Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 660 I mowed the lawn because it was an awkward deception that betrayed my expectations of snake

Day 133 Day Labyrinth 49F

A furious saturated attack by a barrage of blows, this would be the only move to stop the Labyrinth Emperor from pushing. Well, if you're serious, you can cut in, but if you get hurt, it's equal to losing, because that means you'll be crushed in numbers at some point... yeah, that's right. Why do you look so disgusted!? And we did it ourselves, why can't we look back?

"No, it's the overwhelming saturation attack that rocks Meteo. What, you were just rolling and crushing? Yeah, it's hard to find a good rock like that inside, yeah, it's a natural stone, that's why it's so funny. The" Meteo "feel of the drifting rock of" Diapering "? Yisidaner?"

The magic barrage spreads to the floor. "Magi Barnacle LV48," Fuji Kettle. I wonder what Barnacle is... crushed by a rolling rock. I don't know, do I?

"I had decided not to use it for the rest of my life... and I regret that it was somehow convenient!

"If someone else sees me, they think I'm one of them. Roll the rocks and crush the demons, with the insane..."

"I feel kind of, like, awesome, cheated. Surprising atmosphere of demons, heartbreaking"

(Poyo poyo)

Meteo, the rock of mass weapons, is handy, isn't it? Magic should be physics, mass in numbers, easy to win for victory, and fighting is something that should be avoided. I'm gonna do my best to make it a tragedy because I'm gonna fight seriously, it's decided better to have some fun not to get seriously tired, is it jito? Jito, huh?

It is most efficient and easy to combine magic with a variety of long objects, swordsmanship, and martial arts. So the girls are taught to handle all kinds of armaments and even close proximity centered around the system, but that's a mass in itself named violence because it's a mass combat unit. And now that we have all the numbers, we have the rock Meteo for everyone, right? Yeah, I don't have a good rock Meteo in it, it's pretty tight in stock, but I think it's kind of different to make it?

And whoever thinks about it, when we're going to be targeted, we're going to be trapped for assassination by destroying each of them. It's going to be more than a trap if it's hard to assassinate by awesome. The most effective handrail for a trap is the destruction of a trap, right? Yeah, we can mostly figure out a trap when we have a high-mass weapon, which is mostly solved when we drop the rock Meteo from above the trap. So I'm giving everyone a special rock (Meteo), and they don't like why, but it's convenient? Oishi Meteo?

Forty-eight hierarchies already. I've tried to come with five total fights without dispersion, but I feel a lower labyrinth, not deep, around eighty? But when I did, I got it because the army and adventurers weren't struggling and moving on, but it's weak, it's just obscene. Yeah, it's just a wide variety, it's a wide variety, so I won't show up for a good party, so I'll take the trouble. Outreach These labyrinths are bad for the army and adventurers... but even these girls could have gone? Have they all been too cautious...... because they don't show up!

Kick in the air and twist yourself through the enclosure of the lagging demons, causing hundreds of demon threads to dance like kabuki spider threads from above without looking back, covering up the demons under your eyes and tangling and slashing them away. In the end, because there are so many specialty types of demons, it's terribly brittle when you get stuck in a weakness, if you can overwhelm them with more maneuvers than all sorts of cluttered demons, it's easy to deal with them? Yeah, the name "Mirage Dragonfly LV49" is the one that looks good and boasts an overwhelming offensive power against enemies on the ground, but you can aim all you want from the ceiling, even the phantom "Mirage" doesn't make sense if you slash it all together. The outer shell armor of the torso is difficult to cut and tear with demonic thread when it is also LV49, but if it is a feather, it is a bit.

"Yeah, you can't do anything if you just armor your body and fall hard, Mr. Dragonfly is sold the aerial stationary Hoverling and Rapid Travel, and Mr. Dragonfly specializes in attacking you from above to below, and instead of being resistant to spiders and insects, you're vulnerable to birds?


It's a modern anti-ground attack helicopter, it's common sense to be strong down there and weak up there. And the army and the adventurers are fighting from the bottom, are they insane?

I can't flirt with and respond to the myriad attacks of a wide variety of demons, and I can't attack the myriad weaknesses. There is not that much skill in different worlds, and the variety of special equipment cannot be used effectively. What is more overwhelming is the difference between the difference in the amount of knowledge, between those of us with modern education and common sense who already know the answers that have been classified and concluded, and the medieval otherworlds that have yet to be studied but not even sorted out in organisms, which is why we cannot discern the attacks and weaknesses of demons, and it is the availability of unravelled and systematic scientific knowledge that manifests itself in the difference in the use of magic and weapons. Well, the otherworlds have never seen a kabuki spider thread, have they? You're gonna use it even on a capable earthspider, right? Would it be popular if I did it?

And 50F hierarchical lord, my enemy... throws both ends (double) Dawn Star (Morningstar)! No, I can't tell you I'm not throwing it because I hate you. I can't tell you what I'm thinking. I'm a double-ended, dawn star Bolla, right?

In addition to swinging and entangling a spherical hammer on the tip of the rope, Bola is a primitive hunting item that is also used as a throwing weapon, and has a meteor hammer called "Ryusei" that is used for large close-range weapons. Yeah, I had a sample because I was teaching Mr. Demon Morningstar... no, because I wouldn't even give you a hand! I mean, you were jito when you threw it!? And then the hierarchical owner's tangled up with Mr. Bora and he's falling off, can you just leave him alone? Uh, Mr. Slime is eating.

In recent years, there have been some rubber hammers and rope protective bolas for defeating thugs and capturing thugs for protecting women because of their ease of use and ease of use... because thugs are in danger! Mr. Hierarchist, would you mind not having a weapon with the Labyrinth Emperor in his protection?

I didn't want to show it to you, but I accidentally used it because it was a dangerous opponent, the horrible hierarchy owner is "Snipe Snipe LV50," I guess Snipe Tashigi (Snipe) because he's been shooting at something. With a straight long mouth, his head and chest are covered in brown feathers mixed with black and white. He looks like a bird, and Tashigi is definitely Tashigi. He's a terrible enemy, but he'll have to challenge you!

"Yeah, why is Tashigi (Snipe), the prey bird who is said to have become the source of sniping Sniping, sniping! You will!? And because it's hard to understand" Snipe Snipe, "I want to go in and say," Make it an academic name, "but the scientific name is GALLINAGO GALLINAGO, and the scientific name of the most common shigi in Japan of the subspecies is GALLINAGO GALLINAGO GALLINAGO, don't increase it! It's a long time, it's a tempura bowl on top! You had no choice but to use Mr. Bolla because it would take too long to scratch if you didn't drop him fast! Is this a scratch-and-wait trap that says it's full of scratches and not a battle place? (WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY...)"

There was no reception committee chairman at Adventurer Guild today due to the novice course deduction rate, so there was an incomplete burning of the scratch on the bulletin board. But I was just waiting for the Hierarchist to scratch!? Yeah, the message board hasn't changed.

But Mr. Slime seems happy. Indeed, Mr. Tashigi is so delicious that his bones are so soft that his flavor is reputed to be the true king of yakitori, and that's why he was sniped all over and his name became Mr. Tashigi (Snipe)... is there no wild bird Tashigi to eat?

I couldn't fight again. I am positively syncing every day with a placebo feeling that there is also a relationship of gear but the strength and weakness of body sensations and skills that change from day to day, the days when I try a wide variety of patterns and accumulate experience but it is gradually getting easier and I don't even feel like it...... I still had a definite response. Yes, I haven't fallen yet today!

"Not before. It's dangerous to use that body."

"You can't use that thing to break your body."

"I was relieved, Mr President of the Commission. Me, too, moving physically, I'm relieved. But not any more."

(Pom pom)

He was worried to see that conflicting magic powers could play, where common sense level knowledge differences manifest themselves in places like this. But the fact is, even the muscles are pulling while pushing, and they are fulcrum points and the bones and tendons have loads, or the loads are the ones that hang and move the body. So I take it for granted that the forces conflict from within and from outside, and I think mathematically that the corresponding load always takes place. Yeah, I don't think it's an anomaly, 'cause pressure on the fulcrum is the foundation of physics, right?

"Uh, I was worried about that. I wish you could tell me, but I was worried that you were being abused because the demon couldn't give it to me, and I didn't have to worry about it, so I was convinced it was the usual thing, right? Yeah, that's okay."

Decopin. That's all you'll see, so play three pretty foreheads lightly, and let the cute 1 viscous "Po" play Po too. Maybe it's different from the outside, there's magic and fairy arts moving separately inside and out... and it mixes compounds and it looks like an explosion to be able to play all at once, I was overly worried because I can't imagine chemical changes or expansion. Your sleeping daughter must have been seeing you, the cured Virgin? I asked him once, but he's not a delightful sex woman?

I'll try to explain it carefully, the power of that rational rebellion. "Sharning Wizardo, hi-ha!

Teach them how to work until they are convinced, and show them the right behavior with your eyes. "La la la la la la, fight kick! Fight kick! Fight kick! Ahhh!

Science is logic, it's inevitable logic. I can understand it if you understand, because that's only natural. "Knee kick (tencao) from! Knee kick (tencao)! Knee kick (tencao)!"

It looks strange, and even if it seems unusual, it's something I would be convinced of, even if I knew the principle. I fear and worry because I can't understand what I don't know, that's why I demonstrate the implications. Yeah, Sharning Wizardo?

"The action of power, I understand, but I'm not convinced! I don't know what it means to kick it there!

"Are you fooled? But you're right. But I'm telling you, Master," Yes "sounds like a lie!

"Principle, I understand. What I don't understand is how to use it!

(Poyo poyo)

It's half a lie, but it's theoretically true, isn't it? Scientifically it's a perfectly fine act, just magic, fairy art and Mr. Alchemy can be unscientific and broken, but mechanically correct.

No matter how much you try, no matter how much you equate magic with immortal power, the strength and weakness are constant and not equal? No matter how you add or subtract magic and immortal power, it can't be a formula, let alone a chaotic "chaos" when you compound it. So by watching it in the polar world, it feels good to add and subtract it, and the formula that can't be equivalent is suitably matched. I thought Mr. Ji-hui's calculations wouldn't end in the street, if the solution existed indefinitely, I'd have to look at it and pick it out.

Is that it? Sixty tiers already? Apparently, I spent nine tiers explaining it, and I wanted to have my knees on the street.

They see how things are going. That's why I slaughtered him off with my authentic sword skills and body surgery, elbowed him with my elbow and kicked him with my leg while slashing him off...... uh, something wussy!

"Now, Mr. Tentacles, Mr. Snake, Mr. Hud, Mr. Chicken, Mr. Coca, Mr. Lizard, Mr. Basi! And it's a riot in the assault - bite & bump before they bite! This one is air reading and seriously adjusting, but don't bite! I mean, too many mouths!

Totally, I thought you were a talented tentacle demon, just a grassy hierarchy lord. And bite! It's logging! Because even though "Hydra Vine LV60" is so busy, I thought you knew Mr. Hydra with a multi-headed snake. "Vine" is a plant! Don't let the grass bite! In other words, the main house, "Hud", bites back and eats a thousand pieces, and the weed hierarchy master tries a little harder every day against the labyrinth royal opponent. It's embarrassing to fool Hydra's name! What, jito?

"No, I was slashing the nuke" Core, "but the nuke" Core "is in the main body, and there's a lot of" Core, "and I'm going to bite, so I'm going to show the awkward example of Hude's biting attack, and the boy in high school was putting out a sperm to mow the lawn" Core "? Yeah, boys' high school kids are mostly the ones that give out the sperm, right? The elephant's gonna give it out, too, right? Pao, are you there?

I was gonna read the air and normally show you the hierarchical main battle, and it wasn't my fault because Hydra Vine didn't read the air, was it? I can't even feel the tentacles talent that's not Mr. Hydra at all. I can't believe you're a weed hierarchy master and don't even read to the air...... so why don't you jito me? I'm not bad at all, am I?

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