Longevity Species

Chapter 785 I am a pure person, and even a noble person! (Second more)

"Thank you, it seems that I misunderstood you before."

Lei Dao sincerely apologized to the group of women.

He can also see now that they must have misunderstood them before, and now they can take the initiative to introduce the city of freedom to Lei Dao, which undoubtedly shows great kindness to Lei Dao.

That being the case, Lei Dao did not hesitate to apologize to them.

"You don't need to be so polite, you were deceived by that robber, but didn't you help that robber? I don't know how to call you?"

Without hesitation, Lei Dao replied directly: "My name is Lei Dao, a human being."

"Humans? I haven't heard of it, but there are many races in the Ming Realm, maybe an ancient clan far away. We are the Hua clan not far from the City of Liberty."

"Flower family? I remember."

Later, Lei Dao asked some common sense about Liberty City, and the two sides separated. After all, they met by chance, even without too many precautions, it is impossible to really become friends.

After all, Lei Dao left and entered the Free City first.

Some women in the Hua clan seemed a little puzzled: "Why do we make friends with this Lei Dao? Even if he is a great senior, there is no need to make friends like this?"

The leading woman from the Hua tribe shook her head and said with a smile: "There is no reason, it's just a good relationship."

Indeed, these flower tribes just want to form a good relationship. After all, it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy, not to mention that it is just a matter of little effort.

Afterwards, the group of flower girls also quickly flew into the city of freedom.

Lei Dao entered the City of Liberty, but in fact he didn't go far, and he still had some precautions against those flower clans. However, after waiting for a long time, Lei Dao was completely relieved after he did not find any traces from the Huazu.

"It seems that I am indeed the one who misunderstood these Hua clan women. There are still more good people in the Ming Realm!"

Lei Dao sighed.

It is said that the human heart is sinister, but looking at the Huazu, it seems that they are not sinister, and they are even very friendly.

Not only the flower clan is friendly, but also the practitioners in Liberty City seem to be very friendly.

For example, the one that appeared in front of Lei Dao looked a bit like a tree man.

Whatever Lei Dao asked, the other party answered.

Moreover, it seems that he didn't dare to hide a little bit, but he told Lei Dao all the common sense he knew, which is what the flower woman said before Lei Dao "verified".

Lei Dao was relieved to be sure that there was nothing wrong with what the woman of the Hua clan said.

After Lei Dao left, the tree man patted his head: "It really scared me to death, is this the Great Senior? The breath is too terrifying, it seems that the breath almost suffocates me. Fortunately, I am excited and answer every question. Otherwise, I’m afraid the end will be miserable.”

The tree man seemed to be still terrified.

After all, it is only the true god level, and it is too far away from the Great Master.

Although the City of Liberty is not allowed to do anything, the strong have the advantage over the weak. Even if they don't do anything, there are many ways to deal with the weak.

Lei Dao wandered in the city of freedom, and it seemed that every time he met a practitioner, he seemed to greet him with a smile.

The practitioners in Liberty City don't seem to be cheating.

No matter who Lei Dao asked, he was very kind and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"It seems that I have some misunderstandings about the outside world. Well, the human masters also have some misunderstandings about the outside world. In fact, aren't these races very friendly?"

Lei Dao was thoughtful.

Of course, maybe he didn't notice the terrifying aura in his body, it was obvious that he was the Great Senior, who would dare to provoke Lei Dao?

Your Majesty, in the vast Ming Realm, he is already a well-deserved strongman.

What's more, the aura of the Great Master on Lei Dao's body is still so terrifying, he is clearly the top Great Master, so naturally everyone is extremely "friendly".

The atmosphere in Liberty City is indeed very good. Here, everything can be traded, and it is a very prosperous trading city.

To do business in the City of Trade, you need to pay taxes to the City of Freedom.

And the three masters and the eighteen masters, relying on the trade tax revenue of the free city, can far exceed the income of the entire human race, and they don't even need to compete for territory or conflict with other races.

Lei Dao envied this model very much.

If human beings can also build such a trading city, then there is no need to fight for resources and territory for human beings.

Of course, it is not that simple to establish the City of Liberty.

Even some ancient great clans actually do not have such strength to build a free city.

After all, Liberty City is not without danger and pressure. In fact, the danger and pressure are still great. Liberty City needs to face the pressure of countless races, even the pressure of some top masters!

Liberty City must withstand pressure from all sides.

Among them, the three masters of Liberty City are the key.

According to the information that Lei Dao inquired about these three masters, each master has no race of his own, and they are all "free bodies".

This kind of master who has no worries is very terrifying.

Moreover, the three masters are all top masters!

Even those ancient great clans dare not offend.

After all, the ancient great clan still has ethnic groups to take care of, but what about the three masters of Liberty City? They are all free, with no ethnic group, no attachments, no need to stay in the city of freedom, and secretly entangle the ancient clan. Who dares to say that they can deal with it with confidence?

What's more, the power of Liberty City has gradually become stronger, and no one dares to touch Liberty City easily, so it has developed to the present and has become a veritable behemoth.

In Liberty City, an exchange of equal value is followed, and the currency used here is called the god stone.

The divine stone is a kind of energy crystallization, the main function is to strengthen the physical body, no matter it is a true god, a venerable, a great venerable, or even a master, they can use the divine stone to cultivate, just need how much.

Of course, humans don't need it. After all, humans are a world practice system and don't need any god stones.

But except for humans, almost all races need it.

In a sense, the Divine Stone is the currency that passes through the Ming Realm.

However, what embarrassed Lei Dao was that he didn't have a god stone, and the masters didn't tell Lei Dao that he needed a god stone to go outside!

From this point of view, Lei Dao is poor and white now.

If he wants to obtain the specific location of the Lotus Clan, he needs to obtain the information of the Lotus Clan, or needs a lot of life-extending treasures, all of which require the God Stone.

"The divine stone is a problem, and we have to find a way to solve it."

Lei Dao is a majestic grand lord, although he is poor and white now, but there is only a little sacred stone, can't he get it?

So, Lei Dao began to recall the origin of the sacred stone.

The reason why the god stone can be used as currency is that apart from being able to practice and having a large demand, the most important reason is that it is relatively difficult to obtain.

There are several types of god stones.

The first one is to find the God Stone Mine.

In some unique worlds, the sacred stone mines will slowly be produced over time, which contains a large number of sacred stones. It is the collision of various factors and forces during the formation of the world, which takes a long time to gradually form.

However, God Stone Mine is very difficult to obtain.

Once the god stone mine is discovered, it may cause competition among many races, and then lead to war.

The wars that broke out for the God Stone Mine, and even the wars of extermination, do not know how many there are.

After all, with the God Stone Mine, it means that there is a steady stream of resources.

The second type is artificially refined!

The divine stone can also be refined. There are various races in the vast world, and some of them contain extremely huge energy in their bodies.

As long as this energy is extracted and then refined, the divine stone can be refined.

Moreover, this kind of sacred stone is of extremely high quality and can be used sustainably. As long as you don't dry up the marsh and fish, you can continuously obtain the sacred stone.

However, the divine stones obtained in this way are destined not to be too many. The quantity is far inferior to the divine stone mines, but the quality is far superior to the divine stone mines.

The third type is the wonders of the Ming Realm!

In the vast Ming Realm, all kinds of things happen every day, and occasionally there will be some wonders.

For example, dozens of hundreds of worlds were directly born.

For another example, hundreds or thousands of worlds are annihilated at the same time.

Another example is the sudden collapse of space.

Or, the space is suddenly distorted, etc., these can be called the wonders of the bright world.

There is something strange about being able to give birth to some very precious treasures.

Such as the god stone!

Moreover, the divine stones born in the wonders of the Ming Realm are of the highest quality, and even the masters will be crazy about them. Therefore, such top-quality divine stones are difficult to come across, and almost all of them are obtained by Juggernaut.

There are three ways to obtain the sacred stone, the sacred stone mine, artificial refining, and the wonders of the bright world.

Lei Dao thought for a while, and it seemed that the god stone mine and the refining process were a little more reliable. As for the wonders of the bright world, forget it.

Even if the first ancestor wanted to find it, he had to rely on luck.

But where can I find the God Stone Mine?

This is a big problem!

Of course, in fact, Lei Dao has thought of some ways, such as trading some precious treasures on him.

As a Great Master, Lei Dao naturally carried some precious treasures with him.

Among other things, if Xiao Hei and the suspected ancestor's corpse in the coffin were taken out, they would definitely get astronomical numbers of sacred stones.

But Lei Dao would not be so stupid, coffins are treasures that can be encountered but not sought after, and even the corpse of the ancestor is even more precious, keeping it will be of great use in practice in the future.

As for other treasures, even if they can be traded, how many god stones can they be traded for?

It's not enough for Lei Dao to buy a lot of life extension treasures.

You must know that Lei Dao's demand is not ordinary now. The life extension treasures in the entire human territory are only enough for Lei Dao to open up a few big worlds.

Lei Dao's goal, a hundred great worlds, is still far away.

And how huge are the life-extending treasures searched by the human territory and the Scorpion Clan's territory? Just relying on purchases, I am afraid that the sacred stone is definitely an astronomical figure, and it will not be available in a short period of time.

Unless Lei Dao went to grab a few or dozens of sacred stone mines, it might be possible to buy a large number of life-extending treasures.

"No, how can I rob? Outside, I represent human beings! No matter how poor I am, I can't rob. I am a pure person, and even more so, a noble person."

It is impossible to rob, and it is impossible to rob in this life!

Lei Dao shook his head, shaking all the messy thoughts in his mind out of his head.

However, the thought of obtaining a large number of life-extending treasures is really exciting!

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