Lord Highlander

Chapter 1051: 1037. Meteor fire shower

   Chapter 1051 1037. Meteor Fire Rain

  The canyon to the north of Tongaro Town is the only way from Mount Myra to the Sai Ruoman Plateau.

  The mountains on the east and west sides are stacked, and the cliffs and dense forest belts in the high mountains form a natural barrier of the Sai Ruoman Plateau. Some steep cliffs are difficult for even the lightest ape to climb.

  The mountains on both sides of the canyon are more like aloes crowded together, and each pinnacle is tall and independent.

The Myra Mountain Canyon is located among these dangerous pinnacles. The canyon is like a cracked eggshell. Except for those high pinnacles, there are narrow platforms on both sides of the mountain, and those **** dogs lie in ambush. On the narrow platform of the cliff.

Suldak didn't make the hellhound king wait too long. In just five days, twenty catapults were lined up at the entrance of the north canyon of Mount Myra, and hundreds of people were buried on the slopes on both sides of the canyon entrance. Only oak barrels.

  However, this battle to clean up the hellhounds in the canyon was not led by any lord army, but a performance by magicians.

  The heavy cavalry only need to stand quietly at the entrance on the south side of the canyon.

  In the Bena coalition army, doubts about the magicians have always existed. Many soldiers in the Lord's Army believe that the biggest role of magicians is to detect the enemy's situation, and they can also record the terrain of the battlefield.

  In the Beinar coalition army, these were originally the work of the light cavalry, so many soldiers equated the mages with the light cavalry.

  But the treatment of magicians in the army is ten times or even twenty times better than that of light cavalry.

  So this kind of doubt intensified.

  In the recent period of time, this kind of doubt has even been revealed in the barracks. The biggest fuse is inseparable from Suldak.

It is that the magician investigation team failed to discover the Hellhound Legion lurking on the cliffs on both sides during the day. On the contrary, Samira, the commander of the archer regiment, discovered the Hellhound Legion on the cliff at night. For this matter, the Lord Legion All the commanders have some doubts about the ability of the mage group.

  In fact, there is also a contradiction between traditional aristocrats and magical aristocrats.

  Magicians can be regarded as high-level intellectuals in this society. Of course, they are indignant at the contempt of army soldiers, but in this kind of demon invasion war, everyone must work together.

   Now that they have a chance to prove themselves, the mages decided to treat this canyon battle as a show, and let these warriors see how the mages fight.

  Mages want to interpret war with magical concepts.

   After all, it is a war with the demons of hell. Although it is a low-level demon, this kind of thing will be recorded in the annals of history.

  The mages need to leave some praiseworthy deeds in this war, not the "scouts" in the mouth of the Bena army. The mages don't want this title to continue until the end of the Ganbu plane war.

   Especially after Master Harper received personal sponsorship from Commander Suldak, the mood of the mages became even more impatient.


  Master Harper has lived in Tongaro Town for the past few days, and has personally drawn twenty "Fire Wall" magic scrolls.

  This is the handiwork of a second-level high-level mage, so these "fire wall spells" can be called high-level. Usually, an intermediate-level mage can chant spells to activate this kind of fire scroll. The length of these fire walls can exceed 30 meters.

In the camp on the south side of the canyon, teams of heavy cavalry are neatly lined up at the entrance of the canyon. They will wait for the mage group to force the hellhounds into the canyon, and then the heavy cavalry will charge in this straight canyon to drive these The hellhound stepped under the horse's hoof.

Thirty magician elites of the Law Enforcement Group stood beside the suspended magic handle. Someone actually changed the magic cone hat into a woolen hood, and someone was wearing goggles. Master Harper walked slowly in front of them , reached out and patted each magician on the shoulder, helping them straighten the magic badges on their chests.

  He didn't speak, his face was a little heavy.

  The faces of the magicians were excited and impetuous. Under the heavy gaze of Archmage Harper, those smiling faces gradually quieted down.

   "Is the wall of fire scroll ready?"

   "Ready!" The magicians said neatly.

"The bombing team pay attention to the flying height. These oak barrels are not so strong. If they are broken, they will lose their original power, but you must be more careful, and don't let the magic of the hellhound below touch you." Archmage Harper earnestly exhort said.

Then he took out an oak barrel less than one meter high, patted the edge of the barrel vigorously, and said to the magicians: "Be careful not to mess up the fuse here, the explosion equivalent of these black powder barrels is almost equivalent to the middle-level burst flame .Also, be sure to ignite the fuse when you throw it, like we did in the previous drill."

   A group of magicians responded immediately: "Yes, Mr. Harper."

  Master Harper waved his hand: "The teams are ready to go!"


  Thirty magicians rode on magic scorpions and flew into the sky, divided into four groups in the air and flew towards the sides of the canyon cliffs, while Archmage Harper flew directly to the center of the canyon.

  The soldiers of the lord army standing at the entrance on the south side of the canyon looked enviously at the magicians flying in the air, and watched them fly away.


The magicians who rushed to the front flew all the way to the northernmost part of the canyon. They took out the magic scrolls of the 'Wall of Fire' technique, and at the exit on the north side of the canyon, they tore apart the scrolls of the Wall of Fire technique one by one. With the sound of magic spells, Walls of fire were ignited below the canyon.

  A 700-meter-long wall of fire blocked the north exit of the valley, and the valley suddenly burst into flames.

The magicians then divided into two teams and flew up the cliffs on both sides of the canyon. All the magicians took out an oak powder barrel from their magic pockets. A ball of flame ignited the fuse on the edge of the oak barrel, and it was thrown down.

  The moment the first oak barrel fell on the cliff, it exploded, and the explosive flames spread to the surroundings, and countless mud and gravels splashed everywhere.

   Immediately afterwards, a series of oak barrels were dropped from the air, and there was another series of explosions. A series of explosions occurred on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and countless hellhounds hidden in the crypt were blown into the sky.

  The extent of the explosion, even the magicians riding the magic handles in the sky were affected a little, so that they opened their magic shields one after another.

For magicians, these oak barrels are not as easy to use as magic scrolls, and their power is average, but the advantage is that detonating oak barrels does not require magic power, and the cost of magic scrolls is also relatively expensive, whether it is magic parchment or magic ink. You need magic crystals to buy them.

   Following a series of explosions, the hellhounds hiding on the top of the cliff finally realized the danger.

Thirty magicians threw a round of oak barrels along the sides of the canyon. Hundreds of oak barrels were thrown onto the cliff, and the continuous explosion sound drove all the hellhounds in the cliff out of their caves. come out.

  If they were buried in the rock wall, maybe these pinnacles might collapse completely, but it is a pity that when dropped from such a high altitude, the power of the explosives is released on the ground.

  Even so, the power of the explosion is impressive...

  All the hellhounds hiding in the crypt crawled out, running around, and they couldn't even figure out where the enemy was.

The mages riding the magic scorpion were followed by the second round of bombing, but this time they didn't throw the oak barrels, but took out the magic scrolls they drew, and they were all third-level fire magic,'big Fireballs'' even **** of fire'' and the like.

  Because those hellhounds crawled out of the crypt, the mages threw them on the cliff regardless of the cost. So many fireballs were thrown down, and the cliffs on both sides suddenly formed a sea of ​​flames.

   And this is obviously not the end, Master Harper actually made two pages of life magic patterns from the two fireball spells, and put them into two magic books.

In the air, two magicians whose strength had reached the peak of the first turn rode magic scorpion handles, holding the two magic books to cast fireball magic. At that moment, a series of fireballs surged from the chests of the two magicians. Like machine gun fire, countless fireballs flew towards the cliff.

  The repeated bombings caught off guard caused the **** dogs on the cliff to die and be injured.

Bassa Muller, the king of hellhounds, rushed out of the cave, and his three heads spewed fireballs, ice bombs, and wind blades towards the sky. Unfortunately, these spells couldn't even touch the hem of the magicians' clothes. He issued a series of low-pitched Roaring, countless two-headed hellhounds rushed to the heights of the rocky cliff to fight back against the magicians in the sky.


  At this time, Archmage Harper was already standing in the canyon. As a strong second-rank mage, he had a good chance to become a third-rank mage.

It took him two quarters of an hour to set up a large magic circle in the open space of the canyon, and then he stood in the center of the circle, opened his hands and recited a spell, and a door leading to the elemental world appeared in front of Master Harper. A Fire Elemental Envoy nearly ten meters high came out of this gate.

   It is not a phantom projected from the elemental world, nor is it the 'potential' of Archmage Harper, but a real fire element elf.

   It was burning with raging flames, and a pair of eyes made of flames stared at Archmage Harper in the thick smoke.

  At this moment, Archmage Harper is also rapidly elementalizing his body, and his body has become a humanoid flame—the body of the fire element!

   "It was you who called me—Harper!"

  The Fire Elementalist made a sound that resounded through the valley.

   "Yes, friend, I need your help..."

   In contrast, Master Harper's voice was like the buzzing of mosquitoes in his ears, but this did not prevent the two from communicating.


  The Fire Elementalist readily agreed.

  Master Harper quickly drew a complicated magic pattern circle, which continuously absorbed the magic power of Master Harper, watching the flames of Master Harper's body violently disappear.

  The Fire Elementalist stretched his hands to the sky at this moment, and it actually turned into a huge fire elemental vortex in the next second.

  The whole canyon, and even the sky of Mount Myra are frantically gathering countless star-like fire elements...

  A large amount of fire element is injected into the elemental vortex formed by the fire elemental elf, compressed into pure fire elemental mana in the vortex, and injected into the body of Archmage Harper crazily...

  (end of this chapter)

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