Lord Highlander

Chapter 1279: 1266. Dark Priestess

   Chapter 1279 1266. Dark Priestess

  Andrew wore a black iron helmet with a single horn on his head. The mask of the helmet was like the face of a demon.

  Wearing a set of two-turn magic pattern structure on his body, carrying two battle axes behind his back, the body of the ancient Bolai horse under him is covered with hard armor leather, and the two front legs of the war horse have magnificent magic patterns. While running, the war horse would make dark red ripples every time its front hooves hit the ground.

  The powerful aura blooming from the second-rank powerhouse mixed with the strong killing intent precipitated from him, making Andrew look extremely flamboyant.

  The hundreds of constructed knights behind Andrew are also majestic and majestic, wearing all magic pattern structures on their bodies, and their helmets all have visors, which makes this group of constructed knights even more mysterious.

  Andrew came to the front of Suldak, took off his helmet and hung it on the saddle, stretched out his hand and held it with Suldak, the two leaned forward and patted each other on the shoulder.

  The army did not stop because of the arrival of Andrew and the Constructed Knight, and still marched mightily towards the town of Dodan.

Suldak and Andrew were walking with the army, and a group of officers from the Lord's Army took the opportunity to gather. Everyone rode on horseback and chatted, apparently because they saw Suldak's constructed knight, and their confidence in the victory of this battle was overwhelming. , everyone was in high spirits, and their tone became extremely relaxed when chatting.

Some of the officers of these lord armies were sent by the local lords of the Ganbu plane, and some were officers of the thirteen lord armies who shared the northern part of the Ganbu plane with Suldak. Their understanding of Suldak , only limited to the battlefield of the Ganbu plane, knowing that there is a big man standing behind him, who has been supporting him with all his strength.

   Now seeing that Suldak has a well-equipped Constructed Knights, I realize that Suldak's real strength is not limited to what they know.

  Although Suldak is also a second-rank powerhouse, few people around him pay attention to this. They only care more about his noble title. Is it a baron...a viscount...or an earl? .

  But when everyone saw Andrew, they could tell at a glance that he was a powerful second-rank powerhouse... There was unabashed envy in his eyes.

  The two rode side by side on horseback, chatting like old friends.

   "Boss, I didn't expect you to return to the Bailin plane with such a huge army so soon. I thought you would be quiet for a while."

   Andrew smiled at Suldak.

Suldak laughed, and said: "I also want to develop Ruyt City and the Ganbu plane, but now no matter what I do, I need money, so I plan to expand further north, and make another fortune by the way." .”

   Andrew's eyes lit up, he stared at Suldak and asked him:

   "Are you going to take the idea of ​​those ghost-striped red ants in the Dark Insect Valley? In fact, you should wait until winter to come, otherwise how to solve this seasonal poisonous fog swamp?"

   "Actually, I don't want to attack the Dark Worm Valley right away," Suldak said, "Before solving the Dark Worm Valley, I plan to expand eastward and include the Sanhe Plain into my lord's territory."

  The war horse under him snorted dissatisfiedly.

Only then did Andrew realize that he was a little excited, and after calming down a little, he said a little excitedly: "This idea is good. Recently, our cavalry has been heading east along the hills and mountains, and every patrol will be at the edge of the Three Rivers Plain. Speaking of which, there are many native warriors in the cavalry battalion now, and they know more about the Three Rivers Plain."

  After that, Andrew felt that just capturing the Sanhe Plain seemed a bit unsatisfying, so he asked Suldak tentatively:

   "Aren't you going to Anya Swamp?"

  Suldak gently stroked the mane on the horse's neck, shook his head and said:

   "Forget it this time, let's give those indigenous tribes who don't want to join the Green Empire a living space."

  Andrew said to Suldak expectantly: "Boss, this time you must let me be the leader of the vanguard group. If I don't go out for activities, I feel like my body is going to rust."

  Suldak turned his head to the constructed knight, and asked curiously:

   "Why didn't you see Samira and Carrie Decker?"

Andrew didn't raise his head, and said casually: "They are going to accompany Selena in the magic caravan, so they walk a bit slowly. You may not know that the believers of the Twin Goddess Temple in Dodan Town have spread all over Bailin. In the entire northern region of the plane, Selina, as the high priest of the Dark Temple, has a large group of believers behind her every time she travels, and every time they arrive in a town, they will hold a ceremony, so they must walk slowly."

  Hearing that the followers of the Temple of the Twin Goddesses had grown to the entire northern part of the Bailin Plane, Suldak was very surprised and asked, "Has the Temple of the Twin Goddesses developed so fast recently?"

   Speaking of this, Andrew said to Suldak again:

"At the beginning, not many people knew them, and Nika would often take a group of maids who knew a little about first aid to other towns to treat some patients. Gradually, more people came to them for treatment. They are priests in the temple, and gradually the entire northern region knew that there was a temple of the twin goddesses in Dodan, and the number of believers increased from that time."

  Suldak didn't expect them to be so bold as to expand the Temple of the Twin Goddesses outward.

   "Listen to you, although Nika took those maids out to treat illnesses and save people, it seems that the Temple of the Evernight Goddess is more popular." Suldak asked a little puzzled.

  Andrew nodded again as a matter of course, and said with a smile:

"Of course, the believers developed by the Dawn Temple correspond to those imperial immigrants from the northern occupied area, while the Dark Temple developed local aborigines as believers. In terms of number, the local aborigines are obviously more, and they are actually more need help."

   The two walked and chatted...


   vast meadows,

  The galloping horses,

  Under the blue sky, the horses seem to be chasing the distant clouds.

  It has long been heard that there are large pastures in the Bailin plane, but the ancient Bolai horses here are basically directly supplied to the great lords of the Bena province, so the war horses of the Bailin plane are not well-known in the Bena province.

  From Wilkes City to Dodan Town, it takes seven days to ride a horse.

But the 50,000 alliance lords brought by Suldak are almost all infantry, and the large army of the legion needs to walk to Dodan Town on foot. Even if all the luggage is loaded on the carriage and the infantry marches lightly, it will take about 20 days to walk time to reach the destination.

  When the army passed through some pastures, Suldak needed to communicate with the local noble lords in advance, but this was just a formality.

   But no lord would confront Suldak face to face at this time. Even if he didn't want to borrow the way, he would pinch his nose to make up for his smile.

  There is no other reason: I can't afford to mess with it.

  No matter which town you pass by along the way, the commanders in the local garrison camp will greet Suldak in person at the intersection. They must have a chat with Suldak, and then Suldak will have a chance to start again.

The commanders are all officers of the Luthor Legion. Although their immediate boss is Chester Great Swordsman, they also know the identity of Suldak very well in their hearts, and they have no chance to contact him at ordinary times. Ke looked familiar.

  Suldak also met some caravans and some scattered adventure groups heading to Dodan Town along the way. I have to say that some people are born with a keen sense of smell.


   Until the scouts in front came back to report that they saw a large group of aborigines coming here with a convoy.

It took only half a day for Suldak to see Selena's gorgeous magic caravan in Dodan Town, followed by five armed Thunder Rhinos with heads like small hills, Samira and Carrie Decker. The two of you stood on the platform on the back of Thunder Rhinoceros.

  Seeing Suldak walking in the front on horseback from a distance, Carrie Decker with long legs couldn't help jumping onto the arrow groove of the magic bed crossbow, and waved at Suldak from a distance.

  A large group of aboriginal herdsmen on the prairie followed behind the convoy on horseback. The mighty crowd seemed to have at least thousands of people.

   There are people behind the brigade driving the sheep.

The soldiers of the alliance lord army were surprised enough when they saw the constructed knights under Suldak's command come a few days ago, but now they saw thousands of people coming straight over, and they were even more surprised that Suldak was here. Just how powerful is the Bailin Plane?

   Seeing that the two teams were about to collide a few hundred meters away, Suldak raised his hand first, stopping the 50,000 troops.

  The aboriginal herdsmen on Selina's side also stopped one after another. Only one magic caravan continued to drive forward for a while, and stopped on the grass between the army and the aborigines.

The Thunder Rhino that Samira and Carrie Decker were riding on was also at the side. Selena stepped out of the magic caravan, and under the watchful eyes of Suldak, she boarded the Thunder Rhino with a solemn face. back…

  The aborigines came over one after another, and they gathered around the high platform and sat on the ground, as if preparing to eat, and as if preparing to listen quietly.

  Selena stood on the platform on the back of the thunderbolt, her eyes fell on Suldak's face through the crowd, she took a deep look at him, and then raised a fir cane in her hand...

  The aborigines gathered around Lei Tingxi immediately cheered, followed by worship...

   In the evening



  (end of this chapter)

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