Longevity Species

Chapter 384 The Millennium Manifestation! (third change)

"The total lifespan of the host reaches more than a thousand years, and the ability begins to upgrade."

When Lei Dao was about to mobilize his abilities and check his body data, especially his lifespan. Suddenly, the ability could not be mobilized, and there was no movement.

Lei Dao took a closer look and found that the power had started to upgrade again.

"Total life expectancy over a thousand years?"

Although Lei Dao was a little surprised, it made sense after careful consideration.

Lei Dao was a top half-sage before, and his total life span was actually only more than nine hundred years old, and he was still a few decades away from reaching a thousand years old, but he failed to reach a thousand years old after all.

This time, Lei Dao finally achieved the Eucharist, and his lifespan must have increased. As for how much it has increased, Lei Dao is not sure, but it is easy for the total lifespan to exceed 1,000 years.

With a total lifespan of more than a thousand years, it is reasonable to upgrade abilities.

Now Lei Dao has been able to figure out some rules for the upgrade of abilities.

For example, for the first time, when the total lifespan exceeds a hundred years old, the ability starts to upgrade.

The second time, when the total lifespan reached five hundred years, the ability was upgraded again.

And for the third time, this time, Lei Dao's total lifespan exceeded a thousand years, and his ability was upgraded again. So what about next time? Does the total life expectancy need to be 2,000 years, 5,000 years, or 10,000 years?

Lei Dao didn't know if there was a chance for the ability to upgrade for the fourth time, maybe it did, maybe it didn't.

However, Lei Dao doesn't care much about whether there is a fourth upgrade for the ability. What he cares about is what changes will happen to the ability after the third upgrade.

After each power upgrade, many changes will occur. Last time, after the ability was upgraded, there was an additional "deduction" function. This function is indeed very powerful. It can deduce the perfect secret method in a single thought, without Lei Dao's hard work to collect it.

But at the same time with powerful functions, it will consume a lot of life.

Every time Lei Dao decided to use the "deduction" function carefully, but every time, Lei Dao was forced to use the deduction function.

As a result, even if Lei Dao became a top half-sage, he only had a life span of more than a hundred years, which was not much better than those half-sages whose deadline was approaching.

Fortunately, such difficult days finally passed, and Lei Dao was finally sanctified. Although it is still unknown how much life span Lei Dao has increased, according to ancient legends.

Seek the Tao for a hundred years, manifest the sage for a thousand years, and transform into a god for ten thousand years!

Once the "manifestation" is successful and the holy body is achieved, the lifespan can be greatly increased. By then, the lifespan will not be increased by decades or a hundred years.

And it is possible to increase life expectancy by hundreds or even thousands of years!

According to Lei Dao's knowledge, the holy body powerhouses who created the Holy Land can generally sit in the Holy Land for thousands of years.

Of course, every Saint Physique expert who can create a Holy Land is an amazingly talented person.

Maybe they have been sanctified after a short time of practice, so after sanctification, they still have thousands of years of time. There is no problem with a total lifespan of more than a thousand years.

Lei Dao felt the surging vitality in his body, and his lifespan must have increased significantly, but the specific increase would not be known until the power upgrade was completed.

And I don't know why, every time the ability is upgraded, Lei Dao feels his heart skip a beat, as if he has some ominous premonition.

Lei Dao planned to "put the sword and gun into Kuma and release Nanshan" after he achieved the holy body. After solving some matters in Yuanzhou, he would live a leisurely life for hundreds of years or thousands of years.

Be a free and easy saint!


The giant beast roared, and its huge head respectfully stretched out in front of Lei Dao, its eyes full of longing.

"You big bastard is also clever, and you know the benefits of rubbing. Forget it, if you think of your meritorious service in protecting just now, let's wash your body again."

Lei Dao smiled, and then patted lightly. The huge annihilation power instantly entered the giant beast's body, and began to help the giant beast cleanse its body, making the giant beast's body stronger.

Now Lei Dao is a majestic saint, and he goes all out to help the giant beast cleanse his body, which can almost save the giant beast from decades or hundreds of years of hard work.

Obviously, the giant beast already knows the benefits of following Lei Dao. If it is only to swallow the ten thousand year elixir, without Lei Dao's holy power to help the giant beast "digest", the giant beast can almost waste more than 70% to 80% of the medicinal power .

That's really a waste of money.

Otherwise, the giant beast has been guarding under the sacred tree for at least ten thousand years, or even longer. How could it not become a holy beast until now?

In fact, the giant beast can't digest all the power of the ten thousand year elixir, it can only digest part of it, which is too much waste.

Although he has surrendered to Lei Dao now, if Lei Dao is willing to spend his holy energy to help the giant beast cleanse his body and digest the ten thousand year elixir, then maybe he can completely transform the giant beast into a real holy beast!

However, it would take a lot of holy energy and energy for Lei Dao to wash the body of the giant beast, which is not so easy.

That is to say, this time the giant beast tried its best to stop Yuehua Bansheng, but it did not disappoint Lei Dao, so Lei Dao was willing to give the giant beast some substantial rewards.


As Lei Dao's holy energy began to wash the giant beast's body, the wounds on the giant beast recovered quickly, and it was actually faint, as if it had swelled up again.

For giant beasts, their essence is the body. If you want to become a holy beast, everything is rooted in your body. As long as your body is strong enough, you will be able to transform into a holy body and become a holy beast after a lot of tempering!

However, it seems that there is no bottleneck, but in fact it is extremely difficult.

I don't know how many ten-thousand-year elixirs need to be swallowed. Some giant beasts have guarded the ten-thousand-year elixirs for countless years, and swallowed countless strains of ten-year elixirs, but they have not been able to transform.

It is also because they use the efficacy of the Wannian elixir too inefficiently.

On the contrary, there seem to be guardian holy beasts in some holy places. Those guardian holy beasts follow those who are strong in the Eucharist, and even if they die, they still guard the Eucharist.

In fact, the most important reason is that those giant beasts can become holy beasts faster by following the Saint Physique powerhouse.

Every time the sacrificial body expert washes the giant beast's body, or helps digest the ten thousand-year elixir, it can save the giant beast countless years of hard work. Naturally, it will get twice the result with half the effort, and it will be easier to transform into a holy beast.

Soon, the giant beast's body swelled a circle, and then slowly stopped. It opened its eyes and lowered its head, expressing its intimacy with Lei Dao.

But Lei Dao shook his head and said: "You want to take the ten thousand year elixir? It's not impossible, but you have to make more contributions. Follow me, and you will naturally become a holy beast one day!"


The giant beast roared, it was not angry, but excited. At least, Lei Dao agreed to let it become a holy beast, which is much better than it's painstakingly guarding under the sacred tree and swallowing the ten thousand-year elixir.

With a flash of Lei Dao's figure, he came back to the big pit and came under the golden sacred tree.

The divine tree has thirteen golden fruits in total. Three of them have matured and were picked by Lei Dao, and there are still ten remaining, which seem to take a while to mature.

Maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, Lei Dao can't be sure.

However, Lei Dao is not in a hurry.

He already regarded this sacred tree as his possession, and no matter when those golden fruits matured, they were all his. But the premise is that he must master this big hole, he must control the entire Juliu Continent, and turn the Juliu Continent into his sphere of influence.

A saint is enough to own a continent!

Lei Dao pondered for a while, then came directly to the giant beast, and said loudly: "I'll give you a name, you are black all over, but you are quite big, so let's call you Dahei."


The giant beast obviously also had a certain amount of wisdom, and it expressed its protest when it heard the name "Dahei" which was obviously careless. However, the protest was ineffective, and Lei Dao directly ignored the giant beast's protest.

"Dahei, you will guard this place and the sacred tree from now on. You can collect the ten-thousand-year elixir after it matures, but you can't steal it. You have made meritorious deeds in protecting it. At that time, the sage will naturally reward you with some ten-thousand-year elixir. Nian elixir, help you transform into a holy beast!"


Dahei nodded, and his roar shook the sky. It already understood what Lei Dao meant.

Afterwards, Dahei returned to the big pit, entrenched in the big pit, and continued to guard the sacred tree. However, it was different from before. In the past, he was protecting the divine tree and the ten thousand year elixir for himself, but this time, it was protecting the divine tree for Lei Dao.

It's just that protecting the sacred tree for Lei Dao seems to have gained more benefits. Dahei even began to "look forward" to the day of becoming a holy beast. Thinking about the scene at that time, it is really beautiful and wonderful.

Lei Dao didn't know that Dahei was already looking forward to the day of becoming a holy beast, but even if he knew, he would just shake his head helplessly. Dahei has great potential and can become a holy beast. Based on this alone, Lei Dao will not give up.

In the future, if Dahei is placed in the Juliu Continent, it will also help him take charge of the entire Juliu Continent and become the guardian holy beast of the Juliu Continent. Lei Dao's life will be much easier then.

However, there is still a little trouble now, and that is the Moon Shadow Merchant Guild!

The Moon Shadow Merchant Guild is nothing, but the key point is that the Moon Shadow Merchant Guild already knows the secrets of the Juliu Continent. That golden sacred tree can breed a thousand-year elixir, what kind of precious spiritual plant is this?

The Moon Shadow Merchant Guild kept sending strong men, even half saints, which showed that the Moon Shadow Merchant Association attached great importance to the Golden God Tree, or in other words, the importance it attached to the Ten Thousand Years Elixir.

Once the news spread, the Moon Shadow Merchant Guild is in Kunzhou, where there is also a holy place and a holy body powerhouse. At that time, if some snooping is caused, it will be very troublesome.

Lei Dao didn't want the Juliu Continent to suffer endless "harassment". He still hoped to turn the Juliu Continent into a pure land, a quiet and peaceful paradise.

"Huh? The Moon Shadow Merchant Guild is here again?"

Lei Dao seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and suddenly looked in the direction of the coast.

ps: There is still the fourth chapter in the evening, Lao Yue has worked hard on the code words, thank you for the reward from the leader yesterday, thank you for your reward.

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