Lord Highlander

Chapter 1307: 1294. Seal

   Chapter 1307 1294. Seal

  Obviously, the ghost-striped red ants have entered the wintering state, probably to avoid being found by the Lord Army, and blocked most of the caves on the eve of the heavy snow.

  Now the ghost-striped red ants retreated from the dark worm valley to the depths of the cave.

  The sky is filled with the cries of rocs. This should be considered a hunting ground for them. Unfortunately, with the invasion of the lord army, the rocs also lost this hunting ground.

  Lance and the mage scouting team are paying attention to this group of roc birds from the north every day, and Suldak is worried that they will attack the Lord Army in groups.

Although the gain from entering the Bailin plane this time was huge, and the ghost-striped red ants took the initiative to avoid their underground nests, Suldak did not intend to give up this battle with the ghost-striped red ants. In the dark worm valley, the military camp was built under a giant mushroom umbrella.

  The surface of these giant mushrooms is like hard wood with texture. Even if the mushroom umbrella is covered with a thick layer of snow, these giant mushrooms still stand firmly in the insect valley.

Many giant mushrooms have traces of being bitten by red ants. The red ants even bit holes in the giant mushrooms, but they don't eat the woody giant mushrooms. Their food is the fresh and soft mushrooms. Fungal spores.

   Probably the winter food reserves are enough for them to survive for a while.

  After the temperature dropped sharply, the ghost-patterned red ants lost nearly half of their combat power in the extremely cold weather. It is obviously a better choice to hide in the ant nest to avoid fighting.

   But Suldak didn't intend to let these ghost-striped red ants go. They are so fertile that this dark valley of insects can't even accommodate their colony, so ant swarms that expand outward will only break out once every ten years.

  This time Suldak wanted to be tough on these ghost-striped red ants.

  In the entire Gloomy Insect Valley, there are hundreds of nest openings of ghost-striped red ants, and most of the ant nest openings are now buried under ice and snow.

The heavy armored infantry squadron of the lord army began to explore the entrances of these anthills in the worm valley, and Suldak's half-constructed knights entered the dark worm valley together with the magic-striped horses, as well as other important forces of the lord army. The cavalry regiment entered the dark worm valley one after another.

  The cavalry can gallop freely in the Dark Worm Valley and quickly support various areas, so the search range of the heavy armored infantry almost involves the entire Dark Worm Valley.

  In just a few days, Suldak harvested hundreds of ant nest holes one after another.

  In the tent, the commanders of the lord armies got together and reported to Suldak.

"Count Suldak, our seven search teams found seventeen ant nest openings in the west area. The openings were tightly blocked by mud. We tried to open one outside, but the mud was mixed with the mucus secreted by red ants. The condensed colloidal soil layer is very difficult to dig." The commander of the Collins family reported to Suldak, and standardized the ant nest hole they found on the map.

  Suldak nodded, and then looked at the other Lord Army commanders sitting aside.

The Commander of the Langdon Family who was sitting next to the Commander of the Collins Family coughed lightly, and said to Suldak: "We organized nine search teams to search for sixteen ant nest openings, and we fought with the ant nests at the fourth entrance. A battle broke out in the red ants in the nest, they didn't seem to be fighting, they sent a few soldier ants out, and the red ants behind them blocked the entrance of the ant nest again."

  Suldak looked at Andrew.

  Andre touched the stubble on his chin. This Nanai warrior seemed to have something to say.

"The red ants are determined to avoid the battle with us this time. They probably want to wait until this winter is over and the poisonous mist swamp will block the Dark Worm Valley again. At that time...even if we continue to stay here, the logistics supply will be forced to Middle." Andrew gestured on the map, and then said: "So our best time to fight is in winter."

Carrie Decker, who was sitting next to him, placed a helmet with a visor on the long table, her straight black hair pouring down her head like a waterfall. Since returning from the great battlefield, she seemed to have become more ladylike. some.

"It's just that once we enter the ant nest, all the advantages we currently have will disappear." Carrie Decker said: "The ants can crawl freely in the ant nest, but our heavy warriors can't, and when they arrive Sometimes bed crossbows and black powder kegs won’t be used, and we can’t bury our soldiers in them, so I don’t approve of attacking ant nests.”

  The commander of the Collins family suggested: "Unless we apply to build a swordsman regiment from above, I think only elite swordsman regiments can go deep into the ant nest and fight."

  Suldak shook his head immediately, and said: "The current lords will not send out the constructed swordsmen that have been accumulated with great difficulty,"

  Commander Collins turned his head and asked, "So...Lord Suldak, what should we do next?"

Suldak tapped the table with his fingers, making all the commanders who were discussing in private pay attention, and then he said his plan: "Since they don't want to come out, I will go to various holes next. Setting up a sealing circle will block the ant nest. I am really worried that all the ghost-striped red ants hiding in the ant nest will rush out in one go. It is estimated that our tens of thousands of lords will not be enough to watch. "

  Finally, Suldak added: "And the weather is not cold enough now..."

   It's just that the commanders present were a little confused, how many sealing circles are needed for so many ant nest holes!


In a big clean tent, there are 30 young magicians crowded. These magicians have followed Suldak's lord army and have stayed in the Bailin plane for half a year. According to the original agreement signed with Suldak Contract, as long as they insist on staying here for the first half year, they will each get a natural magic pattern.

  They saw a similar magic skin in Lance's hands, so they agreed to Lance's invitation and came to serve Lord Suldak.

Now, a new opportunity falls on their heads. The mysterious alchemist beside Suldak is willing to teach them a simple sealing circle, as long as they are magicians of the mage group, they can learn it. Of course The price of learning this sealing circle is that each person needs to draw ten sealing circles.

  Although the structure of the magic circle is extremely simple, all the magic runes are not magic pattern circles constructed in conjunction with the ancient elf language.

This sealing circle is completely unfamiliar to these magicians. Everyone is like a baby learning to speak. They barely learned this sealing circle by rote. The magic principles in it are far from elf magic. According to the explanation of the mysterious alchemist, this sealing circle contains the Hex technology of the goblin era.

It is not ancient elf magic, so it may be difficult for everyone to learn, and don’t study it too deeply, otherwise many principles and magic pattern construction run counter to elf magic. unhinged...

   And these magicians never thought that the magician standing in front of the blackboard and explaining the theory and structure of magic to them would be a succubus.

   Moreover, her lower abdomen has been slightly swollen, and the black magic robe is already difficult to cover up. Every time she walks in front of the blackboard, she will touch her lower abdomen very naturally.

  In just a few days, she became the goddess in the hearts of these young magicians.

  Even if she is wearing that mysterious mithril mask, even if she is a pregnant woman with a slightly bulging belly, none of these can stop the charm that emanates from her body...

On the night after the last teaching, Aphrodite complained to Suldak: "If King Amozdan knew that her first batch of students would be a group of human magicians, he would definitely come out of **** in anger, Take her back to **** with your own hands, and tie her up in the furnace of purgatory for torture."

  Suldak was putting his head on her swollen belly, listening to the gurgling sound inside, and raised his head to look at Aphrodite.

  Aphrodite showed a sweet smile, gently stroked Suldak's stubbled chin, and said:

   "Dark, you have to grow up quickly, at least King Amozdan came to chase us down, you have to be able to escape."

   "The great demon king you mentioned will really come to the human world to hunt and kill us because of such a trivial matter?" Suldak asked with some concern.

   "This is not a trivial matter. There are mysteries of magic in it. If there are a few smart people among them, it is estimated that more advanced sealing magic will be derived from this sealing circle." Aphrodite explained.

Suldak sat up, leaned over and held Aphrodite's pretty face with both hands, pecked her dark purple lips, and then said: "Listen to you, I really want to remind Lan S..."

  (end of this chapter)

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