Lord Highlander

Chapter 803: 792. Battle of Plantos Town 2

  Chapter 803 792. Battle of Plantos Town 2

   Afternoon hot sun

  Water vapor is transpiring on the grassland, making the scenery in the distance crooked, and some weeds with seed ears sway back and forth with the breeze.

   A group of grasshoppers flew out of the grass and swept away towards the distance.

  Compared to food like grass seeds and grass roots, these migratory locusts are simply incomparably delicious in the eyes of ghost pattern soldiers.

There were traces of red everywhere in the grass. The Thunder Rhinoceros that looked like two small hills in the Suldak army were very eye-catching, and attracted a lot of ghost-striped red ants to peep at them, but they basically had no chance to get close, so they were A whirlwind of cavalry smashed heads with flails in hand.

  These ghost pattern soldier ants are like a group of hungry wolves. When they see the cavalry rushing over, they lie down in the grass and spit acid at the horses.

   At the same time, it opened its sharp pliers, and its body rushed forward desperately, throwing itself on the horse and biting it wantonly.

  Andrew led a team of heavy cavalry at the outermost edge of the team, even the horses were fully armed, and the flails in the hands of the cavalry were to crush the heads of the red ants immediately to prevent them from spitting acid everywhere.

  Fifty first-rank veterans are like tireless machines, rushing back and forth around the periphery of the army.

  They didn't spare their physical strength, and they didn't care about the life and death of the war horses. When cleaning up these red ants, some people even stood on the platform of Lei Tingxi and took out the parchment account book to count the number of killed ghost pattern worker ants.

  These ghost pattern worker ants can peel off some meat, and their bodies are almost worthless.

  In order to encourage the veterans to clean up the worker ants, Suldak can earn a little merit for every ghost worker ant killed. These merit points are almost all subsidized by Suldak from the soldier ants.

  First turn veterans all hope that they can hunt ghost pattern soldier ants. They think that killing worker ants is the job of ordinary cavalry.

  Of course, ghost pattern soldier ants are not so easy to kill.

   Even in the wild, on this piece of grassland terrain that is most beneficial to cavalry.

These veterans want to kill the soldier ants. Without using power, generally the most labor-saving way is to charge 50 meters away. These soldier ants are not very good at jumping. As long as the knight's spear can stab the ghost The head of the tattooed soldier ant can basically injure the ghost-patterned soldier ant severely.

  However, if the knight's long spear misses, or is caught by the claws of the ghost pattern soldier ants, then the veteran behind must make up the knife in time, otherwise the veteran in front may be injured.

  The heads of the ghost pattern soldier ants were chopped off by the veteran with the knight's long sword, and thrown into the sack, and when it was full, it would be thrown on the shelf of Thunder Rhinoceros.

  The corpses of the soldier ants that could be exchanged for money were randomly discarded on the grass, and they could not be taken away.

  Andrew was a lunatic when he arrived on the battlefield. Every time he was the first to charge towards the ghost-striped red ants. With the butcher's ax with the bleeding attribute in his hand, even if he met the ghost-striped soldier ants, he would almost kill them with one axe.

  His fighting style, which would rather take some damage than kill the enemy, is very bloody.

  Usually after a wave of charging, he would be covered in blood, and he couldn't tell how many of these light red blood stains were his own.

It made Intas and Hampton a little bit dumbfounded, and only then did they see Suldak's strength: this native's subordinates are purely relying on the commander's ability to use the 'Holy Light' technique, and relying on the 'Holy Light Art' he wears on his body. The Shield of the Earth' is equipped with a heavy magic pattern structure, and with the horse under it having more physical strength than the black scaled horse, it will do whatever it takes on the battlefield!

   But his unreasonable fighting style can best ignite the morale of all cavalry on the battlefield.

  Aren’t these heavy cavalry tired?

   Those war horses are too exaggerated!

  Even the black-scale warhorse can't run tirelessly like this!

   Under such circumstances, a group of cavalry marched backwards to meet a large number of ghost-striped red ants running out from the direction of Plantos Town.

  Suldak, Gallatin, and Intas stood at the front of the team.

   Occasionally, there is a giant ghost-striped soldier ant in the ant colony.

Seeing this kind of big guy rushing up, the two commanders, Intas and Hampton, felt a little bit numb. The giant thick armor is simply the biggest nemesis of the cavalry, but the speed of these giant ghost pattern soldiers is not slow. , the body is also extremely flexible, every time such a giant ghost pattern soldier ant is killed, some cavalrymen will be injured.

  Intas lashed the horse's **** with a whip, stood out from the front line, and rushed towards the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant.

   A group of cronies and guards behind were worried that Intas might make a mistake, so they hurriedly rode their horses to follow.

Unexpectedly, the veterans of the Independent Cavalry Battalion almost became extremely excited, and their fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high. They simply thought that Intas was robbing them of this giant ghost-striped soldier ant. Ants charged.

  Everyone increased the running speed of the horses. Obviously, in terms of explosive power, these magic-striped horses are also ordinary horses that completely overwhelm other cavalry battalions.

  Seeing that the veteran rushing to the front has already bowed his body, his arm is clamping the handle of the knight's spear, and the tip of the gun is aimed at the mouthparts of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant...

  A giant crossbow arrow with the attribute of 'armor piercing' flew out, and circles of wind attributes were still surrounding the shaft of the arrow.

  Before the cavalryman shot, he shot through the head of the giant ghost pattern soldier ant with precision.

  The three-meter-long arrow shaft directly nailed the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant into the soil of the grassland. The giant ghost-patterned soldier ant's body couldn't stop its inertia, and it folded in half in the air.

  The cavalry rushing to the front with long spears could only let out a roar of unwillingness, and pierced the long spears in their hands fiercely into the bodies of the ordinary ghost pattern soldiers who followed behind.

  Did not dare to curse out of his mouth, after all, occasionally on the battlefield, Xiao Ming was saved by a refined steel arrow.

  But MMP in my heart! The recent achievements of the captain of the archer army can buy him a set of magic patterns!

After cleaning up the batch of ghost-striped red ants that rushed up, a group of cavalry quickly cut off the six legs of the giant ghost-striped soldier ants, and then chopped off the huge head, and a cavalryman carried it. Dian Pi Dian ran to Lei Ting Rhino to show her hospitality...

  The captain in red salamander leather armor stepped on the arrow groove of the bed crossbow with one foot, looking at the battle situation in the distance.

  Even though he put on a cold and arrogant look that doesn't like to talk to him, this cavalryman still has a charming smile on his face.

  The city guard crossbowmen on the platform quickly retrieved the spoils with slings, and put them on Samira's exclusive shelf.

Without the two-headed ogre who likes to smash heads, the cavalry battalion finally had some order on the battlefield, but the eagerness of these cavalrymen to kill the ghost-striped red ants still shocked the other two commanders , rode to Suldak's side, and asked curiously: "Baron Suldak, are the fighting spirits of this group of cavalry always so strong? How do you usually encourage them?"

"Every time I fight, I have someone record their achievements. These achievements can be exchanged for gold coins, some weapons and equipment, magic materials and so on. Isn't that what our cavalry battalion is all about?" Suldak rode his horse as he walked. Said.

  Bypassing the corpse of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant, it cannot be skinned, so it can only be discarded here for the time being. What a pity!

   "Yes, it's all the same! We will also count meritorious service. Whoever performs outstandingly during this period will have the opportunity to be promoted, and if the battle is won, there will also be some material rewards!" Commander Intas said.

  Of course, other cavalry battalions also have similar military records, but they are not as rich as the prizes on the merit redemption list of Suldak...

As the team got closer and closer to Plantos Town, the oncoming ghost-striped red ants also changed from a wave to a steady stream, and even the ghost-striped soldier ants scattered around began to move towards Suldak. The cavalry team came together.

   The battle became more intense.

  A group of veterans in the Suldak Cavalry Battalion dismounted one after another, holding tower shields, forming a shield wall around the team, and slowly moving forward...

  The speed of the team became slower and slower. The cavalry led by Andrew charged and killed the ant colony, and couldn't pick up the speed for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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