Of course, when I walked out of the company, I didn't forget to give the company's security guard a blank eye...


Five minutes later, Bai Chen arrived at Reba in time, and then saw Reba making skewers, and immediately greeted the young boss, "Hey, the boss will bring me forty skewers!"

"Hey! Alright!" There was another business coming to the stall, and the young man immediately looked overjoyed.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'll sing you a song..." Bai Chen said to Reba after successfully sending the owner of the stall to work.

"Okay, you can sing..." Reba responded 'reluctantly'.

"Cough, cough..." Bai Chen naturally didn't care about Reba's little cleverness, but thought she was very cute, so he stood in front of Reba, cleared his throat, and sang directly.

“Coffee on the Left Bank of the Seine”

"I will taste your beauty with a cup of my hand"

"Mouth with lip prints~~~"


"You said you were a little hard to chase and wanted me to retreat"

"You don't need to pick the most expensive gifts, just the leaves of the Champs Elysees"

"Oh~ Create a romantic date, don't be afraid to screw it up"

"Own you, you have... the whole world..."


The brisk voice and romantic lyrics make the young man who sells mutton skewers also integrated into it!

Reba swayed while listening to it. The lyrics of this song created a lively and romantic atmosphere, which made people unable to stop dancing...

Just when Reba wanted to listen, the singing suddenly stopped.

Reba looked at Bai Chen, Bai Chen smiled awkwardly, and said, "This song is better with guitar accompaniment. If it doesn't, I feel a little dry."

"Guitar, I have it..." said the young man who sold meat skewers, and handed Bai Chen a guitar while talking.

Bai Chen was also stunned, "I'll go, you have this too... Then come on!" '

"Darling, in love with you, from that day on"

“Sweet and easy”

"Honey, don't be headstrong, your eyes"

"I'm saying I'd like to..."

Reba listened to Bai Chen's beautiful singing, and looked at Bai Chen's young and handsome face, she was a little crazy, and the scene of Bai Chen confessing to herself and shyly agreeing appeared in her mind.

Just when this fantasy reached the critical point, the singing stopped again odiously!

Reba looked at Bai Chen angrily, but she didn't sing anymore!Don't give me an explanation, believe it or not, I will ignore you in the future!Reba thought to herself!

Seeing Reba's doubts, Bai Chen pointed to the sky, meaning it was getting late, and it was almost time to go back

"Oh~ that's alright!" Although she was a little reluctant, Reba responded obediently!

After that, Bai Chen was about to get up and leave with Reba, and the stall owner suddenly greeted Bai Chen, "What's this song called?"

""Confession Balloon"" Bai Chen replied with a slight smile at the stall owner.

"Good song and good name!" The skewer seller praised with a chuckle.

"Thank you for the compliment, then let's go first..." Bai Chen waved at the young man selling skewers.

"Goodbye, come back another day."

"Well, bye..." Reba also smiled at the owner of the barbecue stall.

After that, after saying goodbye to the boss, Bai Chen took the car keys from Reba!

By the time he drove Reba home, it was almost noon, and there was nothing to do with the company today, and in addition to the matter with Yang Mi in the morning, Bai Chen simply went home without returning to the company!

Bai Chen stayed at home for one night, but the next morning, he didn't know what was going on. The confession balloon that Bai Chen just sang yesterday was posted on the Bilibili website.

Early the next morning, Rebala took Bai Chen to Yang Mi's office.

"Boss, Sister Mi..." Reba and Bai Chen looked at Yang Mi who was not far in front of them, and said hello immediately.

"Reba, don't be angry, it was all a misunderstanding before!"

"Also, Sister Mi, you too, why are you taking a shower in the office and still not closing the door?!" Bai Chen also began to complain, and after that, Yang Mi shook her head helplessly, she just wanted to take a shower, Who knew that Bai Chen would really come over so quickly...

"Okay, now that I've explained it clearly..." Yang Mi said hello lightly, and before she could say anything again, she heard a strong voice coming in!

"Who are you Bai Chen, did you sing this song!"

"Security, who let them in, hurry up, get out, I still have business to talk about!" Looking at the strange man at the door, Yang Mi 40 suddenly shouted at the security guard!

Later, seeing that the security guard was slow, he even urged again, "Where's the security guard? Come up quickly, come up and drag him away!!!"

"Who are you Bai Chen? Let me ask you one last time?!"

The big man ignored Yang Mi's instructions and came in and said hello, "Who the hell is Bai Chen, our boss wants to see him!!!"

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