He actually questioned the "generic generation"

It's a joke to boost popularity by brushing the list.

Does Boss Chen need to swipe the list to increase his popularity? He uses a trumpet instead to develop folk songs! Yu Ke slapped himself again and again, and the slap slapped around the room.

He hated how stupid he was to compare himself with Boss Chen, how much he was beyond his own power.

Is there such a person in the whole country? Someone who dares to compare with Boss Chen is either crazy or... stupid.

Yu Ke felt that he was... a fool, and at this moment, his face was hot as he looked at the comments on Weibo.

Chen Fan has more than [-] million fans, and many folk fans have begun to frantically spray the so-called folk master Yu Ke.

"Just pay the folk master, don't tease me, we don't need a folk master like you."

"Are you worthy of saying that Boss Chen's ranking is not good enough to question our Boss Chen!"

"Apologize quickly, if you don't apologize, we can't forgive you, please apologize!"

Fans on various social networking sites have demoted the folk master to nothing and disgraced.

It's no wonder fans, who made Yu Ke dare, where did this guy have the guts! Today, netizens sprayed him, it's Yu Ke, he totally deserves it and suffers for himself.

The fans didn't end with such a rant, they also asked Yu Ke to come out and apologize.

If this Yu Ke doesn't come out to apologize, and Chen Fan is a fair Yu Ke, he has to take responsibility and take back what he said before.

When Yu Ke saw such momentum, he panicked, he knew exactly what it meant.

Chen Fan's fame and strength are unparalleled, he is definitely not comparable to him, and this time he was crushed by the strength of Chen Fan's folk songs.

In fact, he doesn't have any advantage, and if he doesn't apologize, he may not even be able to eat.

With such a big commotion this time, is there anyone who recognizes him as a master of folk songs? I'm afraid no one will admit that he is a master of folk songs.

If I create new works in the future, will there be anyone to help promote it, or will anyone listen! Obviously, Yu Ke thinks it is impossible for anyone to follow him, and without recommendations, he will be nothing.

Thinking of Yu Ke here, why would he hesitate and apologize on Weibo again and again! Yu Ke's apology statement was a bit long, and one article was not enough, so he sent several articles to write a [-]-word apology.

Seeing such an apology, everyone's expressions were stunned, amazing, talented.

This apology essay is brilliant, almost a perfect composition, so everyone has to admire it.

And in the end, Yu Ke also gave Chen Fan the title of Folk Ballad Master, he thought he was not worthy of being a Folk Ballad Master, only Chen Fan was the real Folk Ballad Master.

This sentence is very level. Even if the netizens want to criticize Yu Ke, they have to say, Yu Ke did this and praised Chen Fan firmly, and they couldn't find any reason to speak ill of Yu Ke. .

The master of folk songs is attributed to Chen Fan, and he deserves it. This is the result that everyone likes to hear and see.

After seeing such an apology, the fans reluctantly let go of Yu Ke, but it will be difficult for them to listen to his songs again.

......The editorial department at the other end, 6 was originally splashed with dirty water and smeared badly.

Now because of Chen Fan's appearance, 6's reputation has not only come back, but also received the support of many people.

Chen Fan's three ballads are the best proof in themselves, and 6 did not make people wantonly brush the list.

At this time, Xu Yuan and others all celebrated warmly, and at the same time were very grateful to Chen Fan.

If it weren't for Chen Fan's three-hit combo, 6 would have jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't be washed.

6 If I can restore my reputation, I naturally want to thank Chen Fan. At the same time, I hope everyone will support the original music.

Xiaowen was praised by the editor-in-chief Xu Yuan, and he was directly promoted and raised his salary, and he couldn't help but be ecstatic.

She is not only happy that she can get a promotion and a salary increase, but also that she has the honor to review Boss Chen's songs! Boss Chen, Fanfan, Fanfan, Boss Chen! Xiaowen is really surprised, Boss Chen is too low-key, let She couldn't like it.

In fact, Xiaowen is just a coincidence, just happened to bump into Chen Fan's music release, and now has the promotion and salary increase.

But I have to say that Chen Fan is... attractive, not only can make his fame soar, but also help others.

Because of Chen Fan, at this moment the whole internet is talking about domestic folk songs. After so many years, the folk songs have almost ended and there is no improvement.

Just when everyone thought there was no hope, Chen Fan appeared and came with a folk song.

Chen Fan's ballads have made domestic folk ballads attract attention again, and let folk ballads re-enter the public's field of vision.

He almost single-handedly saved the folk songs and brought the Chinese music culture back to life.

I'm afraid, only Chen Fan can do it! As Yu Ke said, Chen Fan is the real master of folk songs and can pass on the folk culture.

"These...the songs are really nice, I want to continue listening to them. It would be great if Boss Chen wrote more ballads."

"I think that there will be many newcomers who will be able to create good ballads in the near future!"

Chapter [-] You have created a miracle (seeking full order)

That night, Chen Fan looked at his Weibo, which was full of comments and likes. He felt very comfortable.

He also saw Yu Ke's apology, and was called a master of folk songs by the other party, so he was naturally very happy.

He never thought of competing with Yu Ke for the title of master of folk ballads, but Yu Ke just bumped into his muzzle.

The appearance of Yu Ke made folk songs a hot topic, but it was conducive to the spread of folk songs.

If there is no... the master of folk songs, the situation is not very easy to say, and the topic is definitely not enough....

Chen Fan faced such a challenge calmly, but unfortunately, Yu Ke was vulnerable.

Over time, "Chengdu", "Nanshannan" and "Southern Girl" all appeared on the major lists at the same time.

Except...the most famous music website, other websites have applied to Chen Fan to be listed.

They can't just watch 6 enjoying staggering traffic and want the song to be featured on their website.

Several calls came in, directly blowing up Chen Fan's cell phone.

Chen Fan received news from other music sites and didn't care about the other party's bid. As long as the other party needed it, he nodded in agreement.

This made the major music websites very excited, thanking Chen Fan, and admiring Chen Fan.

These three ballads are so popular, if you want to apply for listing, you have to pay tens of millions, but Chen Fan doesn't care about the money.

Obviously, Chen Fan's purpose is to promote the song and let more people like folk songs.

Such musicians are too precious and worthy of respect! All major music websites listed Chen Fan's ballads one after another, but they became famous in a short while.

Over time, it not only made the list, but quickly occupied the top three spots on the list.

These three ballads have each other's winners and losers, you chase after me, and sometimes change positions first, but it's always these three songs.

All major music sites are in the current situation, and all other songs have to make way for Chen Fan's songs.

It's not these... The songs are not good, but Chen Fan's songs are completely beyond everyone's imagination, with perfect melody, profound artistic conception, and a strong folk style, which makes people addicted.

Under the release of Chen Fan's songs, other songs can only serve as a foil to bring out the power of folk songs.

After a day, the hot searches, hot songs, and golden song charts were all dominated by Chen Fan's songs.

The golden song list is often the enduring song to be included in the golden song list.

This requires the song to be good and to be loved by the public for a long time, otherwise it will be excluded.

But Chen Fan's song was so sought after in only two days, and it went directly to the gold song list. It is not crazy! The madness continues, and an important indicator of the song, the download volume is increasing wildly.

From the initial [-] million, to [-] million, [-] million... [-] million! [-] million downloads! What is the meaning of this? When you are very singing, you will not choose to download.

They will listen to the song through the cache, and they will basically listen to it after listening to it, and then listen to it again when they think of it.

Except...I like it very much, as long as it is a special song, it may be downloaded and listened to through various devices.

It also means that people who do this really like songs, and it is also a minority practice.

However, the practice of this few people has now directly reached the number of [-] million.

"One hundred million, I'm not mistaken, according to the normal charging situation, two yuan to download a song, that is two hundred million yuan!!"

"You're still charged for one song, and the three songs add up to [-] million!"

"It's not always possible to earn that much money in a few lifetimes. Boss Chen can achieve several small goals in minutes."

"However, Boss Chen didn't take our money. The downloads are all free, which is really conscientious."

Netizens were talking about it, and they were very emotional about this, Chen Fan contributed too much to the spread of folk songs.

...that afternoon, Wang Hong and Li Hao went directly to Chen Fan's gym to express their gratitude.

After exercising in the gym, I feel that my whole body is comfortable and my whole body is much more relaxed.

However, their purpose here is not to exercise, but to thank Chen Fan.

They came to see Chen Fan a few days ago. At that time, folk songs were about to decline, and the Chinese music culture was also eroded.

Just a few days later, the situation changed dramatically, and Chen Fan directly saved the ballad.

A few days ago, if I said to other people that folk songs have declined, I would definitely get the approval of many people.

Now, if someone says that the folk songs are not saved, they will definitely be thrown two ears.

Folk songs are no longer what they used to be, and the folk songs at this time have already gained momentum.

They even believe that there will be a batch of new works in folk songs, although they may not be able to compare with Chen Fan, but once new blood comes in, there will be hope for folk songs.

It is for this reason that Li Hao and Wang Hong came here to express their gratitude.

They glanced at the fact that they were still busy in the gym, and didn't care about the situation of the folk songs.

Both of them were stunned for a moment. At this time, Chen Fan can still be so calm! He is indeed a capable boss, he is not surprised when things go wrong, and he has the demeanor of a king.

Chen Fan, who noticed the arrival of the two, came to the leisure area and sat down with the two.

"Are you okay?"

Chen Fan looked at the two people lightly.

"Boss Chen, don't you know that you have created a miracle? It's really a miracle."

Wang Hong blinked and looked at Chen Fan.

"Well, this is the data we have collected, you can check the popularity of your songs."

Li Hao hurriedly handed the tablet to Chen Fan, and let Chen Fan see the data of the song with an excited expression.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the line chart. There were two lines in it, one was the Hallyu line and the other was the folk line.

The original ballad line was at the lowest point, as if there was no heat at all, and it was very different from the high Korean wave line.

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