Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 690 I tried to be normal occasionally and it was an irrational different world of insanity hand

Day 137 Morning Inn White Weird

Strangely enough, when I woke up in the morning, it was before noon when I woke up again in a coma in a mass assault (boko) by Alice in Wonderland.

It's strangely strange, but the other world is stranger than the wonderland, right? Mostly if I wake up in the morning, I can do with a ceiling I don't know at most, but if it's a different world, it's the Alice mass assault (boko) case in Wonderland. It's loaded with the world you don't know (Amazing ·) World... do you know me?

The city is already full of hustle and bustle, you're totally behind.

In the table, breasts and elephants work. Already, Billboard Daughter has freely used the tiny elephants deployed in the lodge, and the elephants are cleaning with their breasts and noses. Mr. Slime is also on his billboard daughter's head with Po Po... doesn't look like he's willing to clean it?

"Is that it? Um, are the ornamental plants that are put on the sun while you can water them, Rafflesia? Why are you dancing with my billboard girl? I missed it!! Yeah, sounds like crazy flowers for nostalgia, huh?

I grew up splendidly within a while of not looking at it... it seems to have absorbed a lot of nutrients, so good color luster too?

(Why is that so little for just us?) (Yeah, you miss it, don't you?) (You mean...? He said that everyone sees ornamental plants growing up in Shizuku, some maiden, on the surface...) (Ah, in a way, shame play!) (((……)) (Don't tell me - … I'm not aware of anything -!

Not Alice in an already strange country, but a thin, shiny, sticky spat before battle prep. Gear, and more lustrous (twinkly) skin than you're in the mood. Luscious raw skin and thinly sticky, fleshy spats all over the stretch? Something's so glossy about the atmosphere, isn't it?

Mr. Wisdom, you're unconscious of the outburst. You're tired of waking up from Shutdown, and every time you dream something strange, right? Yeah, it's hard to see the girls' faces directly!

"" "" Serve - ♥ "" "

Breakfast was available, so I'm going to adjust my body senses while tasting various kinds of handmade pasta for high school girls. I cheated a little earlier, so if I don't make readjustments, my MP will dry up. Gravity Gravity is off. It's difficult to handle, but MP consumption is too great.

While eating pasta, suppress the addition and subtraction of "Limiter" and Magic Spirit. Fine-tune the new equipment to make it compatible with your body's senses. It's the great thing that I can do with this tune, the chaos of skills that I don't know what I've been up to. It's good to say that I've made progress from all the serving bowls to the extent of the dark pot simmering! But how long will this variety of pasta last... is it soba noodle pasta?

"Thank you for the treat, it was delicious. So, but -... how many dozen dishes the hell are out there!? Ha, plan on making me fat and making ourselves look thin for comparison purposes as well as a visual trick!? cheat?

"" "" No, I'm not! What, I don't know if that sad feeling of giving up is enough!? It's burning on its own!! (Shizuku works too!) "" "

Indeed, its thin spat appearance seems to be undergoing further evolution while maintaining its best shape "Best Proposition" as far as the eyes of Luo Shen can see! 'Cause your butt looks like an outsider, your hips are high and your legs aren't half as long! Or mazi and thin fabric!

Before I lost consciousness of my prep exercise, I had to tame and adjust my body with gossip claps and tai chi to digest a huge amount of pasta, it was effective to look at the outdoors and others "one," and I want to pack the controls closely... if I don't go out soon, it's going to be late?

"Well, today's on schedule." Dorky ♥ Raw deep labyrinth full of high school girls (there's also a splatter, or kill everyone?) "Is that good? Or is it necessary to follow me to the Labyrinth Imperial Army, so I can go to the Mid-level Labyrinth without disturbing you?

"" "" I said I was going to the middle labyrinth before, and I never kept my promise, but what are you going to do about it!

I can't, I can't seem to adjust in the labyrinth. But with more people in the city, would you need expansion work? Yeah, I think it's going to be refreshing to build a basement and direct the old man to fill it, he's going to need a plan to build an underground landfill.

"'Cause when I hear from you earlier, people don't listen well - I've been going the wrong way around the labyrinth, stopping by, laddering, but mostly I'm also stopping right at the middle labyrinth, right? You don't trust me, do you? You're gonna be a dark ghost to believe in without a doubt, aren't you? I don't know why!

"" "I'm out at the point where I say" I'm stopping by "myself, and I don't trust people who have a language that says" I'm going wrong "!!" "

When you go to the city, your breasts and elephants are sweet, orphans go through the pouring boulevard for a destination, ready for battle.

"Whoo-hoo, what the hell! There's no change, absolutely immutable. By the time it's permanent, it seems confusing whether universal posting is a revelation or not, but it hasn't changed as much as I suspect that it's actually a treasure of the labyrinth, right? Effect Does it come with" Skills "or" Refusal to Post "or something? I don't think it's a good idea not to use it as a bulletin board. Can't you post it?

"It's not a treasure, but if it's tragic news, I'm looking at it right now, and first of all, the fundamental definition of it is what we need to worry about before the bulletin board, and decisively, ultimately, essentially, we don't understand what it means at all, do we? It's because I'm sneaking around, there can't be a Kosovoso complaining about it with prestige and goodness! Please sneak away, sneak away! Sneak, sneak, sneak!

Beginning with each other's development, each other's restraint of view. This is where it all comes from!

"Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna stick. Flat, out-of-the-wall, nothing. Flat and sad to see. Bulletin boards or boards. Peggy daughter...... (Gaggy Goggy) No, it's important now. My bulletin boards are flat on my bulletin board turns because the requisition tables are thin and few peggy. So I'm bad (Goggy Goggy!) Hey, the pain is doubled because the sound just now smashes my skull and sounds like a brain marrow destruction, but still the content of the bulletin board hasn't changed - (gagging, giggling) yahhhh!

[Sexual Imperial treatment in progress. It's a tear eye]

Horrible is the chairman of the reception committee! It was a dunk shot of a 360 (Three-Sixty) windmill from a double hand spin catch of a little raccoon that flew in at the "Pepper" moment without hesitation! That's a gorgeous dunk shot or a bean tank gorilla, and you said that the speech was sealed by Gazigazi violence and the reception committee chairman's doya face! Hey, the jito is thin, Starboard Liar. What are you doing?

When you go outside in defeat's disappointment, you strike - - a weaving that shakes your body in small steps and doesn't squeeze your aim, a constant switching of posture along with mild steps like carving a beat and approaching with disillusionment - but sadness, in the other worlds of the Middle Ages, even if it's common, modern boys' high school students know boxing and know how to attack it!

"Gently grip it into your left fist...... eat mushrooms (depression)! eat mushrooms (depression)! eat mushrooms (depression)! dance like mushrooms, prick like mushrooms, deep and deep mushrooms in your mouth! I'm sure if you let him talk, additional orders will come, but the outboxing style that makes a big swing stacks up a series of quick, small chopped mushrooms, and blocking your mouth is the tactic, Theory... it was a tough, vain battle, I stuck boring mushrooms in again... ugh."

"" "" Huh... what are you doing! Why did you shove a mushroom in your mouth when you saw your grocery store sister!

"What? I stick cured mushrooms in my treatment for mushroom poisoning, but healing is a mushroom, so my poisoning symptoms get worse, and I'm annoyed with the addict Junkie, so I shut him up with mushrooms, and the treatment is hopeless while he takes his hat off to his endless thirst for mushrooms with mushroom deficiency, right? Terrible?"


Angry? I loved mushrooms. What the hell is wrong with sticking mushrooms in your sister's mouth? I tried to get in a lot more than usual, and I told you, did you get mad at me?

We end up delivering them to the grocery store in bulk, but most of them seem to have blown up their wallets because of the explosion in the girls' high school buying? A different world is a void, right?

And to the labyrinth. Up to the thirty tiers, they're going down and running into each other.

Rebuild Rebuild - Further optimizes the morning state to strengthen the entire body, circulating magic and qigong in one piece, smelting and releasing them while drawing magic formations. What you do once can also suppress magic consumption faster from the second time, a blow that is gradually optimized and emitted instantly!

Flames and thunder scorch the air and burn down demons in an instant. Recently, you can finally sensibly instantaneously replace the magic formation of "100 Demon Clothes Int 30% Up 100 Magic Regiments Sewn In Magic Clothes Always Activated Three" and the effect is doubled, the effect of "Magic Conversion Leg Decoration" Anklet "(Thunder) Int 30% Up Thunder Attribute Increase (Extreme) Thunder Strike Thunder Heaven Armor Thunder Blade" The magic version of "Thunder Heaven" is the extreme of overkill "Overkill" in a single-digit hierarchy... maybe it has been tried, it must be seen. Yeah, you feel intense jito, don't you?

"" "" You're in danger! Why are you saying "please cover me" and burning down the whole hierarchy!! "" "

"Coverage shoots magic from behind, doesn't it? Yeah, did you try shooting him?

"What is extermination with cover fire!?" "What, this is the power of the magic job?" "Don't be fooled, it would be rude to have an insane unemployed man and a magician with you." "A blow... was one" Bochi "big magic unit." "Was you a guard?" "Unemployed...... you have your magic job Weapon Skills on board," "" "Did you have that hand!

Lv wall. It is a one-sided biasing ability, Advantage, that cannot normally be deactivated. Yeah, I'm so tough on people under LV30, huh? But it's heartbreaking, so let's not make jobless calls, okay? Why don't you stop letting me in? You must have won unilaterally, but why is that so damaging to your heart!?

Yeah, the magic job Weapon Skill is kind of dressed up as "Radiation" with a wand pointed at it... no one's seen it though? (POYOPOYO) Yeah, I'm fine because Mr. Slime is here!

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