Lonely Attack on the Different World

The contrast between white and black is a very nice combination, but they have to be peeled off.

Day 114 Evening Cathedral of the Church Underground Great Labyrinth 100F

Cross like a flying moment and slash knot with a pitch-black knight, he is returned with one knife to return, he can bathe another in return, but he is shaken off at the mercy of his strength. A dark knight who tried to hang salt, but just looked disgusted and didn't seem to be able to "Mijiro" himself.

The black shadow is imminent, flying the cut up and slashing in with two swords from the top of his head, but bending over while receiving it with a sword, turning around and watching a special slaughter towards my landing site.

Yeah, you're not landing, are you? Kick the universe in the air and go hunting your neck while you buck the universe, but a giant black half-moon knife circles and the tip of your sword is bounced, pushing back a series of fiery fires with a series of strikes like a disease, scattering iron fire as you cross in the spark of a swordfish. Yeah, there's more PoW than me, but there's mutual SpE and DeX, I'm low on stats, but with the effect of Demon Horse, the base stats are up to the bottom with a blast, but this Black Knight guy's planting in gear, too, right? It's way off track too much, it's against the norm, it's aligned, which means the Black Knight is also fighting with the fierce pain of self-destruction, protecting it.

So... I have to show my strength, no need to spare me! 110% Demon! Yeah, 10% of the time, it's a limit value in the safe "not really" range. Actually, there's still a way to go, and my whole gear effect just doesn't stand up to my body, so the way to go doesn't end, does it?

We don't have time for this. It may be flowing, but it's not what I found out, slashing and tying into Towa forever in the halted time "When", forcing the body to manipulate at super acceleration in the heavy time that can only move with a loose "Yuri", carving sword flashes and slashing each other in the moment as the body breaks and crushes, scattering a thousand combinations in an instant, talking with tens of thousands of slashes, black-armed and black-coated boys in high school loosely dancing like a circular "waltz" in the still time "in a brilliant world with hundreds of millions of sparks, screaming sword frenzy" Capriccio "in the narrow of the instant time" When ".

It's a comedy like the frenzy "Capriccio," the odd song "Capriccio," the beautiful song "Capriccio," a comedy that must be hilarious, pointless and a mocha Mocha or hilarious uninteresting tragedy "Tragidi". Comedy, an absurd, cruel comedy that is useless and pointless, endlessly and everywhere without any meaning, but shows strength until it's broken, so tell it to its limits. I'm strong, so...

"Yeah, I'll definitely help..., because if there's nothing I can do anymore and I can't do anything about it, I'll finish it right. And take a look at that one? Because I can save Mr. Nefertili, and I laugh every day, well, I can't deny the overeating, but that miracle fired is alive, too, right? That's why I'm going to the bottom, right? So good enough...... tired for good eternity. I'll do the rest properly, so it's a good idea to sleep permanently.... but you don't have that title Title!? Eh! He was in custody! You're absolutely wrong about that, aren't you? Yeah, I've read it all and I'll distribute it on the border... can't we just change the title" Title "? Seriously, can't you just spread the word and leave it to the Virgin at the bottom? Yeah, good night."

Kamikaze Heaven Juyun Sword The name of the sword is Kusanagi's sword, and it protrudes the two swords of the seven kamikaze swords to activate "Purification". Black cursed armor is smashing, white bone orbits are looking at me... help me properly? Yeah, seriously. Seriously, seriously, so you're serious, right?

"Black Knight Guardian LV100", the last guardian to protect the Labyrinth Emperor, became a grain of light and disappeared into the sky "Sora," a gloriously majestic dance of mourning by Mr. Nefertili. The eternal time "No" marked the end.

"Totally, even though I'm a great sage and an alchemist, I came to 100 levels underground (like this), and I tried my best to be a little bit later... but I still wanted to protect you and tie you here with alchemy to my soul... you're a big Mocha, unwise sage."

After building the cathedral, the great sage Mr. Zashmov came to the 100th basement (here).

And then, if I got off one, I would have met the Virgin, but I waited "forever" to apologize for someone who would do everything in my power here to be the guardian here and save the Virgin. That's why I have to show you everything, right? Yeah, he's dying a little bit, but even if he's dead, how rude is it to be handed down to someone he's been working on? But "Ring of the Call" was handy, even if it came back, right? Uh, take a break...

"I would have been careless not to see you... but I guess there was only a tragedy to see you, I must have gathered the sacred relics of being and being, and built this armor with all my soul, up to a hundred levels underground (here), but still this doesn't reach the Labyrinth Emperor..."

The remains of the armor are scattered, I'm sure it's useless now. Automatic combat armor for mechanical communication, the ultimate armor that brings together a piece of magical guidance, performs the secret art of alchemy, and elaborates the all-aware of the rare Great Sage. Automata, an automatic combat armor of curses created by the great sage without the power to fight in search of miracles, who endured the severe pain of turning his life into power and cutting his soul to the last moment, burning out his life. Still no contact can reach the Labyrinth Emperor, that's not what it says, that's more cruel, ruthless and ultimate strength.

My only hope was connected. Spinned to me like a sarcastic comedy, if the Virgin had slaughtered "Aya" with her hand the Great Sage who had come to help by throwing her life away, the Virgin would surely have lost herself and swallowed up in the darkness, then there would have been no salvation, all she could do was end it. Yet there is still a cruel possibility, the only possibility is that I wanted to save it so long ago that it didn't arrive... Yeah, the other world sucks after all.

"Well, I'm coming, right? You can't go in there, and if I tell you to run, you can go to the girls and get out on the ground, and you can use that bell, okay? It's a promise, isn't it?

(...... un un,...... kook kook,...... pull)

Come on, let's finish it. Yeah, you don't like tragedies, do you? What would be fun to see something like that, it's enough that you didn't even bother to look at it like that. What the hell makes you so sad that you have to come to another world and see a tragedy? You don't need such a tragedy from reality "Beard" to coming to another world, totally rejected, categorically rejected, absolutely disagreed, no! Yeah, and you asked me to?

The darkness of the abyss overshadows the earth, Ghost, a spirit imprisoned in darkness at the lowest level of the Great Labyrinth of Truth, the immense magic of its overwhelming magical body unites with darkness and waves wildly. Its unclean pure white soul with dark darkness intertwined with white and black contrast, yeah, bright white nudity with darkness intertwined so horny!

As you approach to observe "Yes" closely, the roar of darkness shivers the atmosphere, the dark sharp "Kisagi" covers your sight, and the infinite range widens and looms... are you licking it?

Two blade streams of the divine sword sword sweep away every dark space, the darkness of the warlike "frivolous" pitch-black. Yeah, it's too much witch mountain games.

"Hey, Mr. Darkness? Even the old man upstairs risked his life more sincerely, more desperately and more diligently. Darkness? Darkness, so what? I don't know the ruined Yami, the ruined Yami, or the crucible Yami, because this one comes from a dark" dark "world to the point where an inch ahead is said to be dark, so I knew the darkness, didn't I? Darkness that takes everything, swallows it, destroys it? Then you just have to take it all away first, swallow it up, destroy it all, right? That's it, if you're gonna kill me and die, you're gonna kill me, right? Yeah, die?

It's too much witchcraft for me to fight with my tentacles. How far do you think I've gone? And as we dance through the fast world, we slash and tear through the universe, but the darkness grows infinitely with the immense magic of the soul. Time delay enough for time "When" to stop Even in the world of "Slow Motion" to slash and rip off the twigs is fast enough to grow in time! So sharpen your defenses to the limit, overwhelm them with attack and clamp them with force moves, disconnect them from their roots! Spiritual body, that's where the darkness is.

I go in with a shovel. If you get your arms pierced by the darkness, you erase that darkness and cleave it, if you get your legs decided, you step on it and blow the darkness with your seismic legs, there's nothing beautiful about it. Clear reward for destruction, snatched away, snatched away, snatched away. The sword of victory killing. There is no time in the world of the fast thinking Acceleration by divine speed wisdom, there is no space before the divine sword wrapped around dimensional slaughter, and then there is only the killing of those who have killed each other. Step in to the critical point of not dying and make up for each other with regeneration. That's all I can do, because Mr. Ghost, the soul, is unsavory.

There are a lot of evil spirits gushing out of the darkness, I've already seen Monster House. I hold my hand and activate "Necromancy's (Necromancy) Ring Int 40% Up Magic Control Correction Immediate Death Resistant Necromancer Creation Operation," I don't know how neither Necromancer nor Evil Spirit is different, but I manipulate and collect it and slash every darkness with a one-blade dimensional slash. Once you look at it, you can take care of it, MP consumption and favoritism. I didn't want to use the "Necromancy Ring" but nobody sees it, so it's NOCAN! Witness Yami will be erased! Evidence. Evidence.

Break it together, break it more before it breaks, break it more every time it breaks it, just break it is an easy job for everyone, it is endless to build but it is easy to break it, watch and break it closely with Luo Shen Eye Meh, watch and destroy it closely, watch and destroy it carefully, see how it turns out later?

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh... Super amazing, super strong, super deep, deep darkness, right? Yeah, I'm gonna kill you, so will you come over here?

You destroy it, don't you? I'm still alive, okay? Yeah, you may not look very alive, but which way are you living? The trick is that as long as you feel like you're not dying even if you're killed, you can handle it pretty well, and you're losing at a time when you care about logic, the laws of physics, the jigsaw, the sword and magic (fantasy) to fight the darkness. It is impossible to fight the Dark Things that destroy everything, because they will destroy absolutely everything.

If you fight the Things as a result of destroying them as an absolute inevitable conclusion, then they will be destroyed, won't they? Yeah, you destroy it first. The breaker wins the faster, the sooner the sooner the sooner, the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner, the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner the sooner And that lovely, dangerous boy high school student of hell and purgatory of munchkin and spiritual destruction of munchkin 'heaven and earth isn't far from the destructive power of a single hair, is it? That's why you're so good and well praised for just breaking it, huh?

What's left is its filthy pure white soul intertwined with dark darkness contrasting white and black, yeah, so horny with darkness intertwined in bright white nudity! Well, that's the first thing I said. It's important (porn). Why did I say that twice? I mean, it's tear-free porn!

There is no end to the Deal unless it is completely extinguished and rendered inexhaustible, slashing away the ever-increasing darkness as it remains magical. And the naked erotic lovely Buddy Virgin is desperately trying to resist the darkness and be slaughtered, hoping to extinguish it with the body of darkness for each of its souls with no entity...... perfectly always this guy is all I can do.

"I don't like it, do I? So I say no! 'Cause I promised the elders I'd help, and I told the big wise old man I'd come up there to save you, didn't I? Boys in high school have two, three, an excuse, eight hundred lies - and they all died laughing, didn't they? Someone else has passed away to rebel a promise? Totally. Always. This guy just left a big annoying wish and passed away on his own, they're all really exhausted, you know, in trouble? So I don't admit I want to die, so everyone who dies prayed and prayed, so live properly and pray. Listen to me, okay? Yeah, I throw round, so if I kill you, I won't admit it because there's no one else to throw round, because Mr. Nefertili's waiting upstairs, too? Yeah,' cause I'm waiting upstairs. So... forever. Nooo!

You can't use a divine sword on a spiritual body, the spiritual body is extinguished just because it's swept away, it's called "so-called" Don't touch it. It's what they say is dangerous. But darkness can only be filled with a divine sword, which is why darkness is the undulating dynamite of an explosion of fleshy eroticism even though it eats into pure white naked "Octopus" to cling to and tighten up the erotic spirit "Buddy", the root of magic!

Yeah, it's time for boys to cross the threshold in high school and wake up with the ultimate combination of desire and desire and inner power. Drop the sword, both swords. Peel off your cape, throw down your gloves and boots, and throw down your accessories too and take off your clothes... No, you're wearing underwear "inner" right? Well, there's no demand for the perfect t-shirts and spats for boys in high school, is there? I don't like that!

Weakened darkness makes its way out to the Russians, I can't get close to the gear, but I'm defenseless. Trembling darkness stretches out his tentacles, touches me in fear, and sees no danger. Darkness begins to possess and erode me, doesn't it all come to boulders - well, the majority came to me.

So I refresh and remove "Darkness (?) holy water stubborn darkness, only dirty" Injury "root scrape off and powerful wash. Now comes with a dedicated dark handkerchief (used up size)," and now a stuttering beauty and naked nice buddy spirit body. Yeah, there's always one truth, and roughly one thing boys in high school do! Yes, wipe and wash your naked soul Buddy -!!

You practice with your breath, you stretch your Qigong through the meridians of your whole body, you stop the dark erosion, but you don't miss it, do you? With Wu Xianzheng, I can't stop the darkness by boosting my inner qigong and antagonizing the darkness, there's nothing to resist the power to erode everything, penetrate it, and turn it into darkness... There's no reason, 'cause I'm a boy in high school, right? Besides, the beauty in front of me is sooo pungent! Boys' high school spirits are endless, because there's porn there!

Okay, "Darkness" and a dedicated dark handkerchief with stubbornly creeping darkness. "I can't show you!" Thoroughly erases the darkness that is painted black, caresses and darknesses with a muddled touch. It is a nice elasticity that does not seem like a soul inside, even a glossy touch. Softness that sucks on your hands with wonderfulness and a tense elasticity that pushes you back together. Slippery skin and lukewarmth in every corner to the back. My heart and my boy's high school heart "Pure Heart" are also filled and carefully applied. Sometimes my hand slips. Don't you dare go, boys high school kids will stare at heaven!

"The energetic in-room surgery of a boy high school student is in full swing! To put it plainly, perfectly intimate, perfectly wet?

In-room surgery is a healthy, healthy technique that puts both men and women in contact with each other's skin and allows them to practice. It mixes qigong and magic that runs all over the body and smells, oops! Well, in the aftermath, a little spiritual soul, Mr. Bibi, is dressed and frightened, spasmodic and trembling repeatedly in public, but now I can't erode the darkness, and I can't take away the magic anymore! Well, the darkness must be stuttering, too, because you're cramped with a rather unlikely end. Now we have a thousand hands on each other, I can't move because the darkness has eroded me, but the darkness has no place to take possession... and I have lost my rooted source of magic.

"So let's come out, shall we? Don't hide till they point out one thing. Let's read some more air, shall we? Yeah, it's totally unhealthy to pretend to be" healthy, "huh? And I took away my scattered experience, so let's work, too, Mr." Woodcutter "!

Suddenly you can't do Shinto Dream Stream Wand or anything, even if you remember that Mob, a sidekick with no Job, is not in the skills of the other world! You've never even seen it just because you heard it, have you? Besides, the absolute Shinto dream wand technique was also an angry ton of demonstrators wand technique! Well, I guess so - if you keep quiet even though you think nah, then you can use SP alone and it's "Wu Xianju"! Well, I forgive the "in-room technique," I commend you.

"Uh, was" gymnastics "a guru too to say he hasn't come out yet... he cheated people out by saying scattered" gymnastics "and stuff, and he still hid it!? Thanks to you, I believe it's a" gymnastics "skill. I did radio gymnastics every morning, and we even remembered together the orphans and we all got healthier! Thank you? And will you come out because it's good enough already? Yeah, it's good your body just broke, you can fix it, right? You're telling me to read the air... that Mr. Spiritual Body sucks already. If you don't come out, you're gonna get really mad at me, right?

My whole body can play a pulsating heartbeat, my bumps and muscle fibers tear and my bones crumble. but oh, my body is all broken...... no, well, i knew this was pretty bad. I'm sure you and Mr. "Alchemy" worked hand in hand to tear up the body and even incorporate it into the fairy arts to create a basement...... wow, haven't you? Well, it's good if you resist the darkness.

Wait looking at the status. The spirit body was eroded by the power of darkness, and therefore it did not extinguish, but there is no time when darkness is cast upon it, and it is stuffed that I cannot move in the raven or in the corner. That way, the Dark Win, if the effect of "Dark (?) Holy Water" expires, the Spirit Soul will be taken into darkness this time. In terms of power differences and conditions, that's the natural and inevitable result, but I naturally and inevitably refuse at all because I promised!

Here I am. I've been waiting for you... Er, Mr. "Jujitsu", to control the Jujitsu sayings of Jalayu's technique on my body. Yeah, it's good to have a broken body, whatever you move at this time.

Covered in darkness, eroded and assimilated by darkness, but not by magic to cover and capture darkness; vice versa, encroaching and antagonizing and taking away and manipulating immobile bodies with magic from the outside, this is the power of the "wooden puppet", the use of magical communication dolls forced from the outside to manipulate with physical correction. The other side is "health," the unlikely health that has never even been poisoned by the Great Labyrinth, the identity of super regeneration or super recovery. And that's exactly "gymnastics," now he had revealed himself and become "gymnastics," but that was even a provisional figure, that is, he has forced his body to operate with the "wooden knucklehead" outside and the "gymnastics" inside, forcing the broken portion to recover with "health" to survive... and still no longer preserves it without physical smelting and fairy arts, so it's the ultimate in physical control that's still extremely dangerous to use - but what do you do now without using it? Well, it's a promise.

The flesh rips to the bumps and a thousand cuts of skin, the blood blows out, the bones break and splash, even if the body can no longer support them, it magically and forcibly supports them, protecting the bursting guts with skill and forcing them to recover, and only breathing is dead.

You don't have time, keep going and the MP runs out first. Finally, I reach out and wave "Exorcist Light Water When I hang it on my body, Magic Defense is immense, glow" to glow pointlessly, while fully healing mushrooms also hold "World Tree Cane," of course it activates "Ascrapious Cane Int 50% Up Holy Magic Enhancement (Extreme) healing healing healing healing healing Regenerative Injury Disease Condition Abnormal can only be pulled out and held by the Saint," I force my flesh to recover, "Shadow King Sword" is also in my hand, forced to recover in one piece and put back on my gear... Ugh, Dangerous! I'm losing consciousness! Not yet.

All remaining vitality hangs on a reboot, gently embraced from behind, with gentle magic pouring in from the warm soul and closing magic filled and the body healed. Looks like your sleeping daughter's soul helped...... she even had a velo with her face she shouldn't have done earlier and she was cramped...... no, it's nothing! Yeah, I forgot, I forgot what I might have forgotten already? Is that true?

"I don't know, just for a moment. I'm begging you, Mr." Technique, "you've been hiding, so let's do our best, shall we? Then say," Magic! "... oops, oops!

Art logic, the root of the martial arts in Layu, the root of the martial arts that even encompasses physical and physical manipulation. That ends up being healthy and bumpy, let's just ask you to be healthy and healthy now before the fight. The darkness that pierces the body of Mizuka and others with a divine sword, and goes wild, my body regenerates, but darkness can only be amplified. Yes, add the second one! Grrr!

The Divine Sword is the only weapon that destroys itself if it is expressed, and the natural enemy of darkness. I keep destroying myself over and over again with a divine sword, and (...) my body has been repaired and smelled more than once, so I can't resist the madness and not in the darkness! I hope so!

The darkness that burns all over my body and erodes my body falls to the ground shaking so hard that it scratches algae and screams bitterness and resentment. The darkness has finally left me, and it's not popular at all at this time, is it? If it's black, it'll make you shiver, right? But I don't have the power to pull out my sword anymore, and if I do, I will fall already. And there's no time to pull out the sword, I'll only take half a step to slip my body between the escaped darkness and Mr. Spirit Soul, that's all I can move anymore...... enough, thank you "Sorcery".

Earthquake legs - Stepped left foot rocks the earth and shoots the atmosphere, the remaining right foot kicks the ground and with the weight of the whole body, the magic gathers and the right hand is protruded to slip gently through the front left hand. Yeah, that's all I need, it's just a half-step fist of the whole spirit of Wu Xianju, but it's a fist of Mr. "Jujitsu" who understands the art and reason, right? There's no way you can stand a dying darkness in a fist-saintly move called Half Step Divine Fist, is there? The impact of the collapse trembles the atmosphere and blows out the darkness, its fluctuations propagate into the darkness and wipe it out without a trace, the torrents of qigong and magic burn out all of the darkness. Yeah, that was enough.

The breaking fist of art was an unimaginable burst of force, a smelted shock of magic and qigong to the point of awesomeness. Yeah, so my body doesn't seem to work either.

Well, I kept half of your promise, your sleeping daughter's soul is safe. However, I've promised the three of you to wait because I'm going home properly... now... a little impossible? Looks like... huh?

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