The playoffs will take place at the home of Hangzhou LGD.

On April 13, FPX, which has been resting for nearly two weeks, finally ushered in their playoff opponent, the JDG team.

Everything is similar to Xiao GE's impression. JDG shows its dark horse nature, cutting we first, and then eliminating RNG.

And then in the face of the regular season sweeping FPX game, they should also have won the final victory.

But now, because of Xiao Ge, things are not so simple.

However, before the start of the competition, FPX will have another happy event - doinb won the MVP of the whole spring regular season!

The host of the award to doinb is Luo Xin, who let Wang remember that the second child had to make a choice.

"Let's welcome the MVP of the regular season of the 2009 LPL spring season, super carry doinb from FPX!"

After putting a cool VCR on the scene, doinb ran onto the stage in the high voice of Luo Xin.

This season's MVP is Donb's second such achievement, but after the last season's MVP, Donb did not achieve very good results.

In fact, doinb has always been criticized as a soft footed shrimp. He does have the ability to improve the strength of a team, but every time the big game to pull across, this is his problem has always existed.

So over the years, when people talk about doinb, their attitude is always a little disdainful. Because in the end, E-sports still depends on results, and doinb has not achieved much.

And this year, after years of ups and downs, it's time for doinb to do well. According to the normal development of history, he and his FPX team will shine brilliantly and win the S9 championship.

Of course, it's still a long time before S9. And this round of playoffs, FPX should have lost to JDG, and the voice of soft footed shrimp about doinb competition is also getting higher and higher.

But Xiao Ge won't let this happen!

"We know that in this MVP contest, your teammates also got a lot of votes. Among them, our ten thousand fans Kamen finally ranked second, Xiaotian ranked fifth

Luo Xin continued: "there are three top five MVP players in a team. It's no surprise that FPX team has played such a wonderful season! So, as a senior player, what do you want to say to your teammates? "

Doinb took the phone and yelled, "come on, you're all the best! "MEDA!"

Doinb's words once again aroused the emotions of the audience, but this award ceremony is only a small episode, and the real important thing is the competition.

With the end of the MVP award ceremony, the five starters of FPX also played in turn. Today FPX is still the traditional starter, Xiao Ge is still the substitute.

Compared with JDG, FPX is a strong team, so they don't need to make adjustments first.

What's more, FPX's goal is not only the semi-finals, but also the spring championship. In the final, if FPX can hide something in the face of stronger opponents, it must be very necessary.

As the most powerful secret weapon of FPX, Xiao Ge is what FPX wants to hide.

Whether he has developed any new heroes and routines recently, and how he has maintained his state recently, are all things that opponents want to know. But these things are the cards of FPX. FPX must not be exposed easily.

As the five members of FPX entered the combat seat, the JDG members also stepped on the stage in turn.

Since the beginning of the playoffs, a trend of poisonous milk has sprung up among the teams, that is, to fight against the opponents with poisonous milk first.

The one who has been in charge of the JDG team is their last single zoom. This time, his poisonous milk is: I hope FPX can achieve good results in the intercontinental, and I hope Kamen doesn't need to play in this round of series!

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