Lord Highlander

Chapter 1059: 1045. Symbiosis contract

  Chapter 1059 1045. Symbiosis contract

   With sufficient supplies, the cavalry units in the lord armies could not wait to leave the coalition camp that night and headed for their respective target towns.

  Many lord armies came to the Ganbu plane this time, and they only brought cavalry regiments.

   Without infantry, these lord armies were like a group of wild horses that had run wild, and quickly disappeared into the dark grassland night.

Originally, some commanders wanted to second the two-headed ogre to Suldak. Knowing that this ogre usually has a lot of autonomy, and the reward he needs is only some delicacies, not magic spar, he agreed with the commanders psychological expectations.

  According to past experience, as long as Gulitem is persuaded, Suldak will generally not refuse, but it is a pity that the ogre went out to perform a mission for the first time...

  Several commanders had no choice but to give up.


  Suldak's heavy armored infantry regiment is not so urgent. He is going to set off with the heavy armored infantry regiment tomorrow morning, and the two military merchant groups will also march eastward with Suldak's large troops.

  Samila and Gullitum returned to the camp very late. What people didn't expect was that the two of them brought back a group of survivors from the small town of Rees.

  Suldak quickly crawled out of his sleeping bag when he heard the noise in the camp.

Xi Ya was soaking in a large bathtub next to her, sleeping very badly, her body was almost completely inserted into the bathtub, but she put the three-colored fish tail on the edge of the bathtub, even though she turned into a mermaid It is very slender, but a three-colored fish tail is more than two meters long. It is such a big bathtub that it cannot fit without curling up.

  Suldak patted her cold fish tail with dry scales, and asked her to sleep again in a different position.

Sia emerged from the tub in a daze, thinking that Suldak called her in the middle of the night... Miss Mermaid raised her head, hung her hands on Suldak's neck sleepily, blushing and Press your head against his chest.

   "I mean your tail is exposed. If you don't want the scales to fall off, you can sleep in a different position. I'll go outside and have a look!"

  Suldak patted Sia's pretty wet face and whispered.

Siya just woke up at this time, holding the bathtub with both hands, biting her soft lips, watching the back of Surdak leaving in a hurry, covering her face with her hands, sinking into the bathtub, and then retracting the three-colored fish tail into the bathtub. bucket.

  Surdak was only wearing a linen shirt and bloomers, and the front of the shirt was wet with Shia's hair.

Walking out of the tent, I saw Samira and Gulitham standing in the camp, surrounded by a group of ragged refugees, the orderlies in the camp were holding a large stack of baked wheat cakes, and trotting over all the way, there were people behind Carrying a soup bucket.

  Gulitham stepped forward and grabbed a piece of baked wheat cake, tore it into two parts, and ate both heads at the same time.

   Complained to Surdak while eating:

   "Dark, Samira told me that there are grouse in the north of the mountain, and she wanted to take me hunting! As a result, we rushed there, and except for a two-headed hellhound, we couldn't even find a mouse..."

Suldak stood beside Gulitum, and quickly smoothed things over for Samira, saying: "The livestock on the entire grassland have been hunted down by **** dogs. It's normal that there are no prey on the mountain side. Originally, I let you two go there." , just to kill that two-headed hellhound."

   "Where did you find this group of survivors?" Suldak turned to Samira and asked.

  Samila handed over the refugees to the side orderlies for resettlement, let them rest where they were, and gave everyone some food and drink.

   Then he said to Suldak: "They are hiding in a cave on the north side of the mountain."

  Suldak took a closer look and found that these town residents looked pretty good. Although they looked a little dirty, they didn't look hungry.

   I thought that there were excellent hunters among them, but none of them wore leather armor, nor did they carry hunting bows...

  Suldak felt a little strange.

   "Head, come here." Samira said to Suldak.

Suldak followed her to a wooden cage in the open area of ​​the camp. Suldak seemed to ask for the smell of rotten apples. He followed Samira's fingers and found it when he looked at the wooden cage. , There was actually a demon servant locked in the cage.

Even though this demon servant was wrapped in an old and dirty blanket, Suldak could still see his rotten face clearly. The almost demonized face had black and red stripes, perhaps it was the part of his demonized body. Exclusive, his whole body is rotten badly, but relying on the resilience brought by the symbiosis with the hellhound, these festering sores are constantly healing inside his body.

  He even breathed with a gurgling sound, as if his lungs were full of stagnant water.

  Suldak asked suspiciously: "How did you bring him to the camp?"

  Usually when encountering these demon servants, they are all executed on the spot, and there is nothing valuable on them.

  Samira was a little helpless, and whispered: "I don't want to... But those people said that these days, this demon servant and a two-headed hellhound feed them..."

Before Samira could finish speaking, she saw an eight or nine-year-old boy among the refugees running to the side of the wooden cage with a piece of scone, trying to reach inside, and stuffing the scone into the demon servant's mouth. hand, and said in a childish voice: "Father, you eat!"


  Suldak finally understood Samira's embarrassment.

"That hellhound escaped, but we caught this demon servant." Samira lowered her head, not daring to look at Suldak, but said in a hoarse voice: "Listen to those refugees, it is this Demon servants, rescued them from the small town of Rees, and kept them hiding in the caves of North Ridge, the hellhound usually hunted prey in the mountains for them..."

  Suldak looked at the boy sleeping beside the wooden cage, and knew in his heart that this boy must have softened Samira's heart.

  The child seemed very tired, and with a small piece of wheat cake in his hand, he fell asleep leaning against the wooden cage.

  The demon servant was in a good state of mind, and even tasted the wheat cake, but carefully broke off the dirty part, and put the clean part back into the boy's arms.

  Suldak opened the wooden cage and asked the demon servant to come out.

  The demon servant bent over and came out of it. He staggered a little, dragging one leg when he walked, but he didn't say a word.

  The refugees from the small town not far away thought that the demon servant was about to go to the execution ground, so they all wanted to squeeze over.

  In fact, the soldiers in the barracks usually execute the demon servants on the spot when they see them. They are not even qualified to go to the execution ground.

  A group of refugees was stopped by several soldiers. A woman wanted to push away the soldier with the spear horizontally, but was pushed back by the soldier and sat down on the ground.

  The demon servant glanced at it with some reluctance.

   At this time, Suldak saw his eyes clearly. One eye was blood red, but the other eye was clear blue.

   "When will I die?" His voice was a little fuzzy.

  Suldak sat on the wooden box and asked him: "Before you die, do you have any requests?"

The demon servant raised his head, as if he was listening, and then said: "I know it's nearby, if you kill me, it won't survive, can you bury me with it, I'll use these to buy its whole body. "

   As he spoke, he took out a cloth bag from his arms, carefully placed it in front of Suldak's feet, and opened the bag to reveal the yellow gold coins inside.

  Seeing that Suldak frowned, the demon servant immediately said: "I guarantee that it has never killed anyone, and the money is clean..."

  Suldak said lightly: "Compared with these, I want to know what happened!"

  The demon servant sat on the ground, pointed at the town of Reese, which was shrouded in darkness not far away, and said hoarsely:

"My family lives in Rees, and I often go to Ake Town to buy horses. Two months ago, I went to Ake Town to buy horses. When countless **** demons attacked the town, many people were arrested by them just like me. But they didn’t directly kill us, they fed us a kind of purple magic grass, and when our bodies changed, they asked us to sign a magic contract with those **** dogs, and then I became like this.”

   "After I signed the symbiotic contract with it, it happened that it opened its primary intelligence and could communicate with me. We didn't want to kill, so we escaped from the army."

   "Before the demon army came, we fled back to the small town of Rees."

"I reminded the people in the town that the army of demons was about to kill them, and I wanted them to escape quickly, but they didn't believe me, so they arrested me and nailed me to a cross, and planned to burn me to death the next day. My family and some neighbors took me I secretly rescued them, and I took them and fled to the mountains to the north."

   "When the demon army came, they hid in the cave, and it went out hunting with me every day, and it has lived like this until now."

Suldak did not expect that he was a hellhound and a demon servant who had defected from the demon clan, but he might be an outlier among the demon servants, because he had not been completely demonized and lost. Although his body had been demonized, his mind was still normal .

   From the expressions of the refugees trying to rush over, it can be seen that what he said should be true.

   But thinking that he signed a symbiotic contract with a **** dog, Suldak couldn't help asking:

   "How do you understand the symbiotic contract?"

  The demon servant didn't expect Suldak to ask such a question, and he didn't even know how to answer.

"No matter what, it doesn't matter whether it was persecuted back then or experienced so much humiliation and suffering, when I signed a symbiotic contract with it, we became one. It is the closest partner by my side. I can understand What it says, you can feel its emotions, even if it is a hellhound." The demon servant said calmly.

  He paused and continued:

   "I originally thought that hellhounds were cruel by nature, but in fact they are not all like that, it's just that human beings are no different from their prey in their eyes."

  Suldak couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and continued to ask: "So, it is a different **** dog?"

  The demon servant shook his head silently and said: "It just opened up the elementary wisdom and agreed with me."

  (end of this chapter)

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