Lord Highlander

Chapter 1004: 990. Let me do it

   Chapter 1004 990. By me

  The magician Avid brought thirty magicians from the law enforcement team, and they were already waiting in the teleportation hall.

This group of magicians wore dark green Calmian magic robes, black magic cone hats, and held different magic wands, magic books, and magic secret swords. They all stood in the corner of the hall and bowed their heads. talk loudly.

   Avid was surrounded in the middle, and was introducing the situation of the Ganbu plane to these magicians.

A middle-aged magician in the crowd asked loudly: "Avid, have the black magicians on the Ganbu plane really become so rampant? How dare they openly train demon servants on the plane? ?”

   Avid turned around and looked at the magician, and said very seriously:

"Well, Viscount Suldak was hunted down by the Third Legion of the Lord's Army and the Black Mage on the outskirts of Banks Town a few days ago. Each of their search teams will basically be equipped with three hellhounds and three Demon servant."

  The middle-aged magician nodded, walked out of the crowd and said with a smile:

   "This time we are summoned to the Ganbu plane, mainly because we hope that we can establish contact with the local magic union, so that we can fight against the Black Magic Priory over there."

  A young magician next to him introduced: "This is our team leader this time, Master Harper!"

   Avid hurriedly saluted.

  The middle-aged magician with blue stubble on his face laughed and said:

   "If it weren't for Lord Morrison's current official duties, he would be the team leader this time..."

  The magicians in this group of law enforcement groups chatted in a hurry.

  The magicians once again turned the topic to the magician Avid.

   "Avid, I heard that something happened to you last time you went to the Ganbu plane?"

   Avid touched his chest subconsciously. Although the injury had completely healed, he still felt a dull pain in his chest when he occasionally stretched his waist.

   "Yeah, thanks to Viscount Suldak, otherwise I might have died on the Ganbu plane." Avid laughed dryly, after all, no one wants to talk about their embarrassing things.

  A magician in the crowd got impatient and asked, "Mage Avid, why hasn't your friend arrived yet?"

Avid stretched his neck and glanced at the door, with a smile on his face: "There may be some delays. In the afternoon, I received a message from him, saying that it was at the entrance of the teleportation hall at this time. meet."

  He walked to the main entrance of the teleportation hall.

   I saw Suldak bring a group of constructed swordsmen to the teleportation hall, and the metal boots stepped on the steps, making a crisp sound.

  Suldak was walking this way with a great swordsman. When he saw Avid at the entrance of the hall from a distance, he waved his hand quickly.

   Avid glanced at such a large group of constructed swordsmen, and his mouth seemed to be stuffed with a transparent duck egg.

  He brought 30 magicians from the law enforcement group this time, thinking that this might be enough, but he didn't expect Suldak to bring a group of constructed swordsmen.

  Now, it is true that there are not many great lords who can casually send out a group of Constructed Swordsmen in Bena City.

  He walked down the steps quickly, came to Suldak and the great swordsman Quintus, and greeted the great swordsman Quintus politely.

   then whispered to Suldak: "You brought so many constructed swordsmen here, are you planning to go to the cloth plane...?"

   "Yes!" Suldak admitted.

The magician Avid wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, pulled Sulda aside, and whispered to him: "Do you know how much the temporary teleportation fee is... those teleporters in the teleportation hall But just because you went to the plane to suppress the rebellion, it will not be sent to you for free."

   "I know this, I hope there are so many of us, is it possible to make it cheaper...?"

  Suldak immediately patted the money bag on his waist, indicating that he brought a sum of money.

  Mage Avid rubbed his chin, thought for a while and said, "It's impossible for you to enjoy the internal price of the Stargazer Union, or... you and I go inside and talk to the teleporter first."

  The teleporter I met yesterday afternoon was standing in the hall, and Avid and Suldak walked over.

  The teleporter looked at Avid with a smile: "Avid, you brought so many people this time, are you going to dry the cloth plane? It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble!"

Avid nodded honestly, and said: "The Black Magic Monastery develops demon servants over there and raises **** dogs, so this time I invited the magicians from the Law Enforcement Team and the swordsmen from the Constructed Swordsman Corps. Let's work together to eliminate those black magicians!"

  The teleporter's face was a little dignified, and he said casually: "Oh, so it's like this..."

   Avid took the opportunity to say to the teleporter with a shy face: "Mr. Griffin, you see that there are so many of us, can we enjoy the teleportation benefits for the teleportation fee?"

Teleporter Griffin thought for a while, and then said: "The magicians of the law enforcement team can do it, but these constructed swordsmen may not, but since they are going to the plane to clean up the black magicians, the Stargazer Union should indeed give some support. , part of the fee can be waived."

   "These magicians each send fifty magic spar, and build the swordsman group sixty magic spar, that's it!"

  Hearing the price set by teleporter Griffin, Avid secretly glanced at Suldak and saw him nod slightly.

   Immediately said flatteringly: "Thank you for your great support for the Elimination of Black Arts Priory!"

   Teleporter Griffin stood behind and continued to exhort: "When letting everyone pass, try not to block the door of the portal."


  Suldak obediently paid 30,000 magic spar before following the magician into the portal.

Carrying a bag full of magic crystals, the magician Avid squatted next to the high-grade gemstone base of the temporary teleportation circle on the side of the pigeon cage wooden house on the dry cloth plane, and kept filling the base with magic crystals. stone.

  Looking at the speed at which the magic spar exploded, Suldak thought to himself: This temporary teleportation circle is really a money-eating machine...

Thirty senior magicians came out of the pigeon cage wooden house and stood on the intricate folding staircase passage of the canyon town. Everyone looked curiously at the wooden houses on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, their eyes were full of curiosity, and they couldn't help pointing Talk in low voices.

  Seeing the rebel residents in the small town, some magicians couldn't help but go up, took out the food brought in their magic pockets, gave it to some children who looked ragged, and asked them some basic information.

   For example, where is this place, who are you.

  The sudden appearance of so many magicians almost caused a sensation in the entire canyon town.

   When the mages all came out of the pigeon cage wooden house, they were followed by groups of neatly constructed swordsmen. The cloaks behind these constructed swordsmen and the emblem of the Luther family were on the chest of the armor.

  They didn't stay in the town at all. They were directly stationed by the lake behind the canyon town under the leadership of the great swordsman Quintus.

  The presence of so many magicians and construction swordsmen in the small town naturally alarmed the high-level members of the rebel army—the members of the Round Table Conference.

  The secretary-general of the round table, Sheldon, wore a black robe and personally led a group of people to run down the wooden steps from the top of the cliff.

At this moment, Lord Sheldon's attitude has almost changed 180 degrees. He took the initiative to find the Avid magician who came out of the wooden house, with a wrinkled face but a friendly smile, and looked at Avid Asked: "Magician Avid, you bring it here"

  They never thought that the Avid mage was actually a stargazer, built a temporary portal in his home, and brought so many powerful mages and swordsmen.

  The magicians of the Law Enforcement Team were not in the mood to negotiate terms with the rebels. They came here to clean up those black magicians. This matter was completely handed over to Avid.

Avid raised his chin and said to Secretary-General Sheldon: "We people came from Bena City for two main things. This is not a place to talk, why don't we find a place to sit down and talk... "

   "Okay, let's talk..." Secretary-General Shelton wiped the top of his head with almost no hair with a handkerchief, and said.

  In addition to Suldak, Quintas the Great Swordsman and Louis Fitch, the quartermaster appointed by the Quartermaster Office of the City of Bena, also participated in the negotiations.

  Nora stood in the crowd, and saw that the magician Avid was surrounded by the crowd, and stood with the adults in the round table meeting. She was inexplicably excited and worried about herself.

  She really didn't expect... Magician Avid is actually a big shot!

   Avid and Suldak were invited by the councilors to the conference hall on the top of the cliff.

This conference hall is actually a relatively large wooden house. The round table inside is also spliced ​​with wooden boards. The map on the wall has a large hole burned. There are still many traces of alteration.

  Standing at the window of the wooden house, you can see the bare cliff top...

  The view on the top of the cliff is relatively wide, and you can see the wonders of the edge of the plane.

  Those backflows of time went deep into the abyss below the bottom of the plane, which also shocked Quintas Great Swordsman and Quartermaster Louis Fitch.

   "Is this the edge of the plane?" Quartermaster Louis Fitch asked Quintas Great Swordsman in a low voice.

   "That's true." Quintas the Great Swordsman replied.


   and other members of the rebel roundtable entered the conference hall one after another. This time, they mainly discussed the strategic purpose of the three parties, how to conduct coordinated operations, and the initial division of interests.

When the magician Avid spoke this time, his tone seemed to keep rising. He first stated that the magicians of the law enforcement team came to the Ganbu plane, mainly to eliminate the pro-demonic forces of the Black Magic Priory, including those demon servants Like hellhounds, magicians join the fray only when there are black mages and demon minions on the battlefield.

  At present, these thirty magicians have two main tasks. The first task is to rush to the outskirts of Bansko Town to investigate how many people the black magicians have demonized there.

   There are also several magicians who will fly north along the Ganbu plane. They will contact the magicians on the Ganbu plane to see how bad the situation on the whole plane has deteriorated.

Quintas Great Swordsman then stated that the Constructed Swordsman Group came to the Ganbu plane to assist Suldak in organizing an army against Lord MacDonald's army. The ownership of this army will belong to the Bena Army .

  The faces of the rebel MPs in the parliament hall were all ugly, but they didn't explode on the spot.

"We can admit that the current sphere of influence of the Resistance Army in the Ganbu plane, even if we occupy the entire Ganbu plane in the future, we will not take back the rainforest in the southeast region. It depends on how much power you can win in the future. In future battles, we can divide the land we will occupy next according to the four-three-three land distribution law of the Grimm Empire."

"This is the initial division of interests for our cooperation. Of course, this requires us to occupy enough plane territory so that I can have enough voice to promote this matter. At present, I have brought huge resources from Bena Province. Five hundred I have a swordsman in construction and a huge amount of supplies and armaments, but I also need some resistance fighters who are willing to join my infantry regiment."

   "I will form a heavy armored infantry regiment with a size of 20,000."

  Suldak finally said.

  The members of the Rebel Army Roundtable fell silent for a while. Everyone didn't know what Suldak said. It was clear that he wanted to draw blood from the rebel army to expand his army.

  Although the rebel army has a population of more than 100,000 scattered in various camps in the jungle, there are only about 20,000 to 30,000 people who can be considered elite.

  At present, the five camps in Bansko Town have been severely damaged. If there are no allies to join in, the third army of the lord army alone may not be able to resist the rebel army.

   "You didn't consider the time, you have to vote now."

   "Agreed, we will stay and form a new army."

   "Do not agree, we will leave immediately."

"I will recruit new troops in the sixteenth town of the mountainous area, the town of Hatangada, and the town of Bansk. When I defeat the third army of Lord McDonnell's army, I will control the situation in the south of the Ganbu plane. What you order is completely up to me!"

  Surdak stood beside the round table, propped his hands on the table, and said without hesitation:

"I have lived in Takale town for about ten days, and I have a little understanding of the conditions of the residents in the town. I know what kind of life they live. protection of."

"Businessmen and nobles exploit civilians in the towns, and then you rob merchants and local nobles. After you rob them, you will run away. The lord army comes in and robs them again, taking everything they can, and finally forcing those who lose everything. More than half of the townspeople died, and those who survived joined you, and some residents stayed to rebuild the town and continue to be exploited by merchants and nobles."

   "If this face wants to regain its vitality, it needs to restore prosperity and change the current social status..."

   "Your approach cannot fundamentally change the dry cloth plane, so this time I will..."

  The faces of the congressmen at the round table meeting became extremely ugly, and some even looked a little ugly.

   Secretary-General Shelton looked at Suldak's resolute face, his lips trembling and trembling, his face was pale and he asked in embarrassment: "Can we discuss it in private for a while?"

  Suldak stood up and said decisively: "Yes, before noon, I want to hear the results of your discussion..."

  The Great Swordsman Quintus and Quartermaster Louis Fitch followed Suldak and walked out of the cabin.

  The magician Avid also came out after him.

"Chester told me about you, saying that you were born to be a lord, but I didn't expect your temper to be quite to my liking..." Quintas the Great Swordsman stood on the edge of the cliff and said to Suldak with a smile .

  The two double-edged swords behind him look very domineering.

  Suldak looked at the camp by the lake under the cliff, where the constructed swordsmen were camping, turned his head and said, "I only had some ideas when I was in Takale Town."

   "You are right, this plane does need someone to change, this time I will fully support you!"

   Quintas Great Swordsman said with bright eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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