Lord Highlander

Chapter 842: 831. The Beautiful Golden Spoon

  Chapter 842 831. Beautiful golden spoon

   The ghost-striped male ant, which has been completely dominated by male hormones, chased the queen all the way in the Duodan Canyon, and naturally died all the way.

   They dragged their bulky bodies and desperately chased the queen ants who kept sending them distress signals.

The two thunder rhinoceros shot wantonly behind these ghost-striped males. After the ghost-striped males who were seriously injured by the giant crossbow bolts fell behind, the cavalry behind caught up and took advantage of their bulky bodies, which made it difficult to turn around. The knight's spear continued to poke their ass.

  The **** of the ghost-pattern male ant was stabbed by the cavalry, and he would not die completely, and he was still struggling in place.

  At this time, a skilled veteran of the first turn will climb up the backs of these ghost-striped drones, tear off the armor plate on the back of the neck, and kill the ghost-striped drone completely.

  Armor pieces will be made into light shields by them, and they seem to regard hunting ghost-striped drones as an honor.

   Not only many veterans of the cavalry battalion are eager to do this, but many cavalry who have not completed a turn also want to try to do it.

  It seems that such a thick armor shield is the proof of the courage of the cavalry.

   Throughout the night, the cavalry battalion basically chased after a large group of ghost-striped male ants and picked up the corpses along the way.

When the ghost-striped drones were completely dead, the cavalry behind tied the legs of the ghost-striped drones with a lasso, and pulled the horses at the same time with dozens of horses, so that they could turn the ghost-striped drones over and let them lie on their sides. In the canyon.

  Only in this way is it convenient for Suldak to check whether the life magic lines on their abdomens are complete.

   There are not many ghost-striped drones that can harvest life magic patterns. After finding them, Suldak will personally decompose the ghost-striped drones.

   Those ghost-striped male ants with incomplete life magic patterns are handled by other skinners in the cavalry battalion.

Several magicians such as Lance used the "twilight lighting technique" on the Thunder Rhino, and five faint light **** floated in the night sky, constantly rotating around the two Thunder Rhinos, making the surroundings of the Thunder Rhino very special. bright.

  By the time Andrew and Gulitum dragged the queen under the north city wall in one breath, the queen was already dying.

   After all, this ant queen is a level 4 monster. Although her body is relatively weak, her own mental power is extremely strong, and she keeps sending out 'spiritual shocks' along the way.

  Even though Andrew and Gullitemu used ropes to trap it, they were still more than 40 meters away from it, but they were still shocked by the 'spiritual shock' so that their nostrils were pierced with blood.

  The other cavalrymen were even more embarrassed. Only five veterans were able to run the whole distance on horseback. When they reached the north wall, they also fell off their horses and lay unconscious on the ground.

  The city guards on the north city wall saw Andrew and Gulitum being chased and killed by more than a dozen ghost-striped male ants, and immediately mobilized their bed crossbows to shoot at these ghost-striped males.

  The remaining ghost pattern male ants were immediately shot down by the bed crossbow on the wall.

  Andrew found that as long as he aroused his 'potential', the queen ant's 'spiritual shock' would not affect him.

Seeing that the last two ghost-striped male ants also fell on the way of pursuit, Andrew got off his horse, took the butcher's ax in his hand, walked up to the dying queen ant, raised the ax and chopped off the queen's head without hesitation. down.

The head of the queen ant fell to the ground, and its body became extremely broken. The entire abdomen was completely worn away during the dragging, leaving only the upper half of the body, and two teams of fragmented insect wings. Fortunately, the most precious The head was not damaged too badly.

  The battle ended, and the cavalry of the cavalry battalion began to quickly clean up the battlefield.

  At dawn, the thunder rhinoceros caravan in Duodan Town set off again, preparing to transport all the ghost-striped male ants back to Duodan Town.

  Suldak will continue to be busy in the cavalry battalion, but the large cavalry unit has already entered the barracks to rest.

   This hunting operation went quite smoothly, and the harvest was quite rich.


   Night engulfed this border town in the northern part of the Bailin Plane.

  The town is located between the Dodan Canyon, and the night here always comes a little earlier than other towns.

  Chester Great Swordsman experienced the whole process of this cavalry battalion hunt from beginning to end.

   At first, I thought that the reason why Suldak was able to hunt so many ghost pattern soldier ants was mainly because he had three men with outstanding abilities.

Thinking that I also took the position of the deputy commander of the Luthor Legion by virtue of my status as a second-rank powerhouse, then the three newly promoted second-rank powerhouses under Suldak can push him to that position. In the days to come, Suldak's methods of winning over them.

  The Great Swordsman Chester knew that the trust established between them was the siege of Wojmara City.

  This is simply incomparable!

  Who made Suldak a Holy Light Knight who broke away from the belief of the Statue of Liberty.

  Now he is more concerned about the Gu Bolai war horse in the cavalry battalion and the two thunder rhinoceros covered in heavy armor.

Judging from his knowledge of the ancient Bolai horse, this kind of war horse can only be equipped with ordinary cavalry and light cavalry. The ancient Bolai horse has excellent endurance, but its physical strength and explosive power are its biggest shortcomings. Can't afford heavy cavalry, and doesn't have the explosive power to charge frequently on the battlefield.

  But the ancient Bolai horses in the Suldak Cavalry Battalion are very different. They have very good physical strength. Not only can they be used as mounts for heavy cavalry, but their explosive power is almost comparable to that of black-scaled horses.

  When he was in Prantos Town before, he could see the extraordinaryness of these two Thunder Rhinoceros.

   Now he found that in the empty field outside the barracks, a caravan of Thunder Rhino was parked there, and there were more than a dozen Thunder Rhinos inside with a solid layer of thick armor growing on them.

  Originally, Thunder Rhino could only be used as a large-scale material transport unit, which could transport materials to frontline positions regardless of complex terrain.

  Now these thunder rhinoceros with solid armor all over their bodies look more like behemoths attacking the city, with bed crossbows on their backs, which have greatly deterred these ghost-patterned red ants.

  The Great Swordsman Chester immediately went to the Thunder Rhino caravan to investigate, and learned from the caravan steward that these Thunder Rhinos were all transformed by a great alchemist known to Baron Suldak.

  Someone in the caravan has seen the great alchemist, she is wearing a black magic robe, even her face is made of mithril metal...

  These remodeled Thunder Rhinos will remain in the caravan, and the unreformed Thunder Rhinos are waiting here to accept the great alchemist's further transformation.

  As for the content of the transaction between Malakom, the owner of the trade group, and Suldak, the stewards of the caravan only knew about the bulk of hard armor and the purchase of magic-weave constructions and magic weapons. Other conditions were not very clear.

The Great Swordsman Chester clearly remembered that when Suldak first came to the Bailin plane, his cavalry and horses were not even considered a new army in the eyes of the Great Swordsman Chester, they were almost an army. A motley crew of old, young, sick, and disabled.

But after just two months in Dodan Town, this miscellaneous cavalry has grown up. Not only has it become a powerful cavalry battalion, but it also has some background in building a knight order, and has begun to get in touch with magic. The weapon and the magic pattern are constructed.

  This growth rate is also amazing in the eyes of the great swordsman Chester.

  However, he also knows very clearly that these remodeled Thunder Rhinoceros are of great strategic value, and can almost become the logistical support for the most complicated battlefields.

  It is impossible for such a powerful logistics transport team to let them stay in the caravan, and the ownership is in the hands of a merchant.

  This matter should not only be reported to the military headquarters in Wilkes City, but also be written to the Marquis Luther. It would be great if it could be incorporated into the logistics department of the Luther Army.

  Thinking of this, he decided to return to his residence immediately and write a letter to Marquis Luther to report the matter...


   Some people are born with nothing, but some people are born with a golden spoon in their mouths. Hathaway Luthor is such a woman.

   Lily Cecil lay in the bathtub, sat up, scooped up a spoonful of ice water and poured it over her head.

  The water splashed on the top of the head, and flowed down the cheeks to the chest.

  Under the sudden cold, Lily shivered in the bathtub, took two deep breaths, the alcohol disappeared, and her mind became clearer.

   This cold shower made her skin firmer.

  As a mother of two children, she needs to master some means of retaining her youth.

There is also a small bottle of magic potion on the table next to it, which is only the size of a fingernail. In the auction house in Wilkes City, the starting price dared to ask for five magic crystals. This small bottle cost seven A magic spar.

   This bottle of magic potion can repair any blemishes on the skin and make the skin whiter and more delicate.

The only side effect is that after applying it, the skin all over the body will turn blue within two hours, and bright spots will appear, which will disappear after a night's sleep. Therefore, this bottle of magic potion also has a very unique name: 'Starry Sky Ink' '.

   It is said to be a magic dye prepared from magic herbs. Many inscribers like to use this ink to draw magic pattern structures. At the same time, it is also an efficient skin care product in the eyes of many wealthy ladies.

   This bottle of magic potion is very precious, so Lily Cecil will be very careful every time she uses it.

  She put down the spoon in her hand.

  Close your eyes, and the scenes you saw during the day are still emerging in front of your eyes.

   Those exciting scenes can usually only be narrated from someone else’s mouth at an afternoon tea party, and then all the women marveled in unison. The heroic knight is always the favorite of the ladies.

   Lily has always been very envious of Hathaway, even a little jealous.

When I was in school, I envied her beauty. In fact, Lily is also very beautiful. I usually pay more attention to delicate light makeup, but when the two stand together, the person who receives the pursuit and praise is always a beautiful woman with green eyes and golden curly hair. — Hathaway Luthor.

  The two had known each other before, and even became close friends at the Swordsman Academy.

  After a series of contact and understanding, Lily envied Hathaway for having a Marquis father.

   There are thousands of noble lords in the province of Bena.

  Although each province has only one duke, there are many marquises.

   Almost all those who can become marquises are the lords of a city. Even if they don't control a city, they will all have a large territory on the territory of the plane.

   Lily's father, Marquis Cecil, was also a great noble lord.

   But his reputation is not as good as that of Marquis Luther.

The Marquis of Luther is very famous in the Province of Bena, because his Luther Army is a powerful army with many achievements. trust.

  Of course Lily is not envious of the wealth and glory of Marquis Luther.

  The Cecil family also owns a large area of ​​land, and has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and there are countless honors in the family history.

   What she envied was Marquis Luther's doting on Hathaway.

  Marquis Luther does not only have such a daughter, but Hathaway is the only daughter of his own, but it always makes people think that he only has such a daughter as Hathaway. It can be said that Hathaway is almost a collection of thousands of pets.

   Lily slept with Baron Sidney, probably to satisfy her slightly jealous heart.


   Originally, she couldn't wait to come to Dodan Town with Hathaway, just to see how wonderful the scene would be when Baron Sidney saw herself and Hathaway appearing in front of him at the same time.

  I also imagined that Hathaway would fall asleep in the next room, but Baron Sidney would touch her bed at night, just thinking about it would make her feel a fire in her heart.

   Unexpectedly, Sidney died on the battlefield.

  When she heard the news, she didn't know whether she was more sad and disappointed, or secretly more grateful.

   Later, I heard that there was a baron who took over immediately. Lily felt that the baron was either too old or incompetent, and wanted to climb up to the giant tree of the Luthor family.

   Came to Dodan Town, and after seeing Baron Suldak, she became even more envious.

   I didn't expect Hathaway's second fiancé to be so outstanding.

  He was so strong that even when he was walking, every step he took, his muscles would move extremely rhythmically.

  She felt that the owner with such a strong body would definitely make people scream loudly when they were sweating profusely.

  It's a pity that no matter how hard I try, I can't become a delicious dish on the plate.

   But I saw a hunt with my own eyes, which could hardly be called a war, because for the ant colony, it was simply a one-sided massacre.

  Although she was somewhat confused, why the victory in this battle could come so easily.

But she knew very well that now that plane wars are breaking out frequently, Baron Suldak leads such a cavalry battalion, and has the protection of Marquis Luther. It is definitely easier than other nobles to quickly accumulate military achievements and be promoted to the title much.

  She stood up abruptly from the bathtub, startled the maid who was dozing off, and hurriedly took out a bath towel to wrap her around it.

  But Lili walked out of the bathtub directly, standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom dripping with water, looking at the slight stretch marks on her lower abdomen, and wrinkled her delicate golden eyebrows.

  After all, she is a mother with two children, and the traces of the years will naturally be recorded on her belly.

  She turned her head and asked the personal maid: "Do you think... am I still beautiful?"

  The maid covered her mouth with a smile and replied, "Of course, madam, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

  Lily sighed slightly, wrapped her body in a bath towel, and stopped talking...

  Her maid did not understand at all that the most hurtful words are never insults and accusations, but the most perfunctory compliments.


  The terrace of the small building.

  Hathaway and Beatrice squeezed side by side on a wicker chair, the two of them almost occupied the wicker chair, and they were chatting in whispers.

  Suldak was sitting on a chair beside him, and there were three glasses of ale covered with foam on the small table, although the summer heat was not so severe this season.

  And after the sun sets, there is a cool breeze.

  The maid is still standing on one side, holding the fan in her hand to fan the two ladies.

  Suldak picked up a cat's claw fruit, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully, the fragrance was slightly bitter.

  Suldak prefers ale to golden cider.

   And when he drinks, he also likes to eat some nuts.

  The town hall is next door to this courtyard. Through the big tree on the courtyard wall, you can see the lights from the buildings over there.

   Outside the gate is the center of Dodan Town. Unexpectedly, the night in the town is also very lively. Some people gather in the tavern, and there are people coming and going on the street.

  Beast tide is not over yet, many outsiders, merchants, mercenaries, adventurers, attendants, coachmen, etc. have already gathered here. The reason is that it is easier to make money here than elsewhere.

   Of course, the bigger reason is that it is very safe here.

  The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is that the tax officer here is simply a mad dog.

  Even if there is even a little bit of commercial behavior, he will smell it. Once he finds that he has not filed taxes, he will be warned for the first time, fined for the second time, and all goods will be confiscated for the third time, and he will be driven out of Dodan Town.

   Almost no one is willing to take the risk of confiscating all the goods and evading taxes.

  Everyone pays taxes, and those businessmen who have paid taxes before feel more balanced at this time.

   "How long can you stay here?" Suldak asked Hathaway after taking a sip of ale.

"Why, do you feel bored after seeing us just now?" The round-faced Beatrice put her arms around Hathaway's slender waist, and said to Suldak with a sweet smile on the recliner: "We won't bother you, as long as you are free, just come and accompany us more."

  Hathaway squinted a pair of emerald-like cat eyes, and looked lazy like a Persian cat. Although she didn't stare at Suldak, her ears were listening to what Suldak said.

Suldak leaned over, patted Beatrice's round face, and explained to them: "Of course I hope you can live here forever, I asked how long you can live, and I hope you can live for a long time A little, here can help me..."

  Beatrice regained her spirits immediately, stretched out her arms to hook Suldak's neck, and asked in a weary voice:

"If you need our help, please tell us quickly. Hathaway and I are just discussing about hunting ghost-striped red ants with you tomorrow. Our swordsmanship is not bad, so don't hide in the wooden house. We You can also kill one or two soldier ants."

  Suldak was still a little embarrassed about this scene, so he quickly put Beatrice down and said:

"There are so many caravans in Dodan Town, I hope they are under the management of the town in an orderly manner, all business groups must be registered in the town, and all transactions must be completed under the supervision of tax officials , the town’s tax officials obviously don’t have much experience in these matters, and you two work in the Foreign Affairs Bureau of Bena City, so you should know something about it, right?”

   Beatrice frowned and complained in distress:

   "Hey, you really know how to find someone!"

   Instead, Hathaway sat up from the recliner and asked with some concern:

   "Dark, aren't you the military officer here? The mayor of the town is the administrative officer. If you intervene in the town's taxation, won't you annoy the other party?"

  Suldak smiled awkwardly and said: "Ha, there is no mayor in Dodan Town for the time being. The original mayor Marko has been sent to a military court for misappropriating military supplies without authorization."

   added another sentence: "There is only one acting mayor in Dodan Town. She was originally Mayor Marko's secretary, and she is quite familiar with some affairs of the town."

  Hathaway's eyes lit up slightly, and she asked, "Ah! Is that so... How can we help you?"

Suldak said: "When the beast tide is over, I want to lead the cavalry battalion to continue to expand northward. I want to expand the entire Invercargill Forest into the territory of the northern region. Naturally, there will be more small towns here. The most urgent thing is to have a sound financial supervision system, so that the town of Duodan can grow rapidly."

  Hathaway glanced at Beatrice, who repeatedly shook her head to hint that she should not waste her good vacation on work.

Hathaway smiled slightly and said: "We understand a little bit about this, but we only took a one-month long vacation, and half a month will be wasted on the road, so we can stay in Dodan Town for at most two weeks , I'm afraid I won't be able to help you..."

  Hathaway and Beatrice have worked in the Foreign Affairs Bureau of Bena Province for half a year, and they are also very familiar with some business activities.

  Suldak just wanted them to help the Bharat tax officer, at least not to let the tax officer in the small town have a negative image in the eyes of the businessman.

Both of them were born in aristocratic families in the city of Bena, and the family has similar affairs in management, so these matters are not too unfamiliar to Hathaway or Beatrice, after all, they are both considered A noble lady who was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, in comparison, Beatrice's spoon may not contain enough gold.

   It's just that they hope to spend more time with Suldak when they have time.

  Hathaway took this matter into her hands, and Beatrice could only complain in a low voice with a helpless face...

   2 in 1



  (end of this chapter)

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