Lord Highlander

Chapter 1069: 1055. Samp Town after the war

  Chapter 1069 Chapter 1055. Samp Town after the war

   After the rain, the sky cleared.

  In the town, in an alley paved with stone slabs, the rainwater flowing in the dark ditch next to the alley has a light purple color.

There are infantry soldiers cleaning the battlefield everywhere. They go door-to-door to clean up the corpses of Hellhounds and Cryptmen. By the way, they will also sneak into the house to search for valuables in the room. If you are lucky, you can even find jewelry in the owner's bedroom. What, some families even have silver decorations on the candlesticks, or send out some silver coins and copper plates in the money pot hidden in the corner...

  There are some torn clothes in the yard, and occasionally some rotten fingers and teeth that can't be chewed can be found in the corner.

  If you can find a small package among these rags, you may be able to hide a little silver coins inside, and if you are lucky, you can even pick up gold coins.

  If the amount is not large, you can sneak it into your pocket if you are brave enough.

   It’s just that once you are discovered, you will not only be punished, but from now on, you will miss such a good thing as cleaning the battlefield.

  Of course, soldiers who intend to go to the battlefield also have some benefits.

  For example, if you turn in property, you will get a certain amount of merit. In addition, low-level magic materials such as claws and teeth of hellhounds do not need to be turned in.

  The soldiers lifted the corpses of the Cryptman and Hellhound onto a four-wheeled carriage, and when the cart was full, it would be transported to the sand hill on the west side of Samp Town.

  There is a bunker on the other side of the sand hill, and the corpses of the **** demons will be thrown into the bunker by the coachman and burned in a unified way.

  The coachman driving the four-wheeled carriage squatted beside the carriage.

  They usually hold a skinning knife in their hands and keep their eyes on the **** dogs thrown into the carriage. No matter which dog still has claws, the coachman will use the skinning knife to cut off the claws.

   Take the claws of this hellhound to the caravan, and each claw can be sold for almost fifteen copper coins.

  Although the money is not much, as long as the coachmen keep an eye on it, it is not difficult to pick up seventy or eighty hellhound paws every day.

  The soldiers who moved the corpses looked down on the claws of these **** dogs. At most, they would pry off the canines of the **** dogs. As long as the canines were more than ten centimeters long, one tooth could be sold for one silver coin. Canine teeth with a length of less than ten centimeters and more than six centimeters are considered inferior goods. Each of these canine teeth can sell for about fifty copper coins.

  Infantry soldiers transporting the corpses of these **** dogs in Samp Town can earn at least dozens of silver coins a day.

   When fighting with Hell Dogs, many Hell Dogs died first because of the demon servants. Because they were constrained by the power of the symbiosis contract, the bodies of Hell Dogs would completely melt under the magic power.

When the infantry soldiers discovered the law, they would not take the initiative to hunt and kill the demon servants, but would give priority to killing the **** dogs. In this way, the demon servants would be completely melted under the constraints of strength, and the corpses of the **** dogs would be left .

  The **** dogs carried out were almost all beheaded by the infantry first, and then packed in wooden boxes...

  The head of the Hellhound must be turned in.

  Although the most valuable part of the hellhound needs to be turned in, cleaning the battlefield is still a very happy thing.

"Thirteen single-headed ones, and one double-headed one. This one has a broken belly. Please sign it." A clerk from the logistics department stood next to the coachman, and he checked the carriage. , Said to the captain of the infantry soldiers sweeping the battlefield.

   This clerk is responsible for approving merit.

  The number of hellhounds killed this time is a bit too much. The heavy armored infantry soldiers failed to take away the heads of these vicious dogs. It was a bit troublesome to count and divide them afterwards.

   "It was broken before it was moved." The infantry soldier captain explained.

"Let's write it down, I can't explain it to the higher-ups if I don't write it down..." The clerk pushed the account book in front of the infantry captain, and said flatly: "I heard that the higher-ups are so strict when they find out gold coins from the dog's belly. "

  The infantry soldier captain pinched his nose, signed his name on the account book, and muttered softly: "Who would endure this stench... reaching out to touch the gold coins in the cesspit, I am really convinced!"

  Hearing the captain's complaint, the soldiers carrying the hellhound's corpse behind them laughed together: "Haha...a gold coin is enough!"

Of course, cleaning the battlefield in the small town is not just as simple as carrying the corpse, but also washing the blood in the courtyard. The collapsed courtyard wall does not need to be repaired, but at least the broken stones must be used to plug the gap in the wall .

   It is also necessary to rearrange all the furniture and items in the house, and then seal the windows and doors with wooden boards.

  Paste the parchment seals of "Samp Town Hall was sealed on April 8, 2588". These seals are nailed directly to the door panel, so they will not fall off in a short time...

   After all these things are done, a small courtyard can be considered clean.

  The busiest place is the row of businesses on the main street of Samp Town. These places are now the public property of Samp Town. Some businesses that sell various foods are almost wiped out by **** dogs, almost no different from ruins.

  Those businesses that traded cloth, ironware and daily items, although the shops were also turned into a mess, many materials were preserved.

  Because the local aristocratic lord died and fled, the first meeting to recover Samp Town was naturally unable to be held.

So these noble lords will become the accomplices of Lord McDonnell's army. Samp Town can be regarded as the land developed by Suldak from the demons of hell, so everything currently owned by this town is his private property, including the surrounding area. Large pastures and the entire Bellanoma Lake.

  Compared to the ruins of Mukuso City, the buildings here are still in good condition. The only ugly thing is the smashed city wall on the south side of the town. If you want to rebuild it, it will cost a lot of money.


  Suldak stood on the observation tower on the roof of the city hall building, from here he could see the entire city of Samp Town.

More than 20,000 soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment cleaned the battlefield in the small town. The streets and alleys were full of infantry soldiers. Carriages transporting corpses passed through the west gate of the town and transported the corpses to the sand hills in the distance. .

The entire town hall building has now become the command post and field hospital of the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, and a large medical tent has been set up in the courtyard. The leather men were completely silent, but the hellhounds and crypt warriors guarding the city still caused a lot of casualties to the heavy armored infantry regiment.

   It is easier to deal with the dead soldiers directly taking out a pension.

As for the wounded soldiers, they were basically concentrated in this field hospital rebuilt from the town hall. Xi Ya, the water magician, and some personnel temporarily transferred by Suldak became members of the field hospital, but the main treatment was still Suldak took charge personally.

This time the Hellhound’s heads were harvested enough, not only obtained a large number of magic cores, but also these primary sacrifices were packed into boxes. After all, the magic sealing boxes were limited, and those that could not fit were sent to the altar. Come back and bless the wounded soldiers with the blessing of God.

  The most precious thing about the "Divine Blessing Body" is not only its strong recovery ability, but also temporarily improves the physique of the soldiers, and the strength is also slightly improved, and the effect is slightly worse than that of the "Lion King Potion".

   Despite this, it can also make soldiers feel a higher level of power.

  For fighters, this will make it easier for them to break through their own bottlenecks. In fact, this is what the Lion King Potion does.

Suldak had just finished treating the wounded. Holding a cup of hot tea, he stood on the watchtower and looked at the town of Samp washed by the heavy rain. A sapphire on the Yiruoman Plateau.

   Every time after a war, he is always the busiest time, and this time is of course no exception.

When fighting with the king of hellhounds who fused the wisdom of the demon servants, Suldak was slightly injured, but he was a second-rank knight with the body of the holy light after all. In just two days, his injuries Has fully healed.

   Moreover, he pushed open the door in the spiritual world, allowing him to see a vast sea in front of him, which made him clear about the way to go in the future.

   Now standing on the observation tower has a refreshing feeling.

  Samira didn't even wipe off the purple blood on her body, so she took a few shadow demon skins and Gog furs, and walked up from the winding stairs.

  Siya came over and handed Samira a cup of hot tea. Samira threw the leather stained with devil blood on the floor of the tower, took the hot tea, and sat down against the wall.

  Suldak walked over to inspect these pieces of magic skins and furs.

  After all, if you can peel off a piece of Gogol fur with the magic pattern of life, you can still sell it for a good price.

This kind of life magic pattern, which can be quickly cast by the fireball technique, is like a cheating tool for those magicians who turn around. When others condense a small fireball, they can condense three life magic patterns by mastering the 'fireball technique'. Quantitative suppression is simply stronger than third-level magic.

  Surdak found only five furs with the life magic pattern of the 'fireball' from nearly a thousand Gog furs, and the rest were some ordinary magic skins.

  The Gog furs that Samira brought back did not have the 'fireball' life magic pattern.

  Suldak stacked them up and put them aside.

  This kind of leather has extremely high fire resistance, and its magic conductivity is also very good.

  Whether it is making a magic robe or a magic pattern structure, it is a good magic material.

In addition to Flame Gog's fur, there is also a black shadow skin with glazed luster. Suldak reached out and touched it, and he could clearly feel the magic breath flowing on it, and he did not find the 'invisible' life magic pattern. I heard that this kind of life magic pattern is even rarer.

  However, even if there is no 'invisible' life magic pattern, this kind of shadow magic skin of **** demons is still very popular magic leather among assassins.

  As long as it is sold in Bena City, it is destined to be a hot item.

   "It's been cleaned up this time?" Suldak asked Samira.

After the war, there were a few shadow demons hiding in Samp Town, and they assassinated several soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment one after another, and also killed several fellows in the business group. Samira has been arresting these shadow demons in the town recently. .

  Samira shook her head and said, "There may be more, but they hide relatively deep. They hide in the shadows. As long as they don't come out to kill people, it's probably hard to be discovered..."

  (end of this chapter)

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