Longevity Species

Chapter 157 Go straight to Fire Luo Kingdom! (first update)

Time flies, and another month has passed.

Lei Dao was bored in the palace.

Lei Dao has almost memorized all the martial arts in the secret library, and he even has the leisure to try to practice them.

Practicing these ordinary external skills or internal skills, Lei Dao no longer needs to use supernatural powers to improve, because he has condensed the flower of energy and achieved a terrifying body that is indestructible. Practicing external skills or internal skills is just like playing.

It's just that these internal or external skills are useless at all even if they are practiced to great success by Lei Dao.

No matter how strong the external strength or internal strength is, can it still make Lei Dao's body stronger?

That's simply impossible, the King Kong is already indestructible, how can it be strengthened?

This is the same as Lei Dao practicing Qigong. With the flower of vitality, any vitality cultivated will be swallowed by the flower of vitality. Therefore, Lei Dao's current strength has indeed reached a bottleneck, and there is no way to advance.

Lei Dao mobilized his abilities and checked his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (19 years old)

Lifespan: fifty-five years and eleven months

External power: A total of thirty-nine years and one month of life are consumed (external power cannot be superimposed)

Golden Body Kungfu: Cannot be superimposed (21 external skills superimposed)

Internal Strength: A total of 14 years of lifespan will be consumed (internal strength cannot be superimposed)

Immortal skill: cannot be superimposed (superimposed two internal skills)

Qigong: consumes a total of 63 years and three months of lifespan (qigong cannot be superimposed)

Xianyuan Gong: cannot be superimposed (superimposed four qigong)

Lei Dao's various attributes remained unchanged.

Whether it is the golden body skill, the immortal skill, or the primordial skill, there is no change and cannot be improved.

It's just that the lifespan keeps decreasing.

Lei Dao is different from others.

Others are in a daze, not knowing how much time is left in their lifespan, so even a few years pass without any sense of urgency.

But Lei Dao is different, he has supernatural powers, he can see the reduction of lifespan all the time.

Originally, Lei Dao thought that he would be able to live through this life calmly, but he was wrong.

When he watched his lifespan decrease every day, even if it was only for one day, his heart felt very painful, as if something very precious was lost.

Only then did Lei Dao wake up.

It turned out that he was far less calm than he imagined.

Even though he still has more than 50 years to live, seeing his lifespan decrease day by day, he feels a sense of urgency.

During this period of time, apart from being in the secret vault, Lei Dao was also paying attention to the situation in Juliu Kingdom.

The magic operator Yi Xiang is indeed a great talent, and he used great justice in a short period of time to continuously attack those disobedient forces. On the one hand, they tried various methods to win over and appease.

Therefore, in just over a month, Juliu Kingdom has completely calmed down, and it seems that all forces have accepted the current situation.

When the situation calmed down, Yi Xiang was able to mobilize the power of Juliu Kingdom to go to Shenlu Kingdom and even other countries to collect more information.

It is worth mentioning that Lei Dao was changed again, or the nominal court of Juliu Kingdom, and given the title of Great Master of Protecting the Nation.

The status is even equal to that of the emperor!

It has a lofty status in the entire Juliu Kingdom.

After all, the status of the Lei Family Fort is still a bit embarrassing. In secret, everyone knows that the Lei Family is the actual ruler of the entire Juliu Kingdom, but on the surface?

Many ordinary people don't know Lei's family, let alone Lei Dao.

It would be different to give Lei Daoan the title of Great Master of Protecting the Nation. Everyone knows that Lei Dao's power is overwhelming and his status is respected.

Given time, the Lei family will slowly surface and gradually infiltrate into the high-ranking officials of the imperial court.

At that time, even if it is to change the dynasty and replace the current royal family, it will be easy and will not cause any shocks.

Yi Xiang's method is like boiling a frog in warm water, it is indeed very clever.

Master Sword God, I just received a piece of news, maybe it's still good news.

The magic operator Yi Xiang suddenly strode forward and hurriedly came to Lei Dao, his face was full of joy.

What news, tell me?

Lei Dao glanced at Yi Xiang, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

He knew that Yi Xiang paid the most attention to etiquette at ordinary times, and he would not lose his composure no matter how big it was, and he would not be in a hurry like he is now.

Master Dao Shen, didn't you tell me to pay attention to the news of the God's Survivors? Recently, the situation in the Juliu Kingdom has gradually calmed down, and I have also taken over the intelligence network of the dark guards. In the surrounding countries, I will follow the request of Lord Dao Shen to pay close attention to the news of the God's Bereaved Clan.

Although there is still no news about the God's Survivors, I found a suspicious point. Recently, a strange incident happened in Tianhe County, Huoluo Kingdom. There are hundreds of members of the Tianhe Gang in Tianhe County, who were killed by a boy in the mine. This matter has already caused a lot of trouble, and the dark guards quickly found out everything.

The people in the mine didn't have any trauma, and there was no sign of poisoning. And the boy named Feng Lin was just an ordinary boy. But Feng Lin suddenly killed hundreds of people, which is really weird. I can't help thinking I collected some information about the gods and the power of divine thoughts collected during this period. Among them, the materials of the gods mention the awakened, and once the power of divine thoughts is awakened, it will become very scary.

And the power of divine sense seems to be somewhat similar to a spiritual power, a very weird power. For example, it can make people fall into illusions, control people's thoughts, and even kill people directly! Therefore, it belongs to Let's make a bold guess, that young man named Feng Lin is most likely an awakened member of the God's Survivor Clan, who has just awakened the power of divine sense, so he got out of control and killed hundreds of people in the mine!

Listening to the methodical analysis of the magic operator Yi Xiang, Lei Dao's eyes also flickered with brilliance.

During this time, Yi Xiang was also very interested in the God's Survivors, so he specially collected a lot of information.

Although the Shenyi clan is very mysterious, Yi Xiang couldn't resist mobilizing the power of the entire Juliu Kingdom to investigate.

What's more, no matter how mysterious the gods are, as long as the gods are still in this world, there will be some clues left.

This also allowed Yi Xiang to collect more information.

After Yi Xiang's collation and analysis of these materials, Lei Dao gradually learned more about the God's Survivors.

I have to say, in this regard, it is too easy to have Yi Xiang's help.

Through Yi Xiang's sorting out, Lei Dao also gradually learned about the so-called talent of the God's Survivors, which is actually the power of divine thoughts.

Even the survivors of the gods have a certain amount of time before they can awaken their talents. Once the talent of divine sense is awakened, it is called an awakener!

Obviously, if there is a person who has the opportunity to condense the flowers of spiritual thoughts and reach the highest martial arts realm where the three flowers gather at the top, it undoubtedly refers to the awakened people of these gods.

Huoluo Kingdom, Tianhe County?

Raidou murmured softly.

That's right, but the Huoluo Kingdom is not at peace recently. All the heroes are fighting together. The royal family of the Huoluo Kingdom may not be able to hold on. However, the biggest trouble is probably the Demon Palace!

Magic Palace?

Lei Dao heard the magic palace again.

The Demon Palace seems to be trying its best to deploy in the Huoluo Kingdom, and it is quite powerful. I even suspect that the Demon Palace will take over the entire Huoluo Kingdom in one fell swoop, declaring the strength of the Demon Palace!

Lei Dao has always been convinced by the analysis of the magic operator.

For this Demon Palace, Lei Dao has no sense of right and wrong, but just thinks that this force is a bit ambitious, and the goal is too lofty, so it probably won't come true.

But the magic palace is powerful, this is a fact.

Mr. Yi, Mr. Lei is going to Huoluo Kingdom. No matter what, he must find that young man named Feng Lin. He may be a real member of the God's Survivor Clan. Therefore, the affairs of Juliu Kingdom will be entrusted to you to take full responsibility. You can even transfer the masters of the Nine Great Sects, and if anyone is dissatisfied, Lei will talk to him personally when he comes back.

Yi Xiang's eyes narrowed sharply.

He knew the meaning of Lei Dao's words very well.

This is almost a complete delegation to him, allowing him to take charge of the entire Juliu Kingdom!

Even Yi Xiang's heart was pounding at the moment.

After all, this is the power of the world, and even Yi Xiang is addicted to it.

However, Yi Xiang was still sober.

He knew that everything about him came from Lei Dao. Without Lei Dao's support, even if he is a fortune teller, he is nothing more than a counselor. How can he hold the power of the world like he is now?

Thank you, Lord Sword God! I will coordinate the overall situation in the Juliu Kingdom, and pay close attention to the news of the survivors. As long as there is any news, I will notify Lord Sword God through the hidden guard as soon as possible.

The secret guard spies are all over the country, and Yi Xiang is in charge of the secret guard. No matter where Lei Dao is, he can receive news from the secret guard.

Lei Dao nodded in satisfaction. He temporarily handed over the authority to Yi Xiang because of Yi Xiang's outstanding ability.

With the current situation in Juliu Kingdom, there is no better choice than Yi Xiang.

What's more, with Yi Xiang taking care of the Juliu Kingdom and the dark guards, Lei Dao can also feel at ease to find the survivors of the gods and pursue the pinnacle of martial arts!

I will summon the elders of the Red Lotus Sect. If anything happens, the elders of the Red Lotus Sect will definitely support you with all their strength.

Lei Dao explained again, and then let Yi Xiang leave.

Lei Dao's trip to Huoluo to search for the survivors of the gods may not be short, or even a long time.

Although he is free and easy by himself, some things are also very inconvenient.

Therefore, Lei Dao is going to bring some people with him.

The Huo Luo Kingdom is more chaotic, and Lei Dao has to bring some stronger people, at least with peak external skills.

So, Lei Dao made a selection, and in the end he only took Lei Tiezhu and the three female disciples of the Red Lotus Sect.

Some of Lei Jiabao's subordinates in the past are now under Yi Xiang's arrangement, holding important positions and cannot leave easily.

Only the barbarian Lei Tiezhu and the three female disciples of the Red Lotus Sect could barely meet Lei Dao's conditions.

After Lei Dao summoned the three female disciples and Lei Tiezhu, he didn't waste any more time. Instead, he immediately left Juliu City and headed straight for Huoluo Kingdom.

ps: Woke up early in the morning and looked, damn it, I was blown out by two great gods... Lao Yue is in pain, and fell from fourth to sixth again, everyone's monthly ticket support, Lao Yue broke out like crazy today, still... ...Five more! Ask for a monthly pass! Rolling all over the floor begging for monthly tickets!

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