Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 646 I hate that the atonement for failures and failures is a morningstar because it makes sense

Day 131 Before noon Labyrinth 16F

Hit me stupidly with this one, hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me, (shining) (- wizardo!), hit me, hit me... seriously keep poking me (aka kick me!).

The legs are for movement, the basics of martial arts are procedure. And the weapon is just an extension of that as it is, which is why I hit him. (DRAGONFISH) (BLOW...) Keep pounding on the hiatus in an ugly orbit that can't even be called pounding yet. Sincerely, sincerely, sincerely. I asked for what lies ahead. Repeat.

So you can do it alone. With such boredom (shining...) (- fighting kicks!), just repeat the same thing (demons are extinguished -!) plain, square repetitions. I just keep poking at what I can do right now (ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra!

I was told that there is nothing more varied than poking moves, and even if they look exactly the same, they can be different moves with their usage and weight travel. Make it an ad hoc and vast infinity. Never get extreme, then there's always only one right poke in the infinite variety (you said poke,) (that's a lie kick!). I just want to go for it... (Sobateau from!)

Bored even the gods wrap their flags, boys high school kids get bored and sprinkle oil...... ignition "ignition"?

Well, poke. That's all, that's all... (How long have you been poking?) (Flying kick to say?)... that's stupid?

Same as slashing, take a step and stretch your arms. How many times the hell are you doing radio gymnastics for just this? Healthy (Shining) (- Wizardo!).

Close your eyes and imagine - don't play that now, Mr. Wisdom, because it's hard to get the right shape, the right footsteps, to the soft of a round butt. Yeah, for a second, "Shakeen! The poor boy in high school, who opened up but is alone in a dim underground labyrinth, is pathetic but requires solemnity because of his tragic anti-preference in the matter! It's not safe!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wet Sexy Bikini's footage is a very deliciously seductive video perk that looks dangerous to reruns in battle, and he accidentally avoided the beating blow to his forehead, didn't he? Yeah, there's too many saved versions every day to have time to look at even if I accelerate my thinking, huh? The day is too short for boys in high school, no extension or something?

I land with a kick in the front universe like I jump forward with a bend, but I can't stop corny. Yeah, your foreboding hasn't fixed yet, has it?

I heard it was unpopular in a labyrinth full of mazes, but even though I said I was doing it slowly, 16F. Good for training, but troublesome, when we meet, we hit each other, we hit each other.

"I mean, I'm not willing to start boxing with the sexy oily bikini princess reruns" Replay "footage and the crowding style" Undead Kangor LV16 "on top...... wow! Jumping kangol front kick!? is that a tail spin kick to kickboxing or a spin tail! Plus, the murder weapon" Konpo "attack from your pocket! Bags, I can't believe it!

Akakangaroo is a large kangaroo among the kangaroos classified in the genus Bifrontal Kangaroo family, properly present in Australia. Why are you undead in another world! Well, is Mr. Aka Kangaroo a similar person (Kangaroo, who doesn't sound crazy) because he doesn't carry out murder weapon attacks?

Pump up, the whole body of a massive kangaroo of muscles swells and swells up! Is there an undead macho? The size of the body and the muscles all over the body, plus the bragging behavior that mirrors the muscles of the arms...... it was a bodybuilder Mr. Undead!? And a fierce and resolute struggle like kickboxing that punches him in the face and scratches him with his forelimbs, weirdly strong because this supports him while balancing him with his tail.

I step in with my head shaking the combination punch on the left and right of the kangaroo... Dangerous - kangaroo fight kick! I supported my body with my tail and kicked my legs!?

Shake your torso to the left and right while finely slicing steps to disperse your attack targets, Kangaroos are a meeting from the ground up, the "Shinji" feud only occurs between people on the same level!! It's not like Kangaroos, what is Kangaroos!

Dempsey rolls from left and right side by side! That went so badly with the Kangaroo Kenkakick!? Damn, Shining Kenkakickoo in counter-attack, what makes you lose a fight like Kangaroo!! Uhhhh! Ahhh!!

Kangaroos and gaze for a moment. It was kicking each other that let them go at the exact same time, with several thoughts of each other staggering. But that's the trajectory of a kangaroo fight kick that stretches straight towards me without crossing... and staring at each other.

Compared to the long distance of the laterally rotating circumferential orbit depicting my right torso kick, Kangaroo Kenkakik walks the shortest straight line. The kicks unleashed by each other never cross, only the gaze crosses and the kangaroo smiles at Nihil. So I laugh back!

Jumping with the left foot of the axial foot while releasing a laterally rotating spinning kick, jumping over a kangaroo fight kick in the front universe while releasing a spinning kick, a laterally rotating kick that twisted the body further and reorbited in the air kicks through the right head of the kangaroo with a vertical spin.

Unpredictable changes for kangaroos who don't know 3D manoeuvres, strong kangaroos never break the midline because they use tails to control posture! So I can't read it and I can't even react. And then my gaze goes off... hey, I want Kangaroo after he completes his high school entrance exams such as challenging boys into high school. You're done.

It was a fierce and tough fight. Yeah, it's annoying how long my legs are longer than mine when it comes to kangaroos! A hyperkinetic overhead where a right-turning kick is struck down from the left, naturally... crashes out of his head. Yeah, does that hurt? I mean, rather than postural control, physical control is tight, so it's miraculous that it's impossible to land and hit it. It was such a critical struggle... that the second one popped up, so I slaughter him. Yeah, it's not over when you're kicking boxing, is it?

All the movements can be predicted because they have been scattered, shaking their heads gently, punching them and slashing them as they step beside the linear orbit of Kangaroo Kenkakik. One blow at a time, I'll bump if I get hit. Yeah, as soon as I slaughtered him, I couldn't beat a kangaroo fight. That's where the fight came in!

Strong from the front but weak when deviated, occasionally the spinning kick tail flies but I see the motion "motion" round. Step in and slaughter, that's all that's hard...... slash it off unnecessarily, slash it off in disguise, shoot it off unharmed slaughter.

Well, I'm a little tired... and you'll be safe this far.

As soon as we returned to the border, there was a pot in a hidden room full of strictly hidden traps that revealed the demon Demon pot demon (high concentration of magic). This was the source of the Labyrinth of the Infinite Spring Devil, so I picked it up and puffed it up, and threw it in an item bag full of magic vegetables and forgot... and if it sprang on its own, I would have covered it and sealed it.

I felt different signs when I was trying to confirm because the LV was up and I remembered, there is something in the "Devil's Pot of Demons".

Show the seven swords and wrap them around your body! Remove the lid and immediately rebuild the knife in a warped world where time and body crack. Breathe deeply and look at your spirit intensively (...)!

Yeah, I found something outrageous...... what do we do?

You call me a girl, or you call me a sisterly child, with a broken pot in your hand and tears in your eyes? It entails vast amounts of magic but nothing, bare and pornographic limbs when explained plainly! Yeah, you're the devil's daughter, aren't you?

I dare to feed him a bun while he strokes his head. Yeah, the buns can sell out no matter how much they're delivered to the grocery store, for some reason only empty boxes are loaded in the trash can in the dining room? That's why there's an infinite circle of production to be replenished and plenty of stock. So I don't know what it is, but I'm crying, which speaks with a glossy robe on your body already.

"Uh, it was an accident that the kettle broke, but the kettle could do it right away. Tentacle kettle? Want to come in? No, you're a stranger naked sister in the labyrinth, but if you suddenly put a small demon in a tentacle pot... just fine to measure? That didn't seem like a problem? Well, are you in a pot?

I listen to you, but I don't feel comfortable. For the first time in my life, I speak to someone, just as slowly and slightly as the chairmen of the armoured committee forgot the words that have always been alone.

Forcible poison - the pot where the demon gushes infinitely, the pot that reveals the demon's demon, was filled with magic, but when it was covered and sealed, it was narrow, and yet it kept gushing infinitely, so it grew into the arc demon of the most powerful species that killed and ate each other? He was lonely and lonely, in a dark pot that kills each other when born alone and one after another long after birth. Yeah, it's my fault!

I'm so sorry, and I make him eat sweets while I stroke his head.

They've been watching from the dark pot, the same demon wave emitters, Mr. Demon Says. And the content of the traceable conversation seems to depend on the cost, and the humanized Demon Says originally depended on the sickle. I hear this Mr. Arc Demon isn't a complete entity because he's human, but he can't manifest himself without a dependency bill? Finally, it's a good match with the demon sizes, and they say it's better to get a proper taste of the treat properly materialized.

This time it's definitely my fault. I knew Mr. Slime's loneliness in the dark, starting with Mr. Armored Committee Chairman, but I had no idea, I was annoyed by that labyrinth, but Mr. Demon was newborn irrelevant but hard to look at. So I spread it all out, just fill the room with everything.

If it's an important piece of equipment that I use all the time, I was willing to give it away, so I showed it all to them to choose from, but more importantly...

"Are you sure that's good? There's a lot of good weapons and gear to be able to perform better, right? It's all good, isn't it?

"... this"

A hidden room labyrinth item that was in the same labyrinth, but hidden without sale, "The Morning Star," a chain demon ball of must-have strikes, notably the iron ball of the fearsome demon that would chase you everywhere and keep waving a series of strikes if you fixed "Rock On," a goal called Must-Have, Separate and Serial Strikes. Yeah, naturally you were hiding it, weren't you?

I snorted in silence because I was happily embracing "The Morning Star, a chain demon ball in a row," because Demon Says already wanted me to see your daughter's chains dance, so I could make you a sickle, right? Yeah, about Morningstar now...... Damn, Ark Demon, you're scaring me!

And I became a servant when I did what I said because I wanted me to share my power to merge with the cost of dependency, whoa!? And because I'm worried about a case of criminal wrongdoing in front of me, I can make and put on a Gossloli dress that matches Mr. Demon Size and the others because "Arch Demon Morningstar LV1" who became the beautiful toddler daughter of dough hair is naked.

According to a bitter explanation, "Holy Gear to Give Life to False Souls Ba False People", which once anthropomorphized Mr. Demon Says, was needed by Mr. Demon Says, who was born in an intergenerational and integrative state, but this daughter was already human in form and needed magic and a "messenger" to maintain anthropomorphism while integrating with the dependent generation... without the service, she would be subordinated.

Well, let's let the LV go up and crush the labyrinth before we think about treatment. Yeah, this girl, LV1, but she's a maze king, right? A ten-story platform in the middle labyrinth would have equipment and no problems at all. It will be a problem after I bring you back Ning Lo... I feel pissed off why! That's weird, huh?

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