Overall, in the first game, both sides gave a good enough game. Compared with the previous two rounds of competition, the level and wonderful degree of the first semi-final has definitely improved by more than one level.

Of course, such a game also successfully confirmed Xiao GE's previous prediction. JDG team is really more brave, the better the state of the fight. If Xiao Ge hadn't given the whole team a shot before, maybe he would have lost the first game!

Throughout the game, the two local dragons gave FPX the capital to resolutely carry out its tactics to the end. But JDG is not good either. Relying on the advantages of its own lineup, it's really a cold sweat for FPX.

In the most important wave of dragon group, Kenan of gimgoon came down to earth with Tianlei, and immediately electrified five JDG people. He directly electrified them and made them comfortable. He also directly electrified the hope of JDG's victory.

After a few minutes of rest, the second game soon began.

FPX is still the ultimate nuclear weapon Xiaoge hidden, continue to play with the original starting line-up.

After all, FPX is now the next city, and warhorse has the capital to keep the same.

With the start of the second game, FPX is still maintaining the tactical concept of the first game. When ban was playing, he directly knocked out the two heroes Wayne and KASA, which made imp uncomfortable.

JDG is even more ruthless. It's equivalent to using all three ban positions on doinb to ban Morgana, Lisandro and akali.

"Ha ha, a jingugu makes you so miserable. When I go on the stage, you must not go crazy! A team doesn't have ten bans in a game

Xiao Ge is still playing with his mobile phone while watching the game. Seeing that the other side is so afraid of doinb, he can't help laughing.

Soon, the lineup of both sides will be finally determined: blue side (JDG) vs red side (FPX)

First Order: Silas vs Crocodile

field: qianjue vs Olaf

Middle Road: hindra vs rez

ad: Ice vs skateboarding shoes

Assistant: bron vs garrio

this JDG obviously gave up the tactics of dog's later stage and chose a fight in the early and middle stage Lineup, and FPX is also the first mid-term fighting lineup.

Obviously, the two sides intend to take out the pure LPL style of the game - fighting, to just a positive.

The only thing that makes Xiao Ge dissatisfied is that the crocodile hero is a hero used to fight online. But the crocodile can't beat Silas. In this way, the hero's advantage will be lost.

Fortunately, the next road on the opposite side also gives more opportunities. When a hero like Hanbing, who has no displacement, meets Olaf, it's undoubtedly another diamond fight.

Plus the combination of garrio and skateboard shoes, when Olaf level 1 to level 6, the ice will definitely be very hard to play. Even if JDG chooses qianjue to protect Hanbing, Hanbing will still have a lot of pressure.

If the game is played normally, it's hard to say who wins and who loses.

But at the beginning of the game, five and a half minutes later, Xiaotian uses the blind area of vision to sneak into qianjue's red buff grass, intending to have a wave of Yin qianjue.

At the same time, doinb rushed to Xiaotian for the first time and wanted to cooperate with Xiaotian to finish the killing. But flawless reacts very quickly. After being overcast, the moment rez hands over W, he successfully crosses the wall by Q and comes to the stone man pit.

I didn't expect that Xiaotian would come up directly and flash to pursue and kill, and FPX's next path would also come to support. But Liu Qingsong's mistake of flashing ridicule did not ridicule qianjue, and let imp save qianjue with a therapy.

Then JDG five quickly assembled support, directly hit FPX a 0 for 4!

Since then, FPX has been at a huge disadvantage. But at this time, although they are inferior, they are not unable to play. Until 8 minutes later, JDG was in trouble and Xiaotian's support arrived, but JDG successfully showed 2-3.

When Qian Jue, who is playing Bruce Lee, arrives at the scene, a wave of 0 for 3 group battle is inevitable.

After that, jdg7-0 started, and there was no suspense at all

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