Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 652 Cursed and wandering ota will not see any change in the usual ota.

Day 132 Morning Inn White Weird

Disturbed, insane, white-skinned munchkin and my impatient fleshy munchkin. Thousand Glossy Wanhua Glossy Girl High School Girl in a Baihua messy limb A fleshy tyranny of Mr. Spatz with a thin, perfectly staked out! Overlooking, seeing all the neat perfections at all angles at the top, and feeling the garlic on all the pods at the polar realm - and slipping through the moment! I saw too much and felt too much, my lumbar armor was about to open with Shakeen!!

Disease Furious Munchkin 'Flesh Rumble, Slightly diving through raw leg munchkin', scratching, grinding and pressing the bumps on the soles of your feet!

"" "There it is. It just happened!! Hey, what a bump there -! It hurts!

Move the inside of the body with a sense of body and martial arts, master it from the outside, control it from the inside and the outside as a wooden puppet, conflicting forces and shifting it.

The inner force and the power to contain it from the outside deviate, rebelling in conflict. That is the maximum acceleration of the moment when what is suppressed is freed at once, the point being the principle of decopin. from stationary to instantaneous acceleration, connecting it to a super-reaction that can go with it and making it continuous...... the wisdom of continuing to manipulate the puppet with elaborate thread...... seems busy watching cancer, but control it properly, don't you?

That was a coincidence. So naturally I can't reproduce it, I was flabbergasted, but I did it. I was flabbergasted myself, wasn't I? This is that mimicry, the squid sama you aim for, prepare and use.

Open up all abilities as you flash and come to think of it...... I tried and it broke? Yeah, four Labyrinth opponents break in an instant. That's it! Why did you think you could do that?

But I feel it. Reckless, extremely insane, extremely dangerous physical operation laws, but that's right, so I feel right broken?

A load that gets crushed from the outside, a burst that bounces it off the inside. Can I say collapse, even close to disassembly but I don't feel anything on the outside but it's broken beautifully inside? It is bodily smelting while it is regenerated, but it is easy to move just about anything...... in line with the senses.

"" "Agi no, good pain no! Painful, agh, agh!

It was close to the feeling of (...) when I used to think that a one-size-fits-all knife was used to open my daughter up with fresh chippy high school girls living. As if I knew, naturally, I would use it very naturally as if I knew it was a move I didn't know... I tried to think of something to make it easy to understand... if I could, it would have broken and hurt?

I want to be ready. The empire doesn't move as my tail daughter told me this morning, that's why I hit my hand... it was Betta. Yeah, it was a sticky hand as I expected, but the name was Betta Betta, the establishment of the "sacred church" and the ban on the old religion of the diocese.

Now the other countries have two minutes. The faithful have been cracked in the church and their religious political power over the whole continent, which the Patriarchate potentially had, has been lost. The Empire will have new religious and political power if we convert national religions into "sacred churches". Yeah, naturally (Beta) hands. So the corrupt priests missed in the direction of the empire, I'm sure they'll work hard to get back together in the empire.

So it's a dangerous spat daughters sole massage that you can't even feel wet and transparent in this munchkin thin, perfectly eaten, perfectly tensioned sweat -! And then there's Sanyin. Ah!

"" "" "" Ghaaaa! Ouch, ouch, ouch! Oh, no, it's the first time. Be nice. "" "

"But I say no! Yeah, it hurts because you're tired, so it's a healthy torture, and it's just a favor to a gentle boy in high school. Yeah, Ihannashidanar? Grunting around? Like? Momomi?"

Again, Capoeira... White Crane Fist mixes with Shadowless Fist centered on the foot, but it's Capoeira who gets poked at the intention from time to time! If you say so, I'll dance and teach your daughter!

But drowning in a ruse, last time caught by the white-crawl fist's raw leg attack rambling and overwhelmed by a vivid meat forest, and this time he's coming around even more barefoot to grab it with his toes! That's why the gap, because I spot everything with these Luo Jin eyes! Yeah, fatigued feet are here -!! Feet heart - are you elaborate?

"" "" "Oh, oh! Yikes, it hurts, Yikes... Yikes, ahem! Ahhh, ha. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" ""

Though the soles of the feet are gathered with all the bumps of the body, the fact that Yongquan (Yusen), said to be the center of the matter, hurts so much is an excessive use of the body. And my thumb on my toe says my index finger is related to my stomach, but it's a mystery that my thumb works, but my index finger hurts is too much to eat! My stomach is too bad! I've been tired face since morning so I tried it and it works it's rolling around on the surface...... it was already an extremely dangerous sight to twist and tremble my flesh with munchies and wheezes! Hey, why is my favorite high school girl's health (HP) 0 (zero)?

Well, did you win? If you haven't been exhausted so far, the bumps on your palms are effective, too, but boys in high school are embarrassed to hold a girl's hand or something, so just a leg, okay? Why are you tired in the morning?

Still a body that hasn't even recovered from just being regenerated, but it was light and in good shape? Something worked naturally...... well, it'll break soon anyway, okay?

I got the hang of it a little bit, and my ability (skills) and physical abilities continued to be suppressed and controlled, resulting in improved switching (on/off)! We will not go as far as we will, but we will send magic to the necessary abilities, and we will suppress magic to the unnecessary abilities… The rampage itself has been suppressed and the demons themselves are beginning to optimize. Does the polar world have something to do with being able to control abilities (skills) and gear abilities (skills) by feeling physically?

Now, if the empire is handy, the kingdom side is on the main road, transporting basic troops in the basics. It is unpleasant to be able to concentrate troops on the border, but the deepest border is also the furthest from the front line. I know the solution, the border is on the river, so naturally with a canal, it's all settled.

"I mean, I've been accumulating" canals "," ports (ports) "and" demon stone powered ships "on the grocery store's internal job list for a long time - why doesn't that sister even know the basics of the internal job path that internal work is something to do indoors? I mean, I don't think that's what we should put on the bulletin board, because there's not even any sign that this vast amount of posting space is going to expand indefinitely and forever and shrink, is there? Yeah, if you change it to an inside job board, you got a lot of work to do, right? I mean, don't you want it? Shall I stick it?

"How can you just come complain about the Adventurer Guild bulletin board when you're not supposed to go to the labyrinth today! And you think there's an adventurer in the whole world who can make a canal or a harbor for an inside job, even if they put that stuff on it? I'm not here! If he was there, he wouldn't be an adventurer! I mean, I'm not even an adventurer. It doesn't make sense why you're trying to involve adventurer guild bulletin boards up to your internal job stupidity, but even if you left that and all of this behind, what's going on with sneaking around, sneaking around!

((WHY, WHY, WHY...))

Yeah, good jito today. Anyway, behind the 1on1 jit from the front from the guild's reception committee chairman, the all-enclosed jit is poured down with an extensive siege (zone press) equivalent of high school girls & some middle school girls! Besides, it's all ambient vision (panoramic view) with all its ability... it seems infinitely touching with the other world.

"Yao-jun, when you're done, I'll go, okay? I think you're all set, Oda... Yeah, I don't think I could totally feel you from around the fourth round of breakfast?

No, I didn't have a problem with the first round of omelet buckwheat and the second round of egg-filled okonomiyaki, the look and licking chewing sound of cloudy liquid (white cheese sauce) dripping off my mouth from a bucket of white cheese sauce with broiled mushrooms and raw meat (ham) in the third round was demonic, but the Otas had disappeared along with the suspicious rays and optical camouflage (mosaic) in the fourth round of boiled rice! Yeah, I let it melt too much out of your mouth, and the way I licked it with my tongue was dangerous footage, and I hit it too hard over your face! I don't know why there's even a sixth round of breakfast!! Besides, apart from the fruits and treats, there was practically up to the eighth round!! Yeah, you made money?

"Well sink the Otas' boat, in the harbor and canal... in the canal tunnel in the fake labyrinth, and then bake the Otas back to Chemomimi Maid Coffee and bury them in the mountains? Oh, if you power the Demon Stone to match the ship and then destroy Ota and Ota is Ota, Ota is already dead? You got a lot of eyesight?"

"That's why I don't kill you casually!

"And I don't bake it every time!

"And I don't try to sink every time!

"You can't bury it."

"" "I mean, please don't stay away! How deeply thoughtful of Chemomimi Made Coffee Yikes!?" "

Because the Sex King refused to stand in front of the Chemomimi Maid Coffee Shop and sent a circular saying that the Sex King was also banned from entering the arrowhead because he had become the Sex King? I was practicing "I'm home" alone in front of the store, right? Yeah, definitely shut up the next time you can get superior! You want to moff?

But Chemomimimi Maid Coffee seems to be strict and outgoing, I knew it was forbidden to touch, but it was forbidden even to devil's thread on tentacles and even to lizards and chickens on snakes? Romantic Chemomimi Made Coffee Inside is like a world with no goose dreams under the rules, right? How intelligent is that?

And I'll have the inner magic team for last night, this is the port. It is impossible to continuously perform great magic with just in-vivo smelting on boulders, we need to do the numbers and practice, but today we have a magic team that has been designed without MP saving hands. Yeah, the inside job is decent, huh? Sleeping a little nice (fainting) A prank is pinched by the beauty's lack of appearance, and the boy high school students are also very busy with demons and the boy high school students stabbing and pinching, but they're decent in between. He's also lured me out in between a little seductive thighs. I'm out of this, I'm very busy in there, but I am, aren't I? It's a lot of stuff, because you're a boy high school student!

"" "" There you go! Be careful... especially the passengers!

"" "Follow me (Poyopoyo)" "

Me and Mr. Slime set sail at the port of departure for Otas and Wangdu, I'll try my hand at dropping off the girls, but we'll be back by evening. Yeah, we've already made the port, but MP consumption was reduced more than predicted. It's just that magic formations don't feel like they're wasted on demon stones?

Well, I was dropped off, and I spread the river to the false labyrinth on ship two, and I went down the river with a little maintenance... especially this ship two, "Flying Ottchman doesn't fly, does he dive? I mean, it's drilled again, right? Are you nuts? Unlike Ship 1, which was an attack-type transporter, it was a mass-transport-type attacker with an emphasis on transport? I wonder how it's different?

"I mean, why are you writing your own name on the bow - what's a flying otouchman! Edge Bad!!"

"What!? You guys are nerds and you don't know the legend of Flying Dutchman properly? That's a story about God cursing you, hitting a rock, sinking you, but still wandering over the ocean forever, right? You guys have been cursed (nerds) since the beginning, and even if you hit a rock, the drill will follow you, and you'll sink and dive into nothing? No problem at all, huh? Ota."

"" I see - then peace of mind... why is the ship's equipment interpreted for God's sake! Why are you cursed?!? ""

The most famous ghost ship, Flying Dutchman, said to be wandering near the Peak of Pleasure, refers to Hendrik van der Decken, the Dutch captain, not the ship. There are several variations to that story, the most famous being that Captain Hendrick van der Decken touched God's wrath because he met a storm near the Peak of Pleasure and maligned God's work, and then the unadulterated gods and spirits threw all sorts of things at the Captain... yeah, both of them! That fight only occurs between people on the same level, that was serious! Absolutely the same level, the one that throws things because they say bad things. You're a child!

"No, 'cause if you're going to say," The world was made by God - (laughs) "you're naturally going to be complaining about it in the Manufacturer Liability Act, right? So you're the little god who throws things at me, right? It's natural for you to prepare equipment for the gods!?

"" "" That's something different from the Flying Dutchman we know? Or was that story interpreted as "God, tiny"!? ""

'Cause at the end of the day, still, the captain tried to force himself into the table bay in Cape Town, where he was destined, but God still harassed him, and the ship sank with the crew who hadn't done anything, and still became captain and ghost as a divine punishment. He says he was imprisoned by a curse that kept wandering from sea to sea without being able to stop forever until that day when he got God's forgiveness even for the sailors who hadn't done anything... whoever heard him say, "God, tiny! Narrow-minded!" and both, but God has a bigger reputation, right? It was a legend to say.

Yeah, I'm cursed and wandering, so I've been cursed since the beginning, and even if I don't bother wandering, I'm wandering around. They say suspicious information is more at stake than curses!

It's lamentable that you're totally nerdy but you don't even know this. Yeah, catapults and baristas are standard equipment so you can shoot them off one end and shoot them back, no matter what they throw at you, right? I won't let that little god or the spirits do it, I won't let them do it! But you're missing something?

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