Lord Highlander

Chapter 1379: 1366. Andrew's plan

  Chapter 1379 1366. Andrew's plan

  This slum area is where the Nanai people gather. Although it is only one street away from the slum area of ​​the imperial people, the two areas are incompatible like oil and water.

  The impoverished imperial people simply looked down on these Nanai aborigines.

When the imperials occupied the Maca plane, and the Bena Legion conquered the Nanai tribe and built the city of Wozhimara, the Nanai people also made great efforts, and many Nanai aborigines settled in Wozhima Lacheng also started at that time.

  The architectural style here is somewhat incompatible with Bena City. Many buildings are still wooden structures, and the roofs are arranged with dense branches, and a thick layer of yellow mud mixed with cow dung is applied. The house has no windows, only a simple wooden door. Even in the daytime, it is still very dark to get into the house.

The    people only get into the house when they are sleeping, and usually prefer to sit on the wooden steps under the rain eaves.

   Andrew is back, this is a more important event for the Andrew family than the Harvest Festival.

There was meat for dinner, and a chicken was stewed. The crock pot was burnt very black, but the chicken and soup in the crock pot smelled like mint. Andrew’s first wife was in charge of sharing the meals, and everyone There is meat and chicken soup, and then there is half a portion of fragrant baked wheat cakes. Break the crispy baked wheat cakes into pieces, put them in a large bowl, pour a spoonful of fragrant chicken soup, and finally cover with a piece of roast meat.

   This is almost the richest and most delicious dinner for the Nanai family.

  Looking at the seven children sitting opposite, Andrew remembered that there were only four when he went home last time.

  The three wives were all by Andrew's side. The eldest son and the second daughter were looking after the younger siblings for dinner.

  But this time, there was actually a young girl sitting opposite Andrew.

   While eating dinner, Andrew couldn't help but glanced at her bulging chest. She had a slender waist, wheat-colored skin, and exuded youthful vigor all over her body.

   After dinner, Andrew called the wives back into the room, lit an oil lamp, and there was a glimmer of light in the room.

  The figures of the four people were reflected on the wall of the room by the dim light of the oil lamp.

  Three bulging and heavy sheepskin money bags were placed in front of the three wives. Andrew thought for a while, then grabbed a handful from his arms and put them with the eldest wife. The matter of distributing the money was soon over. Those golden coins made the eyes of the three wives a little dizzy. They counted the number of gold coins over and over again. Unfortunately, there were too many and some couldn't count, so they simply put them back into the bag inside.

   Dig a hole under the bed and bury it in it.

  Afterwards, the eldest wife explained the young girl to Andrew in a low voice. After hearing this, Andrew was a little silly, and asked in a low voice:

   "What's going on, I'm not here, how did you marry me back?"

  The eldest wife who has the absolute right to speak at home said to the third child next to her: "Go and call Gulina in."

  The young girl walked into the room with some embarrassment. She was a little shy, and she didn't dare to look up when she sat opposite Andrew.

  The eldest wife raised the oil lamp with one hand and said to the young girl, "Gulina, sit up a little bit and raise your head."

  Gulina was more likely to be prostrate in the room, raising her head nervously, letting the eldest wife approach her face with an oil lamp, which made Andrew see it very clearly.

   "Don't you remember, you hugged her when she was little." The eldest wife reminded Andrew in a low voice.

"I know, she is your youngest sister Gulina, how could I not remember, we were just married at that time, we didn't have any savings in our hands, when we went to your house, she was so tall..." Andrew had a flash of memory in his eyes Brilliant, said with a sigh.

  Afterwards, he gestured on his waist with his hand, and then he said quite moved:

   "Your parents also gave us two bags of wheat, let me treat you well."

  The eldest wife blinked her eyes and whispered to Andrew: "My father and mother died of a disease last spring. She dared not live in the house alone, so I took her in."

   Andrew looked shocked, and immediately said:

   "That's what it should be, let her live here steadily, it doesn't matter how long she lives, and help Gulina find someone who likes her, we can prepare a dowry for her."

  The eldest wife's eyes widened, and she cursed at Andrew: "Aren't you stupid? It's fine to let her live here for free. Why do you need to prepare a dowry for her?"

   Without waiting for Andrew to argue, he said directly:

"Because of the Harvest Festival a few days ago, I helped you hold a wedding ceremony at the patriarch's place. Now Gulina is your wife, so she won't live for free, and she can save a dowry... "


  Andrew had mixed feelings in his heart. He was not happy with his wives' arbitrary decision, but also drooled over Gulina's body.

  His eldest wife said again: "I also plan to renovate the house before the winter, rebuild the roof, and lay a layer of wood on the walls."

  After thinking about it, he took out two gold coins from his bosom and stuffed them to his younger sister Gulina, and said casually: "Your man gave you..."

Probably because they have never seen so much money in their entire life. Nanai women can only count to one hundred. They don't know what financial management is. They are used to saving in this life. The extra money is destined to be buried under the bed In the soil hole.

  Andrew thought for a while, but he didn't say anything about his plan to sponsor the Nanai children to go to the War College, nor did he take out the whole box of gold coins.

  Andrew raised his butt, bent over and walked out of the house. The eldest wife chased up from behind and asked:

   "Where are you going?"

  Andrew waved his hand casually and said, "I'll go sit with the old patriarch."

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the sons were sitting on the steps in front of the house, some were sharpening sharp wooden sticks, some were lying lazily, and the three younger ones were running around on the wooden platform, Saliva flowed down the chin to the belly.

  They were a little strange to their father, and they didn't dare to go to Andrew's side.

  Only the eldest son and the second daughter saw him coming out of the house, and immediately stood up respectfully.


  There is an extra brazier in the old patriarch’s room. He has a big pipe, which is made of wood. It is filled with tobacco leaves and can be burned for a long time.

  The house is filled with a faint smell of smoke.

  Andrew sat opposite the old patriarch. The room was very wide and there were transom windows on the roof. The room was not stuffy at all.

  Andrew proposed to the old patriarch that he wanted to send all the children of the clan to study at the War College in Wojmara...

  After listening to the old patriarch, he pondered for a long time before shaking his head and saying:

   "It's different. Our children and imperial children are treated differently in this city. The Wojmara War Academy only accepts imperial children. Even if they have money, they are unwilling to let our children enter the school."

"how so?"

  Andrew never thought that the truth would be like this, he didn't understand.

   "It's always been like this." The old patriarch said with a sigh.

  The light in the room was very dark, except for a little light in the brazier. He took a puff of cigarette, and his dry lips seemed unable to close.

   "I'll talk to the dean of Zhanzheng College." Andrew was full of anger, wishing to punch the dean into the wall.

  The old patriarch did not move, raised his eyelids and said lightly to him: "If you are willing to take over as the patriarch of the Nanai clan, you can do so, but if you still plan to leave, then bear with it..."

   Andrew stopped.

  Obviously the old patriarch had something to say. Those people probably didn’t dare to take any action when Andrew was in Wojmara City, but... once Andrew left, the Nanai people might be oppressed by the imperials.

  Andrew took a deep breath, and did it again.

   "Then I will take the children out of here, and I know which War College is willing to teach our children." Andrew said to the old patriarch.

The old patriarch glanced at Andrew hesitantly, and after a moment of silence, he took another puff of cigarette and said: "Not only for these reasons, but also the travel expenses and tuition fees are a big burden for those families, and After all, you have to live there.”

  Andrew knows that most of the tribe is poor, and each family raises a bunch of children.

   After all, there are only a few things that everyone can do at night.

   "I am willing to bear this part of the expenses until the day they leave the academy." Andrew said.

   "Andrew, are you really willing to do this?" The old patriarch's eyes lit up, and he looked at Andrew in surprise.

   "Yes, I'm willing to give some of the money to help them." Andrew replied without hesitation.

  The old patriarch breathed a sigh of relief, and said very easily: "You really deserve to be the Nanai warrior who came back from the outside world."

   "In this way, I will gather them tomorrow, and the children who are willing to go out with you, you can take them away."

   "I will probably leave Wojmara tomorrow, and I will come to you before sunset." Andrew calculated the time and said to the old patriarch.

  Even if the matter was settled, the old patriarch's eyes became brighter, and he even handed the pipe to Andrew on his own initiative.

  For a second-rank fighter, Andrew didn't care about shredded tobacco. He just took a shallow puff and returned it to the old patriarch.

   "Where are you going this time?" the old patriarch asked casually.

  Andrew thought for a while, and replied honestly: "Warsaw plane, but before that, I will settle the child well."

   "Warsaw plane!" The old patriarch's eyes widened. He remembered that at least 8,000 young warriors of the Nanai tribe rushed into the fire pit as cannon fodder a few years ago.

   "The plane that traps Duke Newman and the Benar Legion?" The old patriarch was worried that he had heard it wrong, and reconfirmed.

  Andrew replied, "That's right there..."

  The old patriarch frowned, and said with a bitter face:

   "You have to go there this time, I heard that it will be difficult to come back after you go, Andrew, you have to think carefully before making a decision, and you must not be reckless."

  Andrew patted his strong chest, and said calmly: "Don't worry, old patriarch."

  Leaving from the old patriarch, Andrew returned home, lying on the already crowded bed, with the young Gulina lying beside him, and he stretched out his hand to wrap his soft shoulders, without saying anything.

  There are only a few things that can be done at night in the Nanai gathering area...

   To add a new meow to the sea 1 silver leader (30/90)



  (end of this chapter)

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