Li Lianjie looked at Chen Fan and said, he couldn't help but tremble a little, even if the director was wrong, it wouldn't be a slap in the face.

"Don't worry about the impulse, it's just a movie. If you refuse, you will refuse. Teacher Li doesn't need to blame herself so much."

Chen Fan responded to Li Lianjie with a smile, he didn't take this matter as a major event, and he never regretted it.

After all, he is not interested in himself, and besides, the director is very stinky, he can't stand it.

Li Lianjie felt regretful for a while, and felt that Chen Fan's actions were really incomprehensible, but he couldn't say much.

"Forget it, since you don't plan to act, then I won't act either. Who made the director not know who he is."

After Li Lianjie finished speaking, he said goodbye to Chen Fan and left the villa.

At the same time, the director of the Expendables did something to put Chen Fan's refusal to play the Expendables on the Internet.

"Everyone in Huaxia, the actor Chen Fan is very famous in the world. He doesn't look down on my death squad, so don't regret it."

This is not the opinion of the director alone, but the creative team believes that Chen Fan will regret it to death for doing so.

After the news was spread on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar among netizens, stunned.

They thought they were wrong, how could Chen Fan refuse to appear in the Expendables! This is too shocking, absolutely shocking, enough to shock the entire film industry and the film and television industry! Many netizens have paid great attention to the Expendables, knowing that they are in the Expendables The big-name stars of the movie are all familiar to everyone, and there are big-name brands! Such an international Hollywood blockbuster was actually rejected by Chen Fan, rejected.

"How do I remember, Li Lianjie is daring.

The face is not the protagonist, he is so powerful in acting, and he is not the protagonist, how strong should the death squad lineup be!"

"Boss Chen, you actually rejected the Expendables. I'm still waiting for your third movie, such a good movie, why did you reject it!"

"It's terrible, such films are rejected. As expected of Boss Chen, he only makes films for his interest."

"Even so, I still want to see Boss Chen's death squad. Hey, there seems to be no hope."

Many fans deplored this, but they also knew that it was Chen Fan's decision, so they naturally supported it.

...Reba on the set was doing makeup when suddenly the assistant brought the phone and handed it to her tremblingly.

After seeing the news of Chen Fan's refusal to play the Expendables, her face turned pale, she said in shock, "Isn't this true?"

She opened her cell phone and saw dozens of missed calls, all from her star friends.

At this time, a star also called in, and Reba answered the phone and said, "Chaoyue"

Yang Chaoyue said urgently: "Reba, hurry up and persuade Brother Chen, don't miss this great opportunity."

Reba was about to speak when another phone call came in, so she had to say, "Wait a minute."

Yifei also called and said, "Sister Reba, Boss Chen can't do this, to be able to join such a top team, think about how difficult it is for me to win international films, hey, I envy him to death, he actually Do not agree."

In order to appear in the international blockbuster, Liu Yifei spent a lot of time practicing her acting skills, but she did not go smoothly.

When she heard that Chen Fan could be squeezed into the big-name lineup so easily, the whole person was stunned.

When she heard that Chen Fan rejected the director, she was a little at a loss, and Boss Chen was too good! Reba, who had been connected to several calls, was also distressed, and everyone came here because Chen Fan refused to play the death squad. .

Although she would not interfere with Chen Fan's decision, she was also curious about why Chen Fan refused.

So I called Chen Fan again and again.

Chen Fan received a call.

"Husband, can I ask you a question?"

Reba asked directly.

"Of course."

Chen Fan said helplessly.

"Why reject the Expendables? It's a good opportunity for you, right?"

Reba said directly without hesitation.

"Just for this"

Chen Fan was also stunned for a moment, and then seeing... the news spread by the director, he became more and more... calm.

This director is very rude. If I refuse to act, I will be linked to the Internet, which will ruin my character. "That's it, I have no interest in the death squad, and I won't act in movies that I am not interested in."

Chen Fan replied to Reba, obviously he didn't have any good feelings for the Expendables team.

"It's a pity."

There was a bit of regret in Reba's tone. She didn't persuade Chen Fan, but she felt that it would be a pity to miss this opportunity.

"There is another reason,"

Chen Fan heard Reba's tone, so he continued, "This director is too good at pretending."

For a while he disliked his young age, and for a while he was asked to audition across the ocean, and he was very pushy to announce the news.

Such a creative team, even if more international big names join, he is not willing to appear.

After Reba understood the situation, she was stunned, and then hummed, expressing her support for Chen Fan's decision.

Then, when Reba faced the overwhelming phone calls, it was clear that Chen Fan was not interested in the film.

All the stars are only stunned and puzzled about this, can you refuse if you are not interested? Boss Chen, do you want to be so domineering!

Chapter 2: Wolf Warrior [-] is good

Just when everyone felt sorry for the protagonist, Wu Jing was exercising in the gym, and his mood was not very good.

Chen Fan accompanied him, pointed at other guests from time to time, and then communicated with Wu Jing.

Wu Jing also felt sorry for Chen Fan's refusal to play the Expendables. If it was him before, he would consider it.

But now Wu Jing won't think about it anymore, he wants to be a director himself and make the movies he wants to make.

It's just that he encountered a problem recently, which made him not very happy, so he came to exercise to vent.

When he talked to Chen Fan, his face was melancholy, he touched his face dripping with sweat, and said: "Speaking of foreign directors are very good, it is not so easy to make a blockbuster like the Expendables in China. I can't shoot at the standard, hey."

"Director Wu, you also have such a lot of pressure"

Chen Fan found that Wu Jing sighed and was stunned for a moment. It turns out that this great director also has moments of depression.

The film produced by Wu Jing is now booming.

He has such a good reputation as Wandering Earth, isn't it easy to make a movie? Now, although it can't be popular internationally, there is no problem with being popular domestically.

"Directors have the difficulty of directing. After wandering the earth, it will be difficult to make more popular movies. I am still struggling with what movie to make."

Wu Jing didn't hide anything, and told Chen Fan what was in his heart. There was no film to shoot, which made it very uncomfortable.

Hearing Chen Fan here, he understands Wu Jing's difficulties, but this is only a temporary... He even comforted and said, "A good script will always be found."

"Speaking of which, I have a few scripts, but I don't know which one is better to choose, and they don't feel so attractive. Otherwise, Boss Chen, you can help me choose."

Wu Jing hurriedly came to Chen Fan, took out his mobile phone at random, and asked for Chen Fan's WeChat.


Chen Fan froze for a while, then looked at Wu Jing.

"Yes, Boss Chen, you have a good vision. If it wasn't for your guidance to the Wandering Earth, there would be no Wandering Earth today. Help me see."

Wu Jing said to Chen Fan very seriously.

In desperation, Chen Fan took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and sent a lot of documents.

Seeing so many documents, Chen Fan frowned, but he still received it on his phone.

"Boss Chen, help me see which one is better, I'll exercise first, and let me vent."

Wu Jing said with a smile.

Chen Fan sat down in the leisure area, put a cup of tea next to him, and then began to browse the script.

There are so many scripts that are dazzling, no wonder Wu Jing has a hard time choosing.

After the tea was completely drained, Chen Fan picked out the script he liked from the script.

The name of this script is: Overseas tells the story of the protagonist's overseas rescue, in which the plot is colorful.

Chen Fan chose this document and said in front of him, "Just this."

After Wu Jing saw the document, she was a little stunned: "Overseas rescue"

Of course he has watched the overseas rescue, and the plot is good, but Wu Jing feels that something is missing, and it should not be popular.

Wu Jing believes that this kind of war and military-themed movies have inherently lost the female audience.

And that would deal a heavy blow to the film.

You must know that many of the moviegoers are young women, and choosing to rescue overseas is equivalent to giving up these... audience.

This is not a good note.

Chen Fan nodded with a smile, looked at Wu Jing and said, "Didn't you film a Wolf Warrior before?"

"Well, I did, but the box office was not satisfactory. That's why I didn't choose overseas rescue."

Wu Jing nodded, although the Wolf Warrior was ok, it wasn't too popular.

Chen Fan said simply and directly: "The name of overseas rescue is not good, why don't you call it Wolf Warrior 2."

"Wolf Warrior 2!"

Wu Jing stared at Chen Fan with wide eyes, feeling inexplicable.

"It's...Wolf Warrior 2."

Chen Fan nodded and said.

There is no wolf warrior 2 in this world, only wolf warriors.

But the plot of overseas rescue is basically the same as Wolf Warrior 2, and the connotation is similar.

It's just that there are still some flaws in it, and some corrections are needed to make it: more perfect.

"But I don't plan to make a sequel to Wolf Warrior. What's more, the response of Warrior Wolf is far inferior to that of Wandering Earth. If a second film is made, it will definitely be regarded as a bad movie."

Wu Jing said hesitantly.

"Why don't you film maybe the sequel will be even more popular than Wolf Warrior?"

Chen Fan said.

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