Lonely Attack on the Different World

Where is the abuse counseling room for the forced cross-world abuse problem of secondary equipment a

Day 114 Before noon Cathedral of the Church Underground Great Labyrinth 60F

Try it. The 60-story hierarchy owner said he was here, or he was there because he was a demon stone, right? And dancing with the chairman of the armor committee on Doya's face and Mr. Slime, my daughter...... Damn, that's humiliating! Mr. Canossa wasn't an eye, either. It was a humiliation of a boy high school student!

No, I was leading the way until just before! When I finally thought I'd jumped to the leading Top, I'd inherit the clash with a right angle S-shaped curve. The hierarchical main battle was over while I was bouncing around pinball between the walls, if I thought I'd outrun them, we'd all be slowing down! The labyrinth emperor Kanrishinsha says it's a proper sign, suddenly there's an intruder on the road with a sudden curve or something?

A demonic stone of a bit of magnitude, but high purity and transparency, I'm guessing he was a famous hierarchical master, but he died without knowing his name or race, but he's a ghost. Is it Mr. Ghost, so he's a Buddha? I don't like the idea of three labyrinth royals getting bogged down!

"It's just ghosts and golems, isn't it? There were just bats and scorpions. And then there was all the" go "connections? I wonder if it's a bitter drop or something?

(Unh-unh? Kokukoku or Poyo Poyo?

This reaction doesn't seem to have bitters in the other world, bitter champs seem difficult.

But long time super perfect female body shaped armor is dangerous for boys high school students, the freshness of glowing curved beauty should have been more erotic in sexy monastic clothes. Yeah, if we don't get this over with and go to the inn, I'm sure there's a boys high school romance waiting for us in the inn! Yes, they even sang that when you can't see them, they grow porn, it's overgrown and it's huge, isn't it?

Dead heat of a boy high school student bouncing around hitting walls and ceilings with Mr. Slime, who goes on ravaging as he bounces in his favorites, aiming at 70 levels to just finish! And you can't stop accelerating another step in the nostalgic jito from the rear, can you? New acceleration gear and new sudden braking, the effect of gliding gear "Skills" rebound and react, accelerating and walking with a huge clash of uncontrollable fuss.

It seems to be getting accustomed to gradually crashing and bouncing against the wall, wiping out the ghost that wields the wand of the world tree (like a bar), while spinning with the momentum it wields, pushing and bouncing against the wall, accelerating even further.

Light Qigong with his weight off is hard to control, he can't grasp the image because of the feeling he doesn't know... and he's fanned by your choice-dancing daughter! Don't hoof up to Mr. Armored Committee Chairman, huh? When I get hoofed in the ear, I get stirred up in another direction, and an endless battle starts, and when the high school girls run me over, it's gonna be a big deal, okay? Besides, junior high school students (JC) are mixed up, so when they see things, they don't taste good, do they? Interworld R15 problem breaking out!

Running, bouncing, flying, clashing and raging, and appraising the mysterious cloth I just picked up, the unnamed Hierarchist's drop was a cloak that said, "Black Devil's Blade Wing ALL 30% Up Slash Correction (Extra Large) Flight Correction (Large) Blade Wing Creation"? Unnamed Hierarchist seems to have been a black demon and a flying demon with sword wings, but he must have been involved in an accident before he even took off. After all, many problems seem to bias traffic conditions in different worlds.

"Yeah, it's a world where you can use shrinks and instantaneous steps to travel fast, but you don't have rampant school-based transportation education, and you don't even have wilderness traffic laws in place, is the problem? Besides, if you're flying all over the city without a sign, you've been pissed off, because you're the victim of an irrational, extreme, otherworldly traffic war, and I'm not bad, am I?


Phantom, a ghost boiling on one side of the hall, an overwhelming feeling that also covers successive boiling ceilings from floors and walls. Yeah, I admit the effort, 'cause I see it, right? I mean, I already passed the hall while I was doing that gig, so I'm not going back all the time, am I? You're passing by with super acceleration, but relaxing and springing up from all over the room won't make it, besides, you're looking at the entrance and you're kicking around, so you punched holy magic in the back and passed the hierarchy, the first attack in the other world. The effect of holy magic seems to have ended up unknown?' Cause if you stop, you lose!

"Magma Golem LV69," where golems that look hot and bitter flock in agony with the cape problem of the new gear. Uh, are you the hierarchical master now? Is Mr. Demon actually a hierarchical display clerk?

"Drain! It's not drainage, it's beautiful water, is it? He said it was spinage! Yeah, let me explain. It's totally irrelevant that you just poured a lot of water from your opinion that" If the magma looks hot, you should pour in the water. "It's also called spinning water, right? Why, Zito?"

Turn it into a former magma golem that crumbles with water vapor explosion caused by water discharge and degradation caused by rapid cooling sudden contractions. The current stone golem is about to break down? If the local raw water doesn't suit you on your journey, you'll have trouble refining large quantities of distilled water at the edge, massive storage, and sudden fires and magma golems. There's no word for water shortage in front of the "cistern", which is a reassuring disaster prevention commodity, right?

And the entrance to the lower level, the 70-story "Flare Ghost LV70," is about to quench fire with secondary damage to the furious cannon water that's been pouring down! Rushing fast, the diligent fire-fighting "Boko" activity in things like Barr also seemed to have died vain, and on second thought, I didn't need to help, but it seemed to me that if I slapped him with something like Barr and put it out, he would be destined to die either way. The fate of another world is cruel, isn't it?

"Why is there a burning" Flair "Ghost downstream in" Let's Kake "? My diligent fire extinguishing activities became a vendetta, and the secondary damage caused me to quench the fire with my life, well, it's a ghost?


But the floors are flooded and hard to walk, more labyrinthine royalty wants to complain that you should be careful with the water, but shut up because you're scared of the labyrinth royalty experience behind you! I've already been jito...... the jito in the labyrinth is different after all, bruises.

Before the new drop, the "Black Devil's Blade Wing ALL 30% Up Slash Correction (Extra Large) Flight Correction (Large) Blade Wing Creation" flight correction seems likely to work for the current wall serial crash. I think it might accelerate even more, but I'd appreciate it if it didn't bump faster. But since it's a blade wing, be careful with the contact, can you control the operation?

Is it because of the thought-provoking equipment that I purchased from suspicious merchants in a thought-provoking city that makes it difficult to recognize the hidden cloak and combines the blade wings of the Black Devil, and that I came to the other world together and hissed with them in the Patriarchate, but for some reason I didn't feel that it worked at all? Appraisal "should" and then appraisal "cloak concealed effect aid (extremely small)" seems to have been a restful piece of equipment, I haven't checked it since the appraisal LV went up! Still, it's an early piece of equipment that helped me survive in different worlds, be polite, be polite, and sell it thoroughly high! Once a woman (JK) equips her and writes "High School Girl Weared, Raw Cloak" it will definitely be expensive to buy.

And "Blade Wings of the Black Devil" was a feather if I imagined a sharp flying wing, a big feather like Mr. Bird with a blade. Cheng Cheng, my angelic daily sober deeds must have summoned angelic feathers...... black though? Well, I'm a saint, and I don't have a problem with angel feathers being black iron, and I'm worried about the appearance (visual) that seems to be written in the black history of my sophomore year at Ningro Middle School. Yeah, does that hurt?

The disease drive, the blades grasp the wind, allows the posture to be controlled and run to fly even in a super accelerated state, above all, it can bounce off your dancing daughter's patterned fan attack, which was the biggest problem with light qi! It's easy to use because it's also user-friendly and just has a blade in the demon feather version, it seems compatible, so I turned it into a demon feather and I tried to gnaw it, and I danced with the chairman of the armor committee, and your daughter is holding it and she's shaking? You want me to get mixed up?

(Poyo poyo)

Seems like Mr. Slime liked it so I would be thrilled to put it on my head and run in super low altitude skies, the demon along the way was also like a cleavage with feathers super fast flying passing gear and it was user-friendly! The self-destruction is getting a little worse, but it just feels like it's destroying itself for not hitting the wall, so let's just say it went faster without any damage. Except the skies are good, but it was a hell of an MP consumption when I tried to fly, so aided wings for walking and walking in the sky, but if the crash turns into a slip, it would be a big help.

I've tried aerial 3D manoeuvres with the "Ghost Gladiator LV71" and others with feathered light qigong, but it can be used, kicking the sky and rising up the universe, flowing into infinite orbit while in the front and side universes, slashing it from all directions with 3D manoeuvres, kicking the universe and accelerating it to zigzag, raiding and storming it, flying around, slashing it with two pairs of feathers and two pairs of swords while dodging on the Gladiator's swordwind, but also turning my eyes! Yeah, even Mr. Wisdom can work hard on the complexity of 3D attitude control and the enormous computation of orbital calculations for 3D manoeuvres! Hang in there?

"But since the MP consumption is getting so great, it would be nice to have a labyrinth or a periphery, but I also need to think about other gear for thin magic vegetables, huh? I also have to read" The Complete Collection of Preserved ZuVesz of Demonic Props "to systematize the MP Consumption Efficiency technique... because from the beginning it's" Zu "?" D "or" the "but it's" zu "! Only" Zu "is somewhat unforgivable!

(Pom pom)

"I'm certainly not guilty of displacing linguistic pronunciation symbols, but it's just the title, right? Even though the contents are normal, it's totally annoying to say just the title" Howtow "or" Zuvesz Obu "! That's why they're banning books and burning books and banning them!

(Poyo poyo)

I want you to think about it as seriously as the title of the book, even if you see it on a bookshelf in a modern bookstore, it burns instantly, right? Thoughts on the relevance of the end of the technology to the title, thought about it, talked about it in a noble way, something like a super-fast bar, burst into it, sprinkled it with golem, bumpy bump, if you think it was hard, it was Mr. Steel Golem! Even though it's a shitty material! Well, it's quicker to make it, but if I don't get in the way, I'm out of shape... even though iron is finite, and my hands are paralyzed?

"Seventy-three hierarchies next, but let's slow down, shall we? It's time for a strong one to come out, and maybe some of it will be material? We've only got two hidden rooms out yet, but maybe more from here?

It's up to 70 levels, but there's only two hidden rooms, and "bulimic" Greater Shield All 30% Up Reflective Bite + DEF "works good, but it seems the jaw painted on the shield sticks? Are we going to let him fight the little raccoon? Well, shields are sold to the girls as a priority, it's good to work hard, but you're working too hard, right? I wish I was more challenging because I'm JK, but even the Others are decently geeky and they were Mocha Mocha Mocha?

And the other is "Laughter Mask" Death Mask "Mental Manipulation Completely Disabled Signs Completely Blocked Three In," which is a dead-faced but smiling unspeakable creepy Nico Mark mask, but the sign Complete Blocked is good to say the finest equipment, but when worn, it hurts enough to turn your face away even in the second grade of secondary school, and even Mr. Likeness has a feeling that seems that way. Feel the pain equivalent to the mysterious eye band "Dream Demon's Eye Zone MnD Int 50% Up Demon Eye Enhancement (Polar) Illusion Hypnosis Attraction Puppet Memory Modification Consciousness Dominance Mental Pollution," but let's just keep it dead for even the role of "Dream Demon's Eye Zone". For some reason, painful gear is something the chairman of the armor committee or your dancing daughter would want you to wear, is it abuse against a sophomore in high school?

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