does it really mean..."

"It's honesty!"

"Oh, oh! That's what I mean! That little K is not real! He's not real at all! Every time he's finished with the rhythm, he'll be sprayed. Don't spray us. But in fact, he has no microblog, so people on the Internet still spray us in the end! "

Doinb was very upset about being sprayed by private messages frequently. At this time, he poured bitter water in front of the camera again.

"Ha ha ha, there is such a thing! Kamen player, it's not the right thing to do!

Ren Dong gave a ha ha and continued: "but we still hope Kamen players can register their microblog early, so that they can continue to interact with their fans! Of course, it's later. Let's talk about the game! "

"We know that after the regular season of the spring season, there will be the playoffs. What's your outlook for this year's playoffs?"

"We'd better keep our rhythm and try our best to play in the playoffs." Doinb takes the lead in saying, and then looks forward to Xiao Ge.

Xiao Ge looked at Ren Dong and found that he was also looking forward to it. He said, "if I say we are going to win all the playoffs and win the final spring championship, you don't think I'm talking big again!"

"Once again, I'm a real person, so I seriously say that our next goal is to win the spring championship!"

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