Lord Highlander

Chapter 1048: 1034. Life magic pattern 'fireball'

  Chapter 1048 1034. Life magic pattern 'fireball'

  The town of Tongaro, 50 kilometers north of the Ganmonapia Mountain Camp, is located at the pass of Mount Myra, at the pass in the southwest corner of the Sai Norman Plateau.

  Continuing north from this small town, you will enter the first plateau on the Gambu plane—Sayy Ruoman.

The dry cloth plane is low in the south and high in the north. The washboard-shaped terrain can actually be said to be a huge gentle **** stretching for about 5,000 kilometers. This feeling is very obvious.

So Tongaro Town is a pass into the plateau in the northeast of Ganbu Plane. Although this town has less than 50,000 permanent residents, the lord army stationed at the northern pass of the town is a reorganized infantry battalion. Unfortunately, Tongaro Town is now It is also occupied by the low-level demon army of the Flame Legion.

  After confirming that the Collins Legion was attacking the town of Avaru, Suldak led the heavy armored infantry legion and other lord army legions to the foot of Mount Myra.

Mount Myra is a typical terracotta mountain range. Although the rocks here contain iron elements, which makes the whole mountain red in color, it is only a poor iron mine. It is said that five lords once opened mines here, but All failed.

  The Sai Ruoman Plateau has the largest grassland in the Ganbu plane. All the pastoral areas here belong to the territory of the McDonnell family, and the MacDonnell cavalry basically came out of the Sai Ruoman Plateau.

The lords of the Beinar coalition all focused their attention on this plateau. Now that plane wars are happening frequently, the lord's private army has a great demand for war horses. The ordinary war horses on the market have now reached 20 gold coins a horse. Often in short supply.

   So being able to own a pasture is also a recent trend of noble lords buying territories.

  Suldak was worried that the army of **** demons was ambushing in the pass north of Tongalo Town, so Archmage Harper flew around Tongalo Town three times on a magic scorpion himself, but did not find a large number of low-level demons.

  Suldak then stationed the Bena Allied Forces by a lake at the foot of Mount Myra.

   This time, the Mende Legion was the first to stand up again. The commander of the Mende Legion who looked like a black bear pulled the commander of the Owen Legion again, and the two joined forces to seize the main attack right in Tongaro Town.

  However, this place belongs to a pass halfway up the mountain, and the army has no way to cross Mount Myra in advance to block the retreat of these low-level demons.

  Suldak didn't understand how the two lord armies with only light cavalry regiments and heavy cavalry regiments would use to capture a mountain city built halfway up the mountain.

   But seeing the confident looks of the two, Suldak felt that maybe they had some good means to defeat the enemy.

  According to the combat deployment, the other lords of the legion need to wait quietly at the foot of Mount Myra. Once the town of Tongalo is captured, the other lords will send troops to surround the pass behind Tongalo.


   When all the commanders left, the two commanders of the Owen Army and the Mende Army stayed very honestly.

  Suldak looked at the map on the table, raised his head and asked with a smile to the commander of the Owen Army:

   "Have you figured out how to attack Tongalo Town? You two legions will join forces to attack Tongalo Town, and you will have a certain advantage in strength!"

  The young commander of the Owen Legion smiled and said to Suldak:

   "Well, Commander Suldak, you also know that our two legions only have cavalry, so I hope to get your help in capturing Tongaro Town this time!"

  Suldak didn’t expect the two commanders to have their own ideas, and asked in surprise:

   "Need me to do something for you?"

Although the commander of the Owen Legion had never met Suldak before, Mrs. Annabella and Iman Owen of the Owen family in Constantinople had some friendship with Suldak. This commander was also a member of the Owen family. That's why he asked Suldak for help.

   "Can you lend us that ogre warrior? You are lending us a thousand archers." The young commander of Owen's army asked cautiously.

Suldak rubbed his nose, smiled at the commander of Owen's army and said, "It seems that you have already made up your mind, you can talk to Gulitum yourself, but I guess you need to pay a little price. "

   "We can pay a certain amount of commission." The commander of the Mende Army said immediately.

  Suldak shook his head and said:

   "Compared to gold coins, Gullitum prefers food."

   Then he said: "As for the archer group, it is not impossible to lend it to you, but if the archer group loses more than 10% of the battle in Tongalo Town, the archer group will withdraw from the battlefield immediately."

   "In addition, you will pay the subsidy for the battle damage of the archers this time, but the commission is not in compliance with the rules. In exchange for benefits, can Constantinople provide a batch of fire scale bombs?"

  The young commander said decisively: "No problem! We did bring a batch of fire scale bombs to participate in the plane war this time!"

   "That's a pleasant cooperation!" Suerdak stretched out his hand, and the three fists collided.


   The legion that mainly attacks Tongaro Town, when the territory is divided in the future, the Owen Family and the Mende Family can occupy a large area around Tongaro Town.

   It's like the Collins Legion captured the town of Avaru, so when the Northern Territory is allocated in the future, the territory near the town of Avaru is destined to belong to the Collins family.

  In fact, this is the default territorial allocation method for coalition operations.

  Suldak didn't know how the two commanders of the Owen Army and the Mende Army moved Gullite, but when they attacked the city, they saw Gullite standing in the heavy cavalry camp with a big stick.

  Samira also stood behind the heavy cavalry phalanx with a thousand archers.

  The town of Tongaro on the mountainside does not look big, and there are no walls. Heavy cavalry can enter the town from all directions.

This town is occupied by a group of hellhounds. For the heavy cavalry, the hellhounds are not too difficult to deal with, not to mention they spent a lot of money to hire a group of archers and a second-rank strongman who is good at charging. By.

  Gulitum mixed in with the heavy cavalry, and as the rain of arrows covered them, the heavy cavalry rushed into the town along the mountain road.

  Gulitum was covered in ice armor, and rushed in in a daze.

  The archer regiment followed the heavy cavalry into the town, and rushed up along a central main street.

The heavy cavalry has been resisting the pounce of the hellhounds, escorting the archer group to the northernmost end of the town, and helping the archer group quickly occupy the roof of the highest building in the town. The archers suppressed the group with arrow rain from high places The hellhounds successfully dealt with more than half of the hellhounds in Tongalo Town in almost half a day.

  There are almost no cave people in this mountain pass. In the second half of the battle, a group of hellgogs holding fireballs unexpectedly appeared from the hellhound group.

   These gogs and a group of two-headed hellhounds climbed to the roof of the building, trying to blow up the high-level archers with fireballs.

However, these Gogs were shot by Samira who was hiding in the archer group with a sky-strike bow one by one. Gulitum even rushed over to kill the flaming Gog corpses that Samira shot dead with the fireball and wind blade. I brought it back.

The Owen Army and the Mende Army fought a street battle in the town with heavy cavalry. Although these heavy cavalry were not used to it, fortunately they prepared the archer regiment in advance and rushed to the commanding heights of the town immediately. The Hellhound Legion formed a suppression and blocked their retreat.

  The battle was planned very meticulously and delicately, so the two legions recaptured the town of Tongaro in the morning of the next day.

  However, for Suldak, the biggest gain from attacking Tongaro Town was the dozen Gogs Samira shot and killed.

Suldak found two fire-type life magic lines on these Gogs. When Suldak was skinning in the marching tent, he happened to be noticed by Master Harper. Originally, he just wanted to see Gogs. The fire resistance of the leather, but then he discovered the difference between the two leathers...

   For a long time, many magicians have tried to find the source of their magic from the monsters, which is the 'magic pattern of life'.

  But for magicians, the life magic pattern is something that cannot be found. This time, Archmage Harper discovered two at the same time.

   To add a new meow to the sea 1 silver leader (2/90)



  (end of this chapter)

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