Chen Fan is more suitable for the lead role than him, Wu Jing will not have any doubts about this.

Chen Fan still shook his head.

Seeing that Chen Fan was determined to refuse the climber, Wu Jing immediately became anxious.

You know, Chen Fan already has a pivotal position in his team, and is basically the actor he admires the most.

Whenever there is a new film, he will think of Chen Fan for the first time and invite Chen Fan to make a film.

Although he did not shoot the current climber, after he got the script, he was the first to come to Chen Fan and let Chen Fan read the script.

Among them, there is also the reason for Chen Fan's box office appeal. Whenever Chen Fan acts, he can create a box office miracle. This time, I believe it can be the same.

However, Chen Fan did not accept it, which made Wu Jing begin to suspect the climber script.

"Can't this script still make Boss Chen interested? This script should be good."

Wu Jing looked at Chen Fan curiously, and expressed her confusion, wondering what the reason was.

"Don't think too much, it's not that I'm not interested, it's that I want to rest well."

Chen Fan quickly explained the reason why he didn't make this movie, saving Wu Jing from thinking too much.

Wu Jing was stunned for a while.

Just because you want to rest, this is too reluctant, is it really just because you want to rest? "Boss Chen, of course it's okay to rest, as long as you want to rest, you can rest at any time."

Wu Jing nodded and said.

"I can suggest to postpone the filming for a while, and by the way, I also have to experience the hypoxia environment, which is convenient for acting."

Since it's just a rest, Wu Jing doesn't have to worry, as long as Chen Fan has enough rest, it's not a problem to start shooting again.

Chen Fan is very important to them, instead of starting filming in a hurry, it is better to wait until Chen Fan has rested before filming. This is the best choice.

"If I rest for a long time, wouldn't that affect your progress?"

Chen Fan looked at Wu Jing in surprise, a little surprised by Wu Jing's persistence.

"Boss Chen, without your guidance, where would there be the scenery of Wandering Earth and Wolf Warrior 2, it's not a big problem for you to waste a little time."

Wu Jing insisted.

"It's my fault for the delay."

Chen Fan said with a smile.

"Promise no, Boss Chen will tell me when he has time, and we will start filming immediately."

Wu Jing said, but left the script and handed it over to Chen Fan, still full of expectations.

"Well, think about it."

Chen Fan didn't say anything, since Wu Jing was so persistent, he didn't want to refuse completely, he had to reluctantly perfunctory.

"That's great!"

After that, Wu Jingcai turned around and left, no longer disturbing Chen Fan, and started busy contacting the director.

The starring position has basically been determined to be Chen Fan, and the director only needs to arrange other actors.

The key is how Chen Fan expresses his stance. Once he agrees, he can start filming, and the rest is nothing.

Chen Fan sent Wu Jing away, and he was also happy, thinking of the climbers also felt good.

When other people in the gym saw Chen Fan and found that Chen Fan had rejected Wu Jing's invitation, they were also surprised.

Others can refuse, but Wu Jing personally invites again, is it not good for Chen Fan to refuse? Wu Jing and Chen Fan are almost bound together in the movie during this period of time.

Chapter [-] Reba's Persuasion (please complete)

The climber, Chen Fan may not be in the role, the news quickly spread on the Internet, which made many people surprised and also felt a pity.

"Boss Chen, you don't want to play a climber, do you mean that you're not interested in it?"

"Boss Chen's acting has always been out of interest, so there may not be any challenges."

"Then we can't see Boss Chen's climbers, that's too cruel!"

Fans of Chen Fan immediately felt that the news was a big blow to them.

They are still immersed in the joy of Wolf Warrior 2, and they were suddenly injured by Chen Fan's refusal to play the climber.

"I can't say that. Boss Chen hasn't refused to act, he just needs to rest. Acting is very tiring."

"Boss Chen has been acting recently, and he has to take care of the gym. Of course, he is tired. It would be nice to let him rest."

"Well, you are right. Boss Chen needs to rest and recover, but... I still feel a little pity."

Netizens expressed their opinions on this, and no one blamed Chen Fan, but felt it was a pity.

This emotion, which can be felt by almost everyone, has caused agitation and heated discussions on the Internet.

Noticing these ...... remarks, Wu Jing was also a little surprised, and quickly posted on Weibo to explain the situation to the audience.

His explanation is also very direct, climbers will wait for Boss Chen, please don't worry.

Such a sentence almost connected the climber's shooting with Chen Fan.

When everyone saw Wu Jing's Weibo, they immediately admired and liked Wu Jing. Who wouldn't like such a director and actor?

After receiving Wu Jing's promise, everyone calmed down and waited quietly for news from Chen Fan.

The director of Climber discussed with Wu Jing, and had no objection to Wu Jing's decision to cast Chen Fan, but felt that it was necessary.

The director of course knows Chen Fan's level, and if Chen Fan is there, his climbers will definitely have a good box office.

What's more, Wu Jing and Chen Fan are close friends, and the director feels it is necessary to invite Chen Fan.

"Research the complete script first, and then I'll go to him to see until he agrees..."

As a result, the director and others turned to research and improve the script, leaving other things alone for the time being.

......At this time, some fans left a message under Chen Fan's Weibo, asking Chen Fan not to be too busy, pay attention to rest, we are waiting for you., all of them are masters of writing love letters, expressing their concern for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was very surprised by this, but just responded that he was fine, don't worry.

"Boss Chen actually got back to me!"

"Ah, you are so lucky!"

"Then I replied, looking forward to your climber."

"And then what?"

"Under consideration."

Fans found that Chen Fan's attitude had changed, so they were surprised, and at the same time, they quickly went to Reba's Weibo to leave a message.

As for men, the most... can't stand the pillow wind.

The same goes for Chen Fan.

So, they plan to let Reba talk to their ears to see if it works.

Reba soon noticed these....... Leave a comment, and was immediately taken aback.

Actually, because of a movie that hasn't been filmed, it will attract so many fans. According to these... fans mean, Climber is a very good movie, Chen Fan does not make it , it's like wasting the movie.

"Are climbers really that good?"

Reba spoke to herself.

Of course, she didn't go to Chen Fan right away, she felt that there must be a reason why Chen Fan refused to act as a climber.

Perhaps, the climbers are not so good, so Chen Fan was not interested, so he didn't act.

Thinking of this, Reba began to collect information about climbers. As a star, she has the ability to find information about climbers.

Not long after, I learned about the climber from many friends, and I was a little surprised.

"Ziyi and Brother Hu are actually going to be the climbers, plus Wu Jing and others... These people are powerful bigwigs."

Reba knows Brother Hu very well.

She knows that this... Brother Hu is very picky about scripts, and it is for this reason that his TV series are very popular.

There is another saying in the world, Brother Hu, is a guy who makes men can't help but want to chase stars.

It can be seen that Brother Hu's charm is very great. Unexpectedly, Brother Hu has picked up climbers. This climber's script must be very good.

"The script should be good, why would you refuse it? Husband, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Reba was a little anxious when the crew thought of this, and hurriedly asked the crew for leave.

When the crew heard that it was because of Chen Fan's refusal to play the climber, they immediately agreed to Reba.

Just kidding, they also want Chen Fan to be the climber. With Chen Fan in the role, the climbers will be very good! Chen Fan, Wu Jing, Ziyi, Hu Ge... What kind of fairy lineup is this, think Just thinking about it makes your adrenaline pump.

"Hurry up, we look forward to your good news and impress Boss Chen with your words!"

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to speaking.


After that, Reba quickly left the crew and returned to the villa.

Chen Fan is in the villa.

Only when I saw Chen Fan, I suddenly forgot the purpose of my visit, and rushed towards Chen Fan directly, making love for a while.

Chen Fan hugged Reba in surprise when he saw Reba.

After it's done.

Reba's face flushed red, while touching Chen Fan's strong muscles, she remembered the purpose of this.

She asked very curiously: "Husband, why did you reject the climber? It is said that it is a very good movie."

When Chen Fan heard Reba's words, he patted Reba's fair palm and said, "You know it too"

Reba nodded quickly and said helplessly: "Of course I know. Many fans have left messages under my Weibo. This matter has a great impact. After all, many big names will participate in The Climber, which is eye-catching."

Chen Fan said: "I don't care if you are a big player or not. I'm afraid you won't see me for many days."

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