Lord Highlander

Chapter 1009: 995. Holy Light

   Chapter 1009 995. Holy Light

  At present, the total number of troops of the Third Army is about 30,000 troops.

   Among them, the most elite troops are the six heavy cavalry regiments. The officers above the squadron leader of this heavy cavalry regiment are all constructed knights. The cavalry are equipped with full-cover black iron armor and blue-scaled horses.

  The six heavy cavalry battalions have a total of about 3,000 people.

  Ten light cavalry regiments, these light cavalry regiments were formed entirely to cooperate with the heavy cavalry, and this part of the army has a total of 5,000 people.

  These cavalry are the main force in the Third Army.

  In addition, there are ten heavy armored infantry regiments in the legion, and there are almost 15,000 elite heavy armored infantry.

  Two archer regiments, about 3,000 people.

  The last is the 5,000-strong auxiliary corps, which is mainly responsible for material transportation and building camps.

  The problem lies precisely in the 5,000 industrial auxiliary soldiers. All the troops of the legion have entered this mountainous rainforest, and the various battle groups are relatively scattered, resulting in an overly long supply line for the entire battle.

  The sixteen cavalry regiments have been wandering around the outskirts of Bansko Town, refusing to take a step further to the mountains on the east side. Since they are relatively close to Bansko Town, the cavalry regiments have sufficient supplies.

   But the life of the infantry regiment is very difficult. The supply of supplies is not available at all, which slows down the speed of the infantry regiment's clearance in the mountains.

  Even with the full cooperation of the black magicians, there is still no way to completely eliminate the remnants of the rebel forces in the mountains.


  The information obtained by the magicians in the law enforcement group is:

  In order to allow the army to communicate with the hellhound, the black mages let some ordinary townspeople enter into a magic contract with the hellhound.

  These demon servants are all from the town of Ake. It is said that Ake town is in the north of the Ganbu plane. The magicians of the law enforcement team are worried that this northern town may have been completely controlled by the Black Magic Retreat.

  The information here is so blocked...

  The situation is far more serious than imagined, and it seems that the Magic Priory must have a bigger conspiracy.

  In addition, just today, the magicians of the law enforcement team encountered the black magician again in the sky above the jungle. There was a fierce battle between the two sides in the air, and the magicians of the law enforcement team did not take advantage of it.

   It can even be said that he suffered a little loss. A magician was shot in the arm by a shadow arrow and fell headfirst from the magic scorpion.

  If he hadn't been lucky enough to fall into the river, he might have lost more than just a high-performance magic handle.


  The strength of the Third Army is far greater than that of Suldak, the heavy armored infantry regiment that has not yet been formed...

However, Suldak also has a lot of advantages. Everyone is in the dark at the moment. The commander of the Third Army, Grova, does not know that there is such a newly formed army that is about to run into them, and most importantly, There is also a group of constructed swordsmen who have experienced many battles. This Black Crow Ridge is also an area where the Resistance Army often operates. The Resistance Army fighters are extremely familiar with the environment here.

  Suldak discussed with Quintas Great Swordsman and Harper Archmage, and planned to eat the Seventh Infantry Regiment of the Third Legion first.

  This infantry regiment has about 1,500 infantry.

  If you look on the map, you will find that the Seventh Infantry Regiment has already protruded from the border of Bansko Town to an awl, and has been piercing into the jungle mountains on the east side.

  In the afternoon, the mages flew to the camp of the Seventh Infantry Regiment again on their magic horns to check for reinforcements that might appear around their camp.

  The Great Swordsman Quintus led the Constructed Swordsmen into the jungle ahead of time, blocking the retreat of the Seventh Infantry Regiment.

Suldak's heavy armored infantry regiment will set off in the evening. Ned Mosby is currently the commander of the first heavy armored infantry regiment. Suldak only brought back 1,500 pieces of full armor. Only equipped to a heavy infantry regiment.

  In addition to this heavy armored infantry regiment, five hundred archers went out with the army. Except for an alloy bow, these archers were almost wearing leather boots and linen clothes on the battlefield.

  But the recruits don't care, they like this standard longbow with a longer range.

   According to the latest news from the magic envoy, the Seventh Infantry Regiment is at least ten kilometers away from the infantry regiment behind.

  Even if the other infantry regiments rushed to the rescue, it would be at least an hour later.

The team stepped through a puddle full of duckweed, and stepped on soft dead branches and leaves. When night fell, they saw dim lights in the distance of the jungle, and clusters of bonfires passed through the gaps in the bushes. In Suldak's eyes.

  It seems that the soldiers over there are having dinner, and there is a smell of barbecue in the air. It may be that the army rations are not enough, and they need to hunt some small forest animals.

  Samila personally eliminated the guard post in the forest area on the west side of the 7th Infantry Battalion. The team has been close to 50 meters away, and the chatter of the Lord Army's meal can be heard very clearly in everyone's ears.

  All the archers came to the front of the team and lined up in a long row...

   Maybe the bonfire in the camp was too dazzling, or maybe the infantry regiment trusted the surrounding sentries too much, and they didn't know anything about the arrival of the Suldak infantry regiment.

  The battle started so suddenly...

  The archers stood up from behind the trees and aimed a round of flat fire at the camp of the Seventh Infantry Regiment. The infantry soldiers near the bonfire on the west side of the camp were hit by arrows one after another.

  The infantry soldiers who survived the disaster hurriedly searched for a cover to hide behind. There was wailing, screaming, and cursing from the camp.

  The archers continued to approach and shot a second round of arrow rain.

   It was the first time for Ned Mosby to participate in this kind of camp attack. Seeing that the infantry soldiers in the opposite camp began to counterattack, he quickly let the naked archers retreat behind the shield fighters and spear fighters.

  Suddenly, a group of shield warriors wearing black armor burst out from the woods, holding brand new swords and shields in their hands.

A three-meter-tall two-headed ogre rushed to the forefront of the line. He was holding a barbed stick in his hand. Every time he took a step, he felt the woodland tremble. In the thick ice armor, he was actually holding a fireball in his hand. He threw the fireball at an archer who was about to draw his bow and set an arrow. The fireball exploded in front of the archer, blowing that archer into the air immediately. go out.

  Squadron leaders of the 7th Infantry Regiment have assembled their teams in the camp, and the infantry on the west side have come to support them with the commander.

The squadron leaders of these infantry regiments are all first-rank fighters, but they are not heavy cavalry regiments. In front of the ogre, there is no threat like a little sheep.

Gulitum picked up his big stick and smashed a squadron leader who was rushing forward with his shield flying. His body flew more than ten meters into the air and hit a big tree. When the blood spurted out, there were even some broken pieces cracked liver.

Suldak was still in the middle of the infantry team. The halo of power under his feet was the greatest support for these heavy armored infantry. This set of armor was too heavy. The soldiers charged in this set of armor, and their physical strength was extremely exhausted. Dak's power halo can be relieved.

  However, Suldak's power halo has a limited range, and only soldiers who stand within 60 yards of Suldak can feel it. Not all infantry soldiers can grab such a good position.

  This also forces the charging team to be cohesive enough...

  These poor lords actually took off their armor when they were eating lunch. Now many people had no time to put on the armor and started a fierce battle with the recruits of the Suldak Infantry Regiment.

   At the front of the team is a two-headed ogre, followed by a paladin with a halo of power.

  The new army didn't even have a charge formation. Driven by the two-headed ogre, they naturally formed a front arrow formation, like a sharp arrow piercing into the barracks of the Seventh Infantry Regiment.

  At the beginning, the commander of the Seventh Infantry Regiment was still standing at the door of the Chinese army's big tent, directing the battle with a determined face.

  As the infantry of the Lord's Army retreated steadily, the commander panicked for a moment, and quickly sent three red magic flares into the night sky.

  Samila followed the battlefield with five hundred archers to make up for the damage.

  Suldak quickly rushed to the middle of the camp, and the commander of the Seventh Infantry Regiment quickly retreated westward surrounded by his cronies.

And in the corner of the camp, more than 50 hellhounds and demon servants gathered here. Before they joined the battle, they found these twenty or so magicians floating in the air. Fireballs almost lit up in their hands, raging flames When it fell down, the camp here turned into a sea of ​​flames.

  The hellhounds suffered countless casualties under the fireball...

  In just half an hour, the camp of the Seventh Infantry Battalion was declared broken, and Commander Alex led a group of defeated troops to flee to the jungle to the west.

  Because it was night, the woodland was full of fleeing lords.

   There were also some lords who watched the people behind catch up and raised their hands to surrender. The archers who came behind picked up the ropes around their waists and **** all the captives.

   Regardless of whether these prisoners were injured or not, everyone was dragged to the front of the central tent in the camp for centralized custody.


  Every constructed swordsman is five meters apart. They are like a huge fishing net, blocking the way back from the 7th Infantry Regiment.

  Hearing the shout of killing from the camp, the great swordsman Quintus became a little impatient, but he still resisted the urge to lead the construction swordsman group to kill.

  Finally, I heard the sound of running away in the jungle, and the violent panting of many soldiers.

The great swordsman Quintus drew out his double swords, and finally there was a warrior running in the front. Jumping more than ten meters...

  In a panic, he saw the figure of a construction swordsman in front of him getting bigger and bigger, as if he had sent it up on his own initiative.

The sharp long sword flashed across his neck, and he felt a sudden chill in his throat, and a hot, wet thing sprayed out under the severe pain. Frightened, he covered the blood gushing throat with both hands, Tumbling on the ground, struggling to the death.

  The constructed swordsman didn't even look back, his cold eyes were still staring at the front, and countless fleeing figures fled in the forest.

  The magician in the night sky kept dropping fireballs into the woodland, and the shimmering flares lit up the whole woodland.



It wasn't until the two-headed ogre Gullitum and the great swordsman Quintas joined together that the ogre knew that the Seventh Infantry Regiment had been completely wiped out, and many places in the woodland were still fighting, but with a large number of The Constructed Swordsman came to reinforce the woodland with his hands free, and the battle was considered to be coming to an end.

  The entire battle lasted less than an hour, and there were a lot of spoils on the battlefield waiting to be dealt with.

  This time, the Constructed Swordsman Regiment is still tasked with blocking reinforcements from other infantry regiments.

  The magicians of the law enforcement team also captured a black magician at the hellhound camp. Five magicians flew to different directions on the west side, and began to detect the movement of these reinforcement infantry groups in the night sky.

  We only waited for about a quarter of an hour, and everyone had just breathed a sigh of relief. The first infantry regiment who rushed over for reinforcements had already encountered the resistance of the constructed swordsmen.

Constructed warriors hidden in the dark night jungle are extremely lethal to these heavy armored infantry. Constructed swordsmen are extremely flexible when fighting, especially under the agility of the magic pattern structure, they can run Jumping, jumping, and dodging are all a little higher than usual, and the heavy armored infantry rushing over for reinforcements will be defeated in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the spear infantry hiding behind the constructed swordsman rushed out again behind the shield warriors. These reinforcements had already been killed by the constructed swordsmen, and when they saw more soldiers coming out from behind, they stayed behind. The companions who were killed or injured all over the place retreated decisively.

   Until it got dark, there were five infantry regiments of the Lord Army participating in this battlefield. Unfortunately, they didn't arrive at the same time, and their forces were too scattered.

   The final result was that Suldak's heavy armored infantry moved back the supplies of the entire camp of the Seventh Infantry Regiment.

  In addition, more than 3,000 sets of armor and weapons were seized, and more than 1,000 prisoners of the Lord's Army infantry regiment.


  By the river, the great swordsman Quintus took off his blood-stained boots and threw them into the clear river to rinse them off. The river was instantly stained red.

  He rewashed the magic pattern structure that he took off.

  By this river, 500 constructed swordsmen were washing their equipment, and the smell of blood was simply too strong.

They are the swordsmen of the first swordsman regiment of the Luthor Legion. When the Marquis Luther presided over the Battle of Tarapakan, when the swordsman regiment of the Quintas Great Swordsman fought, most of them fought against each other. The elite heavy cavalry regiment, such battles to strangle infantry regiments really rarely happen.

   It is almost a dimensionality reduction strike, and victory in the battle is expected.

  Especially when four second-rank powerhouses appeared in a battle, and thirty magicians gave full support in the night sky...

  If it wasn't for Suldak's desire to digest these spoils as soon as possible and improve the combat power of the heavy armored infantry regiment, he would have wanted to continue chasing and expanding the results of the battle.

   At this time, Suldak was treating the wounded soldiers in the camp, and the heads of more than 30 hellhounds hunted and killed were fully utilized here.

   Clusters of holy light kept flickering in Suldak's hands. This golden holy light not only reflected in the eyes of the surrounding new army soldiers, but also shone into their hearts like a beam of light falling from the sky...

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  (end of this chapter)

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