Lord Highlander

Chapter 1346: 1333. Great Lord

   Chapter 1346 1333. Great Lord

   This group of guard battalion knights came from all directions in the city, but they didn't expect that Mr. Suldak Consul would pronounce a sentence on all of them.

Those guard battalion knights who took advantage of their positions to seek various benefits in the city of Ruyt completely dragged all the current guard battalion knights into the water this time. punishment.

  Even Nathaniel Marley, the chief of the guard battalion, could not avoid it. Everyone had to undergo military training and rectification at the military camp in Hatangada Town.

  Green Empire can be said to be a big alliance formed by the royal family and nobles. For example, the Newman family controls the province of Bena, and the Aili family controls the province of Sloit...

   It can be said that the Newman family is the local emperor of the province of Bena, and the Duke of Newman can command the nobles of the entire province of Bena.

  Similarly, the province of Bena is an alliance formed by the Newman family and the local nobles.

Every city in the province of Bena is occupied by major nobles. Originally, the Ganbu plane and Ruyt City belonged to the McDonnell family, but now the surname MacDonnell has been removed from the nobles. With the help of Suldak, he controlled the Ganbu plane and the city of Ruyt.

  Although Ruyt City has a House of Representatives like other cities, basically all laws and regulations in the city will be voted by the members of the nobles in the House of Representatives to decide whether to implement them, so that the decrees promulgated will echo the wishes of most nobles.

But this kind of thing is not absolute. The current army strength of Suldak completely crushes the noble lords of Ruyt City. Even if they reach a consensus, it is impossible to form an alliance to defeat the lords of Suldak army, then Suldak's right to speak in this city becomes infinite.

  He is fully capable of overturning any decree here, and he can even drive the noble lords in the city out of Ruyt City. The method is very simple, and that is to declare war on the family of the noble lord.

  Suldak is not prepared to subtly change a series of problems that already existed in this city.

Even more unwilling to slowly reduce the accumulated tumors that existed in the city. He didn't want to spend most of his energy here. Since he held a sharp sword in his hand, he would cut it down with a single knife, even though it might make other nobles We feel the pain, but it is the best and fastest way to heal.

  The guard battalion in Ruyt City is basically composed of nobles in the city serving as squadron leaders and above, and knights serving as ordinary guard knights.

  In each city, the Knights of the Guard Battalion have a much higher status than the City Security Brigade.

  Suldak's knife was considered to have cut many nobles in Ruyt City.

As the Constructed Knights that Suldak brought back this time entered this street and completely controlled the situation, Suldak took Siya and his party to leave in a magic caravan, and did not talk to the team before leaving. The young people of the adventure group greeted each other without even saying a word of comfort.

The city defense guards of the city defense and security brigade also evacuated from this street immediately. Each of these city defense guards felt cold on their backs. On the way to leave, these people were thinking about whether they or their companions had done something wrong. What, almost everyone left with a feeling of apprehension...

The young adventure group that was originally in the center of the vortex storm was thrown on the street by everyone, and no one even told them whether they needed to go through any further procedures, but the bag of gold coins that was snatched Yes, it has been returned, and the amount is quite a bit, but the money bag is not the original one.

   This group of young people watched the crowd gathered on this street disperse little by little. Looking west along the long street, the setting sun was immersed in a red glow, as if they could still feel a little warmth from the afterglow of the setting sun.

  I heard that the main culprit of this matter, Baron Cerves, was not arrested and brought to justice, but ran away secretly.

  Until a costumed knight came over on a magic-weave warhorse, raised the whip in his hand and pointed at the street entrance, signaling that they could leave here.

Those young people who had been exhausted from tossing and tossing were the only ones who walked out of the street with each other's arms as if they were being pardoned. Those city residents who had witnessed the whole incident stood by the side of the road and patted their shoulders as a sign of comfort. The two girls had been crying for a long time.

  The last slanting sun stretched their shadows very long, and it seemed that they were coated with a layer of golden light.


  As for the knights in the guard battalion, they stayed in place one by one with their heads down, waiting for Chief Nathaniel to make the next arrangement.

"Let everyone go home and pack their luggage. Those who are willing to accept the military camp training will gather at the central square tomorrow morning. Those who do not want to participate in the training camp will leave Ruyt City as soon as possible and never come back again." Nathaniel Ma, the chief of the guard battalion Li stood on the spot, closed his eyes and raised his head, and gave instructions to Captain Amos of the second brigade beside him.

He didn't even bother to look at Albin Bain, who was stunned by the side. In fact, he was not resenting Albin Bain. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that this kind of thing was very common in the guard camp. People don't do it so rough, they often use various gimmicks, or leave a little room for turning around. This is the most common means for knights in the guard camp to make money.

  Chief Nathaniel knows that the Suldak Consul will take a series of measures to govern the city of Ruyt when he returns this time.

He has been thinking for the past few days, how can he cover up the problems of the guard battalion. He heard that the consul used to be a knight of the guard battalion of Hailansa City. It's good to have a good impression, but his guess is a little wrong.

It was because Suldak had served in the guard camp of Hailansa City that he knew all kinds of disadvantages in the guard camp, and these problems were almost impossible to solve easily, so he cut it off in such a stable way. The entire guard battalion.

  The specific affairs of the Ruyt City Guard Battalion are temporarily taken over by the Constructed Knights, and Carrie Decker will temporarily serve as the head of the Ruyt City Guard.

This night, many aristocratic families and knights in Ruyt City could not sleep. They were all seriously thinking about whether to stay or not. The last words that Chief Nathaniel said... If you want to leave, leave as soon as possible, really. What if you want to leave your family business here, abandon your current status and identity, and go to other cities? Take refuge with relatives or start everything from scratch?

  This night, many nobles sat at home to discuss countermeasures. They neither wanted the young people at home to go to the Ganbu plane to suffer, nor did they want to destroy their existing lives.

  Many aristocrats with family members serving in the guard battalion ran to the homes of officials in important positions in the city hall, trying to intercede through various relationships.

It's just that when the officials of the city hall heard that they were going to intercede with Suldak, they immediately refused decisively. The lord consul returned from the Bailin plane and made it clear that he was going to deal with the city of Ruyt. The guard battalion just happened to hit the muzzle. Whoever dares to make trouble at this time knows that he will be rejected without even thinking about it.

   I don’t know how many people are hiding at home, cursing the Suldak consul.


At this moment, Suldak was pulling Luke and Charlie, and inquiring in detail about the project progress of the hanging garden of Ruyt City and the outer city wall of Mucuso City, and the project of the outer city wall of Mucuso City mentioned by Baron Martino. For the project, Suldak asked Luke and Charlie to immediately organize craftsmen to speed up the progress of the project.

  Now that Charlie and Luke can almost be alone, Suldak saw that the faces of the two were embarrassed, so he said:

   "If it's about the final payment of the Mukuso project in Mukuso City, don't worry, I can say hello to Basil Hutton..."

Luke quickly waved his hand and said: "It's not a matter of the final payment of the project, but that we have transferred all the master craftsmen to Ruyt City, and the foundation part of the Mucuso City Wall has been completed. Originally, the construction of the outer city wall was to be handed over to Give Aung San the responsibility, but you transferred Aung San to the Bailin plane to build the dam. Our craftsmen are not enough. Hold."

  Suldak didn't expect Charlie and Luke's engineering team to also face a shortage of craftsmen, and he really couldn't solve this problem for a while.

  Sia was by the side, holding a parchment note in her hand, and would make some records on it from time to time.

Recently, the progress has been very slow, because this book is almost finished, and I have considered a lot, and I don’t actually plan to write the plot of the Warsaw plane. The rewards owed in the spring will be added, and the specific number of chapters is still being counted (I suddenly remembered, and I should add that only the rewards before September are counted).



  (end of this chapter)

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