After a fight between you and me, BP is finally over!

JDG gives Xiaoge full respect. They finally ban Silas, mantis, blind monk, Olaf and lisanzhuo, giving Xiaoge four ban seats in total!

On the other hand, the heroes of FPX are karsha, Wayne, digger, angel, Ritz and nightmare. While continuing to target imp, they also target the angel that zoom took out to destroy RNG.

In addition, FPX also limits the fight against wild heroes. For Xiao GE's hero pool, FPX is very confident. In this way, the two sides lost so much of the wild ban, leaving only a few players.

As for the lineup, blue square (FPX) vs Red Square (JDG)

First Order: Vampire vs captain

fight wild: Zhao Xin vs spider

middle order: Snake Girl vs enchantress

ad: big mouth vs verus

Assistant: bloom vs garrio.

"Shit! The system should give me a memory ability option! How can I forget that JDG eliminated FPX in my last life, relying on the captain of zoom! It's a bit of a problem now! "

Xiao Ge can't help complaining. Before fighting, he remembers that JDG was able to defeat FPX by zoom, green hair and flare.

Especially for the last one, the plot is the same as JDG and RNG, where the zoom God comes down to end the game.

But Xiao Ge can't remember what the specific lineup of JDG is!

When BP was over, Xiao Ge finally recalled that it was zoo's captain, Harry.

In addition, it was the same wave of divine TP. After landing, there were two successive explosive barrels, which directly destroyed the hope of FPX's victory.

"Brother Gongzi, pay attention to this one. I met the captain of the sheet on the opposite side when I was ranking. It's really fierce!"

Xiao Ge can't say that he knows that the captain of zoom beat you down in his previous life, so he has to make up a reason for gimgoon to pay attention.

The top, middle and bottom three lines of FPX are all late stage heroes with partial development, and Xiao Ge is the only one to support the scene in the whole early and middle stage.

Especially on the road, it's hard for Zhao Xin to catch the captain with the cooperation of vampires, so we can only rely on gimgoon to find a way to suppress zoom.

As for the middle, FPX has a certain advantage. Because the Snake Girl hero is a bit of a counter monster, and once the success is delayed to the later stage, the opposite team is not good enough to limit the output of the Snake Girl.

If we go down the road, it will be an obvious big late stage. People who have played this game know what kind of output ability the hero has in his later stage.

And bloom with big mouth to line verus can limit verus a little. Because Bloom's shield (E) can effectively restrain verus' Q and r.

At the same time, Bloom's passivity is also very good with big mouth. As long as big mouth's equipment is formed, bloom can quickly trigger Bloom's passivity as long as he attaches passivity to his opponent, and he can easily kill people during Bloom's passivity.

After the start, the two sides go out in a traditional long snake formation.

The key point of this game is to fight wild, because spiders are heroes who eat the early rhythm very much. Once Xiao Ge can disrupt the spider's early rhythm, it is likely that there will be no sound in the whole game.

As long as there is no rhythm in flare less, FPX is not easy to solve JDG, but at least it is easier to drag the game to the later stage they expect. And once the game to the late, the winning rate of FPX is infinitely high.

In order to make spiders, Xiao Ge directly commands Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong to accompany him to invade the opposite blue buff field. This time, Xiao Ge starts fighting directly from the opposite blue buff.

In Xiao GE's opinion, since it's not easy to find opportunities online in the early stage, it's better to find opportunities directly from the opponent! So his early game is just two words: anti wild!

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