Lord Highlander

Chapter 1334: 1321. General

   Chapter 1334 1321. General Star

Suldak was sitting on a recliner in the tent. He first looked at the black iron shotgun on the table, touched the cold barrel, and then raised his head to look at the merchant Alosenaya. explain:

   "Thank you for your hard work!"

  Businessman Elosenaya had a smile on his face, and tried his best to curry favor with Suldak:

   "Lord Suldak, Malakom has harvested a batch of unexpected goods in the magic market in the imperial capital this time. I believe you will be interested."

  Suldak asked with great interest:

   "What is it?"

  Businessman Elosenaya scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment:

   "Malakom intends to give you a surprise, so I specifically told me not to say it."

  The tent suddenly became quiet. Even the two-headed ogre Gulitum, who had just followed Suldak into the tent, couldn't help but look at the businessman in front of him.

  Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Elosenaya took two steps back embarrassedly, nodded and smiled at everyone.

   Everyone is very interested in this businessman who dared to joke with Surdak.

  Suldak waved his hand very casually, and said lightly:

"ok, I get it."

   Then he turned his head and looked at Carrie Decker, who was wearing light leather armor and looked slim there, and asked, "What do you think of this gun?"

Carrie Decker held up the heavy shotgun with both hands, and stroked the two clean monster teeth tied to the barrel. There seemed to be some kind of totem-like pattern on the teeth, giving the shotgun a Zaun-like appearance. style.

  However, the entire body of the gun looks quite strong, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a product of the dwarf kingdom.

   After all, the strong dwarves do not spare so much effort, so whether it is a heavy dwarf shield or a battle ax and a hammer, they are notoriously bulky, strong, and resistant to construction.

   This double-barreled shotgun also continued the dwarves' usual style, and even the handle of the gun was polished out of complete iron wood.

   "Boss, are you going to buy this for me?" Carrie Decker asked with some uncertainty, there was surprise and touch in her eyes.

  Suldak nodded and said, "If you like it, stay, if you don't like it, you still have a chance to choose."

   "Can I try this shotgun?" Carrie Decker asked the businessman Elosenaya holding the shotgun.

  Elosennaya immediately leaned forward slightly, and introduced to Carrie Decker:

   "Of course, but this kind of shotgun shell is specially made, with magic patterns on it. You can take this blueprint to ask a magician to re-engrav the magic patterns on it."

   As he spoke, he also took out a yellow magic sheepskin scroll from his arms, and a hemp rope was tied outside the scroll.

   Carrie Decker said with some surprise:

   "So... when this shotgun is used, not only do you need to consume magic crystals, but you also need to consume this magic shell?"

Alosenaya nodded, and said very implicitly: "It is indeed the case. According to the auctioneer, this is also the most special feature of this excellent quality magic shotgun. The power of the shotgun has reached the level of an epic shotgun, the only drawback is that each shot is like throwing out a handful of silver coins."

  Suldak heard this, just like Elosenaya asked: "Does this gun have a name?"

  Businessman Alosenaya touched his nose in embarrassment, and said, "No, oh, here is the name of the gun master who made this gun."

  The real epic weapons all have unique names, just like the 'Sky Strike' in Samira's hand.

   Obviously, the maker of this shotgun also thought that such an excellent quality shotgun didn’t deserve a name, so he just carved his signature on the gun.

Suldak saw the line of unfamiliar words on the gun, which looked like a few not too eye-catching scratches. If there was not a continuous scratch on it, Suldak really wouldn't be able to tell that it was actually a A set of text.

   "Isn't this the imperial script?" Suldak asked.

Elosenaya immediately said: "This is dwarven writing. Before that, I had someone translate the meaning of this signature. The name of the dwarf craftsman was engraved on it, and it could be transliterated as Santos. I also asked my colleagues about it. I took a look at this dwarf craftsman, it is said that this master craftsman is very famous in the dwarf kingdom, and almost all the shotguns he made are extraordinary."

   A group of people came to the archery range.

  Carrie Decker lifted the heavy shotgun. She didn't expect the shotgun to be so heavy, but her arms felt a little sore just carrying it all the way.

  And there are actually two ivory-like spikes tied to the front of the barrel. It can be seen that this shotgun can also be used as a melee weapon when the enemy is close. To be honest, this is very suitable for her fighting style.

  She is a heavy warrior herself, but because the weapon she is good at using is a magic shotgun, this limits her fighting style.

  Gunners generally don’t need to wear heavy armor. Conversely, warriors wearing heavy armor don’t need to hold a shotgun to fight. Carrie Decker is such a second-rank powerhouse.

   This gun is heavy in the hand, but holding the **** of the shotgun, I feel that the weight of the shotgun is very balanced.

  Carrie Decker swung it back and forth a few times. This gun can only be used for assassination and parrying. However, with the military boxing movements, a set of movements is actually very smooth, without any sense of stagnation.

  Seeing the high-level leaders of the Lord's Army gathered outside the archery range, the soldiers in the barracks all surrounded them.

   Not long after, the archery range was surrounded by soldiers. When they saw Carrie Decker punching in front of the archery range, they whistled a series of times.

  Carrie Decker was not stage-frightened either. After completing a set of movements, he felt that this double-barreled shotgun was very handy.

  Then she held a shotgun and stood by the low wall of the shooting range,

  Everyone stared at Carrie Decker curiously.

She took a small wooden box from the businessman Alosenaya, and placed the heavy wooden box on the low wall. After opening the lid, she found that there were twelve magic shotguns inside, each The shotguns exude a faint magical atmosphere, and the magic lines on the shells are like clusters of totem lines.

  Carrie Decker deftly raised two shotguns, and the weight of the shotguns surprised her again.

  The shotgun was stuffed into the barrel at the end of the shotgun, and while the shotgun was closed, the machine bracket was pulled apart.

As Carrie Decker injected a bit of power into the shotgun, the veins on the entire shotgun shimmered, the magic circle moved rapidly, and the breath on the magic pattern was quickly absorbed into the barrel, and the gemstone grooves on the outside of the shotgun The magic spar fragments in it thinned rapidly.

   Carrie Decker picked up the shotgun, aimed it at the target 40 meters away, and casually pulled the trigger.


  A ball of flames spewed out from the muzzle of the shotgun, and the tongue of flame was one meter long.

  The **** of the shotgun hit Carrie Decker's shoulder fiercely, causing her to take a big step back involuntarily.

  Suldak noticed that when Carrie Decker took a step back, the footprints he stepped on were very deep. Ordinary magic shotguns don’t have such a large recoil...

Looking at the archery target 40 meters away in front, the three archery targets less than one meter apart were blasted to pieces, and the bullseye of the target was gone, leaving only a single column standing there, which was made of silver oak wood. The finished archery target is made of very hard wood.

  In fact, this kind of archery target is also testing arm strength. The average archer has enough accuracy but not enough arm strength, so the feather arrow cannot hit the target.

   Unexpectedly, this double-barreled shotgun blasted three archery targets away with one shot, and the surrounding soldiers all let out a "wow" exclamation.

Suldak told the person in charge of the shooting range: "Go to the warehouse of the logistics department to get a piece of hard armor from the ghost-striped male ant, and then find a craftsman to temporarily nail the hard armor on the target. Let's try this again. The power of the gun."

   "Yes, Commander Suldak, we will be ready soon!" The person in charge of the logistics department quickly agreed.

   Soon the person in charge of the shooting range took the craftsmen and placed the male ant hard armor, which was the size of a door panel, next to the archery target, and then a group of people left in a hurry.

  At this time, Carrie Decker had already thought about the posture of holding the gun,

  When she fired the second shot, she raised the gun with both hands to hold the gun, and supported the shotgun with her hips and elbows at the same time...

  As the magic circle was activated, a sliver of energy in the circle quickly flowed into the barrel of the shotgun, and then Carrie Decker pulled the trigger prepared, and the muzzle sprayed a section of flame again.

   With a 'boom', I saw the hard armor of the ghost pattern male ant 40 meters away was overturned by the sudden impact.

  Countless iron sand is completely embedded in the surface of the hard armor, and mottled pits appear on the surface of the hard armor.

   Not only that, some finely divided gun sand was also embedded in the hard armor.

  The person in charge of the shooting range brought the hard armor that was as big as a door panel to Suldak, and Suldak and Carrie Decker took the lead to check the traces on it.

   "Although the thick skin of the ghost-striped male ants cannot be pierced, the hard armor of the giant ghost-striped soldier ants should be able to penetrate without much effort..."

   Carrie Decker gave such a conclusion.

   "How do you feel then? Do you want it?" Suldak asked again.

  Carrie Decker immediately saluted Suldak and said, "Thank you boss, then I will keep this shotgun..."

   Originally, she jumped on Xiang and gave Suldak a big hug.

   But there are too many soldiers gathered around the shooting range.

   "Let's go to the officials of the logistics department to settle the purchase of the gun." Suldak ordered to Alosenaya.

  Elosennaya said very readily: "Thank you for your generosity, Lord Suldak!"

  When the businessman Alosenaya finished speaking, the muzzle of the shotgun in Carrie Decker's hand was still emitting a little bit of smoke...


   After Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger's injuries gradually healed, they began to perform recovery exercises.

  Andrew has a rather impatient personality. Hearing that Carrie Decker possessed an excellent quality weapon, he came directly to his door and asked Carrie Decker to practice fighting in the competition field.

Carrie Decker happened to wish for it, and she could practice the accuracy of the shotgun on the shooting range, but if she wanted to quickly become familiar with hand-to-hand combat with the Santos double-barreled shotgun, she had to do a lot of combat practice on the practice range. Things like Samira couldn't help her, and the two-headed ogre Gullitum was completely suppressed by force, and Carrie Decker was not mentally prepared to be abused.

  So now that Andrew is undergoing rehabilitation training, Carrie Decker will naturally play against Andrew on the training ground.

   Carrie Decker and Samira recently lived together in a log cabin on the platform, and the relationship between the two has grown closer.

  Carrie Decker has also officially become the deputy captain of the Samira Archer Brigade...

Suldak only lived in the bridgehead camp in the Great Rift Valley for two days before rushing to the upper camp of the Sanhe Plain. Although the frozen soil on the construction site had not yet thawed, iron cages had been piled up between the construction site and the river. The loaded stones, the original appearance of the embankment can already be seen on the construction site.

  The artisans here use steel bars to weave long iron cages every day, which are filled with stones moved from the mountains.

As for the work of moving stones, all the work has been handed over to the ghost pattern worker ants. At present, on the construction site of the large dam in the upper reaches of the Sanhe Plain, twenty druids brought nearly 20,000 ghost pattern worker ants between the dam and the Thorny Mountains. Stone.

  The long team of ghost-striped worker ants formed several dark red thin lines on the plain covered with thick snow.

  The ghost-striped worker ants that come and go seem to have gotten used to this kind of slavery. They hold up stones and walk forward in a long line. Unless they freeze to death on the icy road, they will not stop.

   New ghost pattern worker ants will be added every day, and corpses of ghost pattern worker ants that are frozen hard are carried out from the dam site and sold directly to merchants who deal in monster ingredients.

  Suldak has been running back and forth between the iron mine and the Sanhe Plain dam site in recent days.

  The iron mine in the Invercargill Forest is currently in normal operation. Every day, crates of iron ore powder are transported by the Thunder Rhino caravan to the steel workshop at the northern end of the Dodan Canyon.

  The seven smelting furnaces in this iron and steel workshop are operating normally, and can smelt 140 tons of selected iron ore powder every day.

A large number of iron and copper ingots are transported from Dodan to Wilkes City, and most of these metal ingots will be shipped to Bena City for sale. Suldak currently has two mines, although there are no mines yet. The profitability of the field, but the entire mine is expanding.

  Now among the thirty-seven aboriginal tribes in the Invercargill Forest, almost half of the young people make money in the mines.

  The chiefs of the tribe finally realized that the aborigines in the tribe had gradually given up the life of gathering and hunting. Most of them wanted to work in the mines, and some hunters became the guides of the adventure group.

  Currently, a mountain of thorns has been added to the Bailin plane of the Grimm Empire...

  The unknown areas at the east and west ends of the Thorn Mountains are almost the best hunting places for some adventure groups.

   Now, more adventure groups are entering the Three Rivers Plain, and more and more people are pouring in here, because everyone firmly believes that Lord Suldak can bring victory time and time again.

  A large amount of monster materials flowed into the magic market from the Bailin plane. After a period of brewing, the news of the victory in the Dark Worm Valley finally spread throughout the province of Bena.

  Lord Surdak has finally become a rising star among the lords of Bena Province...

  (end of this chapter)

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